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Everything that changes in Switzerland in August 2024

From Swiss national day celebrations to train disruptions — this is what you can expect in Switzerland in August 2024.

Everything that changes in Switzerland in August 2024
Fireworks in Geneva mark Swiss national day. Photo by NON on Unsplash

August 1st: Swiss National Day 

As every year, the Swiss will celebrate their National Day on August 1st, marking 733 years since Switzerland as we know it was created. 

The date marks an important and defining moment in Switzerland’s history: August 1st 1291, when cantons of Uri, Schwyz and Nidwalden pledged autonomy from foreign powers — the promise that has been holding true, and celebrated, ever since.

During the official ceremony, the current Swiss president (this year it is Viola Amherd), addresses the nation and the Swiss national anthem is sung.

Elsewhere in the country, including in your local community, there are bonfires and fireworks. In some places, children parade through the streets with lanterns bearing the Swiss cross and their canton’s flag. There are parades with people in traditional costumes and with yodelling choirs, alphorns and flag-throwers.

READ ALSO: Why does Switzerland celebrate it’s national day on August 1st?

Nighttime fireworks displays are also part of the festivities, but be careful what you buy.

Federal Police Office (Fedpol) has published a reminder of rules relating to ordering or bringing fireworks from abroad. 

Authorisations are usually required, but it is still possible to import pyrotechnic devices without a special permission, as long as their total gross weight doesn’t exceed 2.5 kg per person, and “provided that these devices are not already prohibited in Switzerland,” according to Fedpol.

It recalls that the Federal Office of Customs and Border Security confiscates illegal items that don’t have an import authorisation.

August 1st: Switzerland contributes 300 million francs to protect Schengen borders

The aim of this move is “to improve the protection of the external borders of the Schengen area and, therefore, to increase the effectiveness of border controls and prevent illegal immigration,” the Federal Council said.

Although Switzerland is not a member of the European Union, it does belong to the Schengen zone, and considers the 300-million-franc contribution justified.

“Effective and integrated management of the external borders of the Schengen area is also in Switzerland’s interest,” the Federal Council pointed out.

READ ALSO: Why is Switzerland spending 300 million francs to protect Schengen borders? 

Various train routes will be disrupted throughout the month

Train travel to, from, and within Switzerland will be chaotic and not very reliable in August.

Maintenance and repair works on tracks and other railway infrastructure, both in Switzerland and abroad, means that a number of trains will be delayed or cancelled altogether, with alternative routes and / or replacement buses put into service.

Lines between Zurich and Stuttgart, as well as between Domodossola and Milan, will be among those affected. Basel-bound traffic from the German city of Karlsruhe will also face disruptions.

These articles provide more details about these disturbances:

READ ALSO: How your train travel in Switzerland will be disrupted in August 

Summer holidays are over, it’s ‘back to school’ time

Depending on the canton of residence and school district, public schools are resuming between August 9th and August 25th. 

The next break kids in Switzerland will get will be a two-week autumn vacation in October.

In the meantime, however, as holidaymakers return  home throughout August, traffic will be more chaotic, possibly causing delays and other disruptions.

If you are driving, be ready for long queues at entrances to frequently used transit points and tunnels, such as the Gotthard, where lines may exceed 10 km.

The Federal Roads Office as well as motoring organisation TCS  advise motorists to avoid certain motorways during heavy-travel periods.

These are usually the most congested roads in Switzerland:

  • The A3/A1 Basel-Zurich axis
  • The A3/A13 Zurich-Chur-San Bernardino-Bellinzona-Chiasso axis, particularly near Chur and the San Bernardino tunnel
  • The A9 Lausanne-Montreux-Martigny-Brigue mainly near Lausanne and Montreux
  • The Martigny – Grand-St-Bernard tunnel axis
  • Bern and surroundings (A1/A12/A6 interchange)

You can avoid these bottlenecked routes by taking alternative roads, which may require a detour and are longer in terms on kilometres, but they are likely to get you to your destinations quicker.

And also…you can take advantage of various cultural and other events that will be held in Switzerland throughout the month of August:

READ ALSO: Seven unmissable events in Switzerland this August 

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Everything that changes in Switzerland in July 2024

From price hikes to disrupted train travel, this is what you can expect in Switzerland in July 2024.

Everything that changes in Switzerland in July 2024

July is a traditional holiday month in Switzerland and much of the country comes to a standstill (the same way as Italy and France do in August).

The government is also on a break, so political life slows down as well.

Additionally, a number of offices work on a reduced schedule, so it may seem that nothing at all happens in the country this month, but in fact quite a few changes, and other events, are underway:

July 1st: Legal definition of ‘rape’ is changed

The new criminal law on sexual matters, to go into force on July 1st, will introduce a new definition of sexual violence: ‘No is no.’

This is a reform of a longstanding legislation, which has a much narrower definition of what constitutes rape.

For instance, current law requires that penetration takes place and that victim shows resistance for the act to qualify as sexual violence.

Under the new rule, however, participants need to agree in words or clearly demonstrate they want to engage in sexual activity.

If this condition is not fulfilled, the act will be considered as taking place against the person’s wishes, and thus be a criminal offence.

Also, to be considered as sexual assault, the actual penetration no longer needs to occur.

July 1st: Price of Swiss milk to go up

You will have to pay 3 cents more for a litre of milk — an increase which is meant to bring some financial relief to Swiss dairy farmers.

But only the milk intended for drinking will become more expensive; the product which is used for cheese production will not be impacted by the price hike. 

July 1st: Cost of certain medications will increase

Swiss consumers pay significantly more for their medicines than those in neighbouring European countries. 

From July 1st,  inexpensive medicines whose factory price is less than, or equal to, 15 francs, will become more expensive. 

This change will affect more than half of medications currently being sold in Switzerland.

As a result of this move, “additional costs of several hundred million will be passed on to patients,” according to Intergenrika, which represents generic drug manufacturers in Switzerland. 

In a nutshell, consumers will pay slightly lower prices for medicines that were previously more expensive, but will also end up paying more  for those that are currently cheaper – like generics.

July 1st: SBB will change public announcements concerning suicides on train tracks

About 112 people throw themselves under moving trains each year in Switzerland.

When that happens, and the train stops midway, the public system announcement over loud speakers in the train and at all stations impacted by the delay, cites “personal accident” as a reason for the disruption.

Everyone knows, however, that this is a code word for suicide, and such announcements upset commuters.

For this reason, Swiss national rail company, SBB,  said that from July 1st, “personal accident” will be replaced by a more neutral “event linked to an external cause” — which will cover all disruptions, and not just suicides. 

July 7th: Assistance system in cars

Some safety-relevant assistants will soon be mandatory in Swiss cars.

In line with the EU, every newly registered vehicle in Switzerland must have certain systems from July 7th, 2024. However, there is no obligation to retrofit older vehicles.

For example, an emergency braking assistant must now be installed. This constantly monitors what is happening in front of the vehicle and automatically initiates emergency braking if an obstacle is detected. This can either avoid a collision altogether or at least reduce its severity.

In the future, cars will also support the person at the wheel when reversing. Warning sounds and/or reversing cameras should make obstacles or people behind the vehicle quickly recognisable.

More price hikes: Swisscom’s new ‘package’ to become more expensive

From July 24th, Switzerland’s largest telecom will abandon its inOne Home package, which includes the telephone, Internet and television.
It will be replaced by a new service called Basic Home. But as it offers a high speed internet of 50 Mbps instead of the current 10 Mbps, the cost of the subscription will be higher as well: it will increase from 50 francs a month right now to 59.90 francs.  

The transition to the new package will be done automatically, so anyone who doesn’t want to pay higher subscription price should notify Swisscom as soon as possible.

July travel news: international trains are likely to be unreliable

If you’re planning to go abroad by train this summer, arm yourself with patience.

The reason is the abundance of construction sites across Europe, which slow down, or disrupt altogether, the train schedule.

In Switzerland, railroad maintenance work is carried out at night in order not to disturb the daytime timetable. Some neighbouring countries, however, “have decided to completely close train lines for the duration of the works”, Swiss media reports.

As a result, train travel to and from Switzerland will be chaotic amid the summer holiday rush.

You can see were in Europe train travel will be disrupted the most:

READ ALSO: Why you should not rely on trains to and from Switzerland this summer 



There are plenty of festivals, concerts and other events taking place all over Switzerland in July.

You can see them here:

READ ALSO: 7 unmissable events in Switzerland this July