Germany considers legalising egg donation

A commission on reproductive rights has said the ban on egg donation should be lifted in Germany, with a draft likely to come before the next election.

Fertility clinic in Mainz
The outside of a fertility clinic in Mainz. Germany is considering legalising egg donation to assist fertility treatment. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Andreas Arnold

Speaking to DPA on Tuesday, Justice Minister Marco Buschmann (FDP) said he believed a proposal for legalising egg donation would enter the Bundestag next year before Germany’s next federal elections in autumn of 2025.

Donated eggs are used in fertility treatments for women who are otherwise unable to conceive.  

Though the coalition agreement between the Social Democrats (SPD), Greens and Free Democrats (FDP) did not commit to lifting the ban on egg donation specifically, the parties did say they planned to consider the issue.

“We are setting up a commission on reproductive self-determination and reproductive medicine, which will examine regulations for abortion outside of the Criminal Code as well as options for legalising egg donation and altruistic surrogacy,” the 2021 agreement stated. 

READ ALSO: Germany debates legalizing egg donations and surrogacy

In April this year, the commission issued its recommendations, stating that there were “no overriding medical or psychological risks that speak against legalisation”.

The expert panel also recommending following the example of other European countries where this type of fertility treatment was legal.

Germany is one of only four countries in central and western Europe where donating eggs is illegal.

“From my personal point of view, there are good reasons to lift the categorical ban on egg donation in Germany,” Buschmann explained.

Abortion debate

Despite the progress in fertility treatments, the FDP politician does not expect a quick agreement on the reform of the abortion paragraph 218 in the penal code, which effectively criminalises abortion. 

“Abortion raises particularly difficult constitutional issues,” Buschmann told DPA, adding that the topic was a divisive one.

“I see much more consensus on egg donation. Authorising egg donation would be compatible with the Basic Law.”

Abortion remains an illegal act in Germany, though it is exempt from punishment if it carried out in the first three months of pregnancy and after counselling.

Justice Minister Marco Buschmann (FDP)

Justice Minister Marco Buschmann (FDP) gives an interview to DPA on February 3rd. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Michael Kappeler

Pro-choice activists have been campaigning for this to be overturned for years, but face stiff opposition from religious figures and conservative politicians.

After entering government back in 2021, the traffic-light coalition swiftly scrapped paragraph 219a in the Criminal Code, which banned doctors from publicly providing information on abortion.  

The expert commission has since suggested that abortions in the early stages of pregnancy should no longer be criminalised and questioned the obligation for women to undergo counselling.

READ ALSO: Will abortion in Germany soon become legal?

If a bill on egg donation comes to the Bundestag this year or next, it will likely follow the panel’s recommendations of forbidding the trade of egg cells for financial gain, as well as a regulation ensuring that children retain the right to know their parentage. 

It is also likely to follow the Bundestag’s tradition of tackling questions of legal ethics in a non-partisan way, with parliament putting forward proposals rather than the government.

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Could parents in Germany pay higher Kita fees to combat staff shortages?

State governments in Germany could soon lose the right to use federal funds to lower Kita fees for parents. Instead, the money will have to be spent on staffing.

Could parents in Germany pay higher Kita fees to combat staff shortages?

In many daycare (Kita) centres around Germany, the situation is precarious: skeletal staffing has led to burnout and overwhelm among workers. Also short-notice closures, sometimes for related staff strikes, often leave parents scrambling to find alternative childcare.

As services union Verdi wages a battle for better working conditions in Kitas, the Ministry of Family affairs is drafting new plans to tackle these desperate staff shortages.

According to a draft of the Childcare Quality Act obtained by DPA, state governments could face restrictions in future in the way they spend federal funds.

From 2025, the €2 billion provided by the Family Ministry to state governments should be used primarily for hiring and training new staff, rather than offering reduced Kita fees for families.

READ ALSO: The nine things you need to do after having a baby in Germany

Currently, up to 49 percent of this federal funding can be used by states to reduce daycare fees or abolish them entirely. 

The new law, which is due to be discussed in cabinet in the coming weeks, would remove this possibility. 

Will parents pay more in future?

Though the plans raise the spectre of higher Kita fees for parents, Family Minister Lisa Paus (Greens) believes that hikes are unlikely.

According to the ministry, only six of Germany’s 16 states currently use federal funds for offering reduced childcare costs.

In Berlin, for example, where families pay no more than a small administrative fee for their child’s Kita place, money from the state coffers is used to finance the reduction.

If the draft law comes into force on January 1st, 2025, a six-month transition be will in place to allow states to consider other options.

During this time, regional family ministers can continue financing reduced Kita fees using federal funds.

READ ALSO: How expensive is childcare across Germany?

After that, the ministry believes that states that want to offer cheaper Kita spots can use state tax revenues to do so, while using federal money solely for recruiting qualified staff.

However, it’s unclear if states currently have the available funds to do this.

Another question that remains is whether the measure will be enough to provide the number of new staff needed over the coming years.

According to Paus, there is likely to be a shortage of 50,000 to 90,000 skilled workers in Germany’s daycare centres by 2030 – but an alternative estimate by the Paritätische Wohlfahrtsverband suggests this number could be as high as 125,000.