Migrant influx fuels debate in Spain over illegal migration

A steep rise in the number of arrivals of migrants in Spain's Canary Islands from Africa has fuelled a fierce debate in the country over how to tackle illegal immigration.

Migrant influx fuels debate in Spain over illegal migration
A 'cayuco' boat carrying African migrant people, part of a group of 386 migrants onboard of two boats, arrives at La Restinga port on the Canary island of El Hierro. Photo: Antonio Sempere/AFP.

The issue was thrust into the spotlight during a three-day visit by Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez to West Africa which wrapped up Thursday.

The trip was aimed at curbing the record number of unauthorised migrants arriving in the Atlantic archipelago in search of a better life in Europe.

“Spain is committed to safe, orderly and regular migration,” the Socialist premier said soon after he arrived Tuesday in Nouakchott, the capital of Mauritania, in the first stop of his tour which also included Gambia and Senegal.

He called for “circular migration” schemes which allow people to enter Spain legally to work for a limited time in sectors like agriculture, which face labour shortages during harvest time, before returning home.

READ ALSO: Mauritania and Spain pledge cooperation on migration

“Immigration is not a problem, it is a necessity that comes with certain problems,” Sánchez said.

His comments were immediately blasted by Spain’s main opposition Popular Party (PP), which said the statements would encourage more migrants to try to enter the country illegally at a time when the Canary Islands is struggling to cope with an influx of migrants.

Nearly every day, Spain’s coastguard rescues a boat carrying dozens of African migrants towards the seven-island archipelago located off the northwest coast of Africa.

Over 22,000 migrants have landed in the Canary Islands so far this year, compared to just under 10,000 during the same time last year.

The archipelago received a record 39,910 migrants in 2023, a figure it is on track to surpass this year.


“It is irresponsible to encourage a pull effect in the worst irregular migration crisis,” PP leader Alberto Núñez Feijóo​ said, accusing Sánchez of going to Africa to “promote Spain as a destination” for migrants.

This is “the opposite” of what other nations in the European Union are doing, he added.

During the final leg of Sánchez’s tour in Dakar, the capital of Senegal, he appeared to take a harder tone by stressing that human trafficking rings that organise boat crossings to Spain sometimes have links to terrorist networks or drug smuggling gangs.

He said security was a “top priority” and said it is “essential to return those who have come to Spain illegally”.

Deportations, however, require the agreement of the country of origin of a migrant, which is not easy to get.


Cristina Monge, a political scientist at the University of Zaragoza, said Sánchez had tried to strike a balance in his comments on the issue in Africa but his message was “a bit contradictory”.

His first speech in Mauritania came “from a European, human rights perspective” but when he talked about the need for deportations the support “he gains on the right, he loses on the left,” she told AFP.

While the PP welcomed Sánchez’s sudden emphasis on security, hard-left party Sumar — the junior coalition partners in his minority government — immediately opposed it.

“Following the same migration recipes called for by the right is a failure and a mistake,” Labour Minister Yolanda Díaz, who founded Sumar, wrote on X.

With the number of crossing attempts expected to increase further in the coming weeks as Atlantic waters become calmer, the controversy is expected to intensify, especially since the PP has hardened its position on the issue in recent years in response to the rise of far-right party Vox which is hostile to immigration.

The Spanish government estimates there are some 200,000 people in Mauritania waiting to go to the Canaries. The bulk of them are from Mali where a military regime is battling an Islamist insurgency.

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Spain’s PM to visit China amid EU trade standoff

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez will visit China in September, his office said Friday, as Beijing and the European Union are locked in a trade standoff over Chinese subsidies for electric vehicles.

Spain's PM to visit China amid EU trade standoff

Sánchez’s office did not provide details for the visit, which will run between September 7th and 12th, but he is expected to meet Chinese President Xi Jinping and other officials during his trip.

The Spanish premier met with Xi during his last visit to China in March 2023, and took part in the Boao Forum for Asia — similar to the World Economic Forum held in Davos — in China’s Hainan province.

That visit came as Xi was trying to galvanise support for China’s peace proposal for Ukraine, and Spain — the eurozone’s fourth largest economy — was preparing to hold the rotating presidency of the European Union during the second half of 2023.

Sánchez’s upcoming visit to China comes after the European Commission, which oversees the bloc’s trade policy, announced last week that it planned to impose five-year import duties of up to 36 percent on electric vehicles imported from China.

The duties are to counter what it says are unfair subsidies.

Beijing responded by launching a probe into EU subsidies of some dairy products imported into China.

That investigation will cover a range of items including fresh cheese and curd, some milk and cream.