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French Expression of the Day: Tu as mangé un clown?

If you are looking for 'dad jokes' in French, then you could test out this expression.

French Expression of the Day: Tu as mangé un clown?
Photo: Annie Spratt/Unsplash/Nicolas Raymond

Why do I need to know tu as mangé un clown?

Because this is a great comeback, especially if you’re spending time with French children.

What does it mean?

Tu as mangé un clown – roughly pronounced to ah man-jay uhn cloon – literally translates as ‘you ate a clown?’

The expression does not have to do with cannibalism, thankfully. Instead, it is a light-hearted way to poke fun at someone for making a silly or bad joke. 

It is similar to how an English speaker might sarcastically say ‘Oh funny guy!’ or ‘you’re quite the comedian’ after their friend makes a joke that did not land.

Tu as mangé un clown, or tu as mangé un clown à midi (at lunchtime) is the type of expression children would say to one another, or that an adult might say to a child trying to be humorous. 

You probably would not use this expression with a fellow adult, as it is a bit infantile – unless that is the sense that you want to convey, of course.

A similar expression would be tu as fait l’école du rire? (you went to comedy school?)

Use it like this

Regarde-le ! Il a dû manger un clown à midi avec toutes ces blagues. – Well, look at him! He’s quite the comedian with all those jokes.

Ah tu te crois drôle ? Tu as mangé un clown au déjeuner ? – Ah you think you’re funny? You think you’re a comedian?

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French Word of the Day: SMIC

This French abbreviation has a very important role to play when discussing the economy.

French Word of the Day: SMIC

Why do I need to know SMIC?

Because you might hear anyone from economists and politicians to shopkeepers discussing this term.

What does it mean?

SMIC – roughly pronounced “smick” – is an important abbreviation in France, especially if you are talking about the economy.

It stands for salaire minimum de croissance, or minimum wage in English. 

Most people do not use the long-version, simply opting for the abbreviated SMIC.

In France, the SMIC is important not only for people in low-wage jobs, but also because it is used as a general measure of subsistence. 

For example, many French visas specify a minimum amount of money to ensure that the applicant is financially self-sufficient. Oftentimes, they use the SMIC as a guideline amount. 

The word SMIC has also birthed other terms, like Smicard, which is an informal way of referring to someone who earns minimum wage.

Generally, the French minimum wage is revalued each year at the start of January, based on inflation.

Use it like this

Je gagne le SMIC, il est donc très difficile de trouver un appartement abordable à Paris. – I earn the minimum wage, so it is very difficult to find an affordable apartment in Paris.

Les politiciens discutent de l’augmentation du SMIC. – The politicians are discussing raising the minimum wage.