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Today in Denmark: A roundup of the news on Tuesday

Summer houses evacuated after explosion, Randers gets major government loan, Danes abandon weather and Euros to holiday abroad and more news on Tuesday.

Today in Denmark: A roundup of the news on Tuesday
Police evacuated a summer house area near Korsør after discovering a quantity of explosives. Photo: Steven Knap/Ritzau Scanpix

Police evacuate 140 after explosion 

An explosion near Zealand town Korsør resulted in the evacuation of 140 residents yesterday evening. Police say the explosion could be related to fireworks.

A 52-year-old resident was killed in an explosion before further explosives were discovered by police, who then initiated the evacuations of everyone within a 500-metre radius. Police a working with a theory that the man may have been using fireworks, newswire Ritzau reports.

The property where the explosion took place is in a summerhouse area around eight kilometres outside of Korsør.

Under Danish law, it is only permitted to purchase and set off fireworks during a short period in December and early January for the purpose of New Year celebrations.

Vocabulary: explosive stoffer – explosive substances

Government to lend Randers 375 million kroner for landslide cleanup

The city of Randers is to get a 375 million-krone loan from the government so that it can continue the environmental cleanup following a landslide at the now-defunct soil treatment company Nordic Wast late last year.

“With dispensation for the loan, the government is giving a helping hand to Randers Municipality and to the work that is still ongoing for preventing and repairing damage from the landslide in [local village] Ølst,” environment minister Mads Heunicke said in a statement.

Randers has appealed for money from the government while it awaits the outcome of legal proceedings to reclaim costs of the cleanup from the assets of Nordic Waste, which has declared bankruptcy.

READ ALSO: Danish village no longer under threat from Nordic Waste landslide

Vocabulary: en hjælpende hånd – a helping hand

Danes order last-minute holidays amid subpar summer weather

The cool start to July – the month when most people in Denmark are on annual leave – has resulted in higher interest in charter holidays to warmer regions, several travel agencies have stated.

“Last week we sold 10 percent more than we did last year. It’s been a couple of years since we saw such high sales in a week,” the head of communication for the Spies travel agency, Sofie Folden Lund, told Ritzau.

Lund said Denmark’s exit from the Euro 2024 football championships, along with the weather, were to blame (or thank) for the sudden interest in heading abroad on holiday.

Vocabulary: rejselysten – wanting to travel

Denmark scraps taxi laws on small islands

Four small Danish islands no longer have taxi laws as the rules governing the rest of the country were scrapped to allow ridesharing.

On four small Danish islands — Bågø, Endelave, Hjarnø and Orø – residents can now pick up paying passengers without being subject to any of the laws governing taxis on the mainland.

The rules have been introduced to make up for a lack of public transport coverage on the remote islands – and could soon be extended to more of the many small islands scattered around Denmark’s coasts.

Vocabulary: ø – island

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Today in Denmark: A roundup of the news on Thursday

Man charged over PM assault, Swedish rail service to Copenhagen suspended, rain all day and more news from Denmark this Thursday.

Today in Denmark: A roundup of the news on Thursday

Polish man formally charged over assault on PM 

A 39-year-old man from Poland who has been held in police detention since hitting Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen in Copenhagen last month has been formally charged.

The trial will take place at Copenhagen City Court on August 6th and 7th, the man’s lawyer confirmed to news wire Ritzau.

The charge is based on paragraph 119 in the criminal code, which is related to assault on public servants in the course of their duty.

Frederiksen was walking on central square Kultorvet when the incident happened. Although she was accompanied by bodyguards, the man was able to strike her on the shoulder. No political motive has been assigned to the attack.

Vocabulary: retsmøde – court trial

Rain everywhere on Thursday

It is likely to rain everywhere in Denmark today, with wet weather passing west across the country and giving at least a couple of hours of consistent rain wherever you are.

Some areas could also get thunder and lightning, according to forecasts.

There may be some clearer weather and sun as the day progresses and the heavy rain passes, although additional isolated showers could follow.

Temperatures will be in the 14-17 Celsius range.

Vocabulary: drivvåd – soaking wet

Swedish rail operator suspends Malmö-Copenhagen service

Swedish train operator SJ has announced it will halt all train services between Malmö and Copenhagen from July 3rd to August 4th due to a shortage of trains.

This suspension is expected to affect over 20,000 travellers, who will now need to rely on the regional Öresund trains for their journeys between Sweden and Denmark.

Despite the change, passengers can still use their pre-purchased SJ tickets on the Öresund trains.

Vocabulary: gyldig – valid

Increase in number of homes on market

There are currently 15 percent more houses, 16 percent more apartments and 40 percent more holiday homes for sale in Denmark compared to the same time last year, according to real estate media Boligsiden.

Some 51,670 properties were for sale at the beginning of July, estate agent data collected by Boligsiden shows.

“Part of this story is, however, that the property rush after the pandemic left the supply bottomed out [last year],” senior economist at Sydbank, Søren Kristensen, told Ritzau.

“Supply is not terribly large now, but it is increasing at a fairly solid pace,” he explained.

Vocabulary: udbud – supply