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Sweden’s new migration minister says country must be attractive to foreign talent

Sweden's new migration minister Johan Forssell said on Tuesday it was "essential" for Swedish companies and Swedish competitiveness that the country is "attractive to talent, researchers, investors and people working in key professions".

Sweden's new migration minister says country must be attractive to foreign talent
Sweden's new migration minister, Johan Forssell. Photo: Jessica Gow/TT

Forssell, who until now had been the minister for foreign trade and international development, took over from Maria Malmer Stenergard as migration minister on Tuesday.

Malmer Stenergard has in turn taken over from foreign minister Tobias Billström, who announced his decision to step down earlier this week.

“After two years as foreign trade minister, I’m also bringing with me perspective when it comes to highly-qualified labour migration,” Forssell told a press conference after the announcement.

“We should be very proud of our world-leading Swedish companies, and it’s essential for both us and our country’s competitiveness that we are attractive to talent, researchers, investors and people working in professions experiencing a shortage of labour.”


“That’s something I look forward to developing further,” Forssell added.

“[Migration] is a very important area, it’s important for Sweden and voters repeatedly rank it top of their political agenda,” Forssell said. “Our role is to make sure that the next generation in this country has a better life than the previous generation, and in order to do that we need to sort out migration and succeed with integration.”

“There are a lot of things that need to be done here. School policy, getting more people into work, and so on,” he added. “But one thing which cannot be avoided is that asylum-related immigration needs to be at a very low level, for a very long period into the future.”

READ MORE: Swedish work permits granted to top international talent drop 20 percent

“It’s important that we hold on to the changes that Maria, and others, have made in this area, and never again return to the previous migration policy.”

Forssell was chief of staff or stabschef for Sweden’s former PM Fredrik Reinfeldt between 2006 and 2010 and was seen as having a bright future in politics.

He was the Moderate’s justice spokesperson in the run-up to the 2022 election. So when he was appointed to the fairly junior role of minister for foreign trade and international development rather than, say, justice minister, when the new government was appointed in October that year, it was seen as a snub.

A promotion to migration minister in this government is definitely a step up.

“As everyone knows, this is one of this government’s most central areas of domestic policy,” Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson said. “Johan has twelve years of experience in parliament, and has among other things been chair of the justice committee, which works with those exact issues.”

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Sweden Democrat justice committee chair steps down over hate crime suspicion

The Sweden Democrat head of parliament’s justice policy committee, Richard Jomshof, has stepped down pending an investigation into hate crimes.

Sweden Democrat justice committee chair steps down over hate crime suspicion

Jomshof told news site Kvartal’s podcast that he had been called to questioning on Tuesday next week, where he’s been told he is to be formally informed he is suspected of agitation against an ethnic or national group (hets mot folkggrupp), a hate crime.

Prosecutor Joakim Zander confirmed the news, but declined to comment further.

“I can confirm what Jomshof said. He is to be heard as suspected on reasonable grounds of agitation against an ethnic or national group,” he told the TT newswire.

“Suspected on reasonable grounds” (skäligen misstänkt) is Sweden’s lower degree of suspicion, compared to the stronger “probable cause” (på sannolika skäl misstänkt).

The investigation relates to posts by other accounts which Jomshof republished on the X platform on May 28th.

One depicts a Muslim refugee family who is welcomed in a house which symbolises Europe, only to set the house on fire and exclaim “Islam first”. The other shows a Pakistani refugee who shouts for help and is rescued by a boat which symbolises England. He then attacks the family who helped him with a bat labelled “rape jihad”, according to TT.

Jomshof has stepped down from his position as chair of the justice committee while he’s under investigation.

“I don’t want this to be about my chairmanship of the committee, I don’t want the parties we collaborate with to get these questions again about whether or not they have confidence in me, but I want this to be about the issue at hand,” he said.

“The issue is Islamism, if you may criticise it or not, and that’s about free speech.”

It’s not the first time Jomshof has come under fire for his comments on Islam.

Last year, he called the Prophet Mohammed a “warlord, mass murderer, slave trader and bandit” in another post on X, sparking calls from the opposition for his resignation.

The Social Democrats on Friday urged Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson, whose Moderate-led government relies on the Sweden Democrats’ support, not to let Jomshof return to the post as chair of the justice committee.

“The prime minister is to be the prime minister for the people as a whole,” said Ardalan Shekarabi, the Social Democrat deputy chairman of the justice committee, adding that it was “sad” that Jomshof had ever been elected chairman in the first place.

“When his party supports a person with clear extremist opinions, on this post, there’s no doubt that the cohesion of our society is damaged and that the government parties don’t stand up against hate and agitation,” TT quoted Shekarabi as saying.

Liberal party secretary Jakob Olofsgård, whose party is a member of the government but is seen as the coalition party that’s the furthest from the Sweden Democrats, wrote in a comment to TT: “I can say that I think it is reasonable that Richard Jomshof chooses to quit as chairman of the justice committee pending this process.”