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Will Italy follow Spain in cancelling its ‘golden’ visa?

Italy is one of a handful of EU countries still offering a 'golden' or investor visa option to wealthy would-be residents. As Spain moves to stop issuing these visas, how likely is the Italian government to follow suit?

Will Italy follow Spain in cancelling its 'golden' visa?
Parts of Italy are known as summer playgrounds for the world's super-rich - but how many actually pay for an Italian 'golden' visa? Photo by Peter Thomas on Unsplash

‘Golden passport’ schemes have become an increasingly controversial topic across Europe amid concerns that they’re fuelling inequality and offering some criminals a gateway to life in the European Union.

Following a push from the European Commission, several countries have now limited or pledged to scrap these visa schemes; most recently Spain, which said this week it plans to eliminate all types of golden visas.

Spain’s culture minister recently described the existence of golden visas as a “European disgrace… which creates first and second-class citizens.”

Italy however continues to offer its ‘investor visa’ allowing non-EU nationals to move to the country, in exchange for paying anything from €250,000 to invest in an Italian start-up to €2 million in government bonds, under four different investment options.

Although some immigration experts argue that the Italian investor visa is not technically the same thing as ‘golden visa’ schemes elsewhere in Europe, it’s commonly known as the visto d’oro regardless.

It does allow successful applicants to become residents – although this is entirely optional – and then to apply for citizenship via naturalisation after ten years. It also allows freedom of movement around the Schengen zone, which is another major draw for applicants.

READ ALSO: Interest in Italy’s investor visa is growing – but who can actually get it?

With growing interest in moving to Italy from outside the EU, the number of would-be residents looking into this option after struggling to meet strict criteria for other visa types is also thought to be on the rise.

But, as neighbouring countries retract similar offers amid a Europe-wide trend towards tightening immigration rules, could the Italian investor visa’s days now be numbered, too?

Housing crisis

Spain’s initial reasoning for scrapping golden visas was the impact they’re having on the property market, in the wake of protests over a widespread lack of affordable housing.

Many believe the issue is partly linked to an ever-rising number of foreigners buying property in Spain, who are willing to spend more and more on a Spanish home, although the proliferation of short-term holiday lets in residential buildings is shouldering most of the blame.

According to the Spanish government, 94 in every 100 golden visas issued were linked to homes bought in cities such as Barcelona or ​​Madrid, where property prices and rents have risen exponentially.

EXPLAINED: How Spain has found a way to officially axe its golden visa

But there’s no parallel in Italy, where the investor visa does not offer an option to apply based on a property purchase.

While Italy’s cities are also seeing a rise in rents and property prices, leading to a shortage of affordable housing in many areas, there’s no clear link here to visas or international buyers.

Plus, there’s very little political interest in this issue in Italy: there’s been no discussion so far at the national level of limiting or further regulating tourist rentals to free up housing for local residents – much less limiting investment.

Easy route?

As well as the property option, Spain’s golden visa is – for now – also open to those who invest €1 million in shares in Spanish companies, or €2 million in government bonds, or transfer €1 million to a Spanish bank account.

These options have led to Spain’s golden visa becoming known as one of the easiest ways of gaining Spanish residency as a third-country national – at least for those wealthy enough.

Since Spain’s golden visas were made available in 2013, some 15,450 have been granted – and that’s not including authorisations for family members of golden visa holders who have also gained Spanish residency through the scheme. 

But again, the situation in Italy is very different: the number of investor visa applications here is miniscule by comparison.

Since 2018, when Italy’s investor visa was introduced, only a few dozen have been approved each year. The number has steadily increased, but according to the latest available data in 2021 the total number of applications was just 64.

The largest number were from American and Russian citizens (14 of each), and Italy has since stopped issuing the investor visa to Russian nationals following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

There is also no data available on how many of these applications were successful.

Visa consultants and previous applicants say the process of obtaining an investor visa is opaque, complex, and involves a thorough investigative process, and warn that there’s a high risk of being turned down.

At the moment, there’s no discussion of scrapping Italy’s investor visa – the low number of applicants and limited investment options seems to mean it simply isn’t viewed as a problem.

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Interest in Italy’s investor visa is growing – but who can actually get it?

You may have heard that Italy is one of a few EU countries still offering a 'golden' or investor visa. But there are very few successful applicants, as Italy-based American writer Mark Hinshaw explains.

Interest in Italy's investor visa is growing - but who can actually get it?

Those of us who live in Italy full-time and participate in online groups for expats have noticed a distinct increase in the number of posts by Americans asking about ways to move to Italy. One could speculate on the reasons, in both ‘push’ and ‘pull’ categories, but it’s clear there is a significant rise.

Of course, Covid put a damper on many people’s plans and perhaps this renewed desire is simply a pent-up demand that has finally been released.

The real turning point is when people learn what is involved. Seemingly, some posts suggest that there are those who think it’s like moving from Kansas to Maryland. That is, you just pack up and move when you want. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Rather, it requires researching options, following directions, financial planning, doing scouting trips, and – for those without the ability to claim citizenship – the ability to qualify for one of a limited number of visa types.

One that has caught the attention of many people is the investor visa. This visa was adopted in 2017 but has taken years to be seen as a real option.

Samantha Wilson, head of the Florence-based consultancy Smart Move Italy, tells me she has noted a recent, distinct uptick in interest in this visa path. However, its implementation has not come without some hiccups.

The investor visa offers a host of rights and privileges immediately available upon payment of a substantial amount of money.

READ ALSO: ‘Arduous process’: What to expect when applying for Italian permanent residency

There are four choices of who and what to pay, ranging from 250,000 euros to an “innovative” Italian start-up company to a two-million-euro check for government bonds. It’s essentially a ‘pay to play’ scheme. Indeed, one doesn’t even have to live in Italy to get one. It’s all about the money.

For several years, the European Commission has been warning about the dangers of letting people into the union who are escaping legal problems or just wanting entry to EU markets.

Recently, Portugal tightened up its investor visa program and both the Netherlands and Ireland eliminated theirs.

In the meantime, Italy continues to offer its investor visa.

In July 2023, Italy suspended investor visas for Russian citizens, almost a year and a half after the EU recommended member states do so. The year before, Italy had issued at least 32 Russian citizens with two-year investor visas, out of 36 applications, according to reports in Italian magazine Altreconomia, based on data from Italy’s Ministry for Economic Development (MISE).

The EU forced Italy to revoke those visas, given that they violated the EU sanctions against Russia. It’s not clear what happened to the money those Russians handed over, or if they were deported for no longer having a valid visa.

Securing an investor visa is not a DIY endeavor. The people who have received them have often used consulting firms who specialize in this form of visa. Applications are carefully scrutinized for questionable financial reporting, relationships, and documentation. Rejections are not uncommon. Clearly, it’s not an easy path.

This is also represented by the numbers. Since 2018, when the visa was first made available, only several dozen people, mainly from the UK and the USA, have received them, with a couple of dozen others scattered among other countries.

The numbers have gone up each year, but the most recent available data from MISE shows the total in 2022 (minus those pesky Russians) was less than 50.

Only a few people have been willing to talk about their experiences, and some consulting firms don’t want to reveal their proprietary methods, which may involve having connections with the ‘right’ officials. Actual information from successful applicants is hard to come by, especially with such a small number of recipients.

I spoke to consultant Patrizia di Gregorio, who operates Expats Living in Rome with a group on Facebook by the same name.

“I’ve worked in an Italian consulate and know what goes on behind the scenes,” she says. “In 23 years of working with different consulates and other agencies, I have seen so many inconsistencies between both consulates and comunes.”

READ ALSO: From visas to language: What Americans can expect when retiring in Italy

Barbara De Benedittis, of BDB Relocation and Legal, reports that foreign banks are often the sticking point in providing letters attesting to the funds available for the transaction.

Some, particularly American banks, are apparently reticent, due to stiff EU anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism regulations.

“Some have refused to issue the required letters,” Barbara says. “Perhaps banks fear serious regulatory consequences if something illegal is discovered later in the transaction.“

One couple I spoke with, who preferred to remain anonymous, said they paid their consultant more than 10,000 euros for their expertise and assistance. But if one has hundreds of thousands to spend, such a fee would hardly seem exorbitant.

Another couple said that once they wrote a check for their investment, the visa was issued within days. Yet another couple lauded their consultant for helping them work through the uncertain and complex system.

According to one firm, Italy employs a thorough investigative process to ensure that risks are minimised by all parties. Provided the original investment is maintained, an investor visa can also be renewed.

On the surface, the benefits of an investor visa are appealing. Successful applicants are granted legal residency immediately. In five years, they become eligible for permanent residency. At the ten-year point, they become eligible for citizenship. They have access to medical care.

All that sounds good, until you realize that most of these rights are little more than what is available with other visas.

Find out more about visa options when planning a move from the US to Italy in the The Local’s Italian visa section.

Mark Hinshaw is a retired city planner from the US who lives in Le Marche, Italy, with his wife. He has contributed articles to numerous professional books, journals, and online magazines. His book Navigating Paradise was recently published by Zefiro Edizioni in Italy.