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Today in Italy: A roundup of the latest news on Thursday

Spanish Steps painted red in women's rights protest, Meloni rails against 'oligarchs' amid EU top jobs row, STIs on the rise among Italian youth, and more news from Italy on Thursday.

Today in Italy: A roundup of the latest news on Thursday
Italy's PM Giorgia Meloni has expressed anger over being excluded from EU top job negotiations. Photo by Tiziana FABI / AFP.

Italy’s top story on Thursday:

Italy’s far-right Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni vented her anger Wednesday over her exclusion from negotiations over the EU’s top jobs, saying unnamed leaders were acting like “oligarchs” and betraying voters, AFP reported.

Her complaint came on the eve of a two-day summit of the European Union’s 27 leaders in Brussels intended to divide up jobs in the wake of this month’s European Parliament elections.

Six leaders acting as chief negotiators reached a deal Tuesday to divvy up the key posts among the alliance dominating the parliament: the centre-right European People’s Party (EPP) and its partners, the Socialists and Democrats (S&D) and the centrist Renew Europe.

Meloni’s government has pushed for a top job for Italy, as she believes the election success of her hard-right European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) grouping – shaping up as the EU parliament’s third force – should be reflected in the bloc’s leadership.

She pointed the finger at “those who argue that citizens are not mature enough to make certain decisions, and (believe) that oligarchy is basically the only acceptable form of democracy,” according to AFP.

Women’s rights activists paint Spanish Steps red

Campaigners highlighting violence against women spread red paint across Rome’s famous Spanish Steps on Wednesday, saying it represented the victims’ blood, AFP reported.

Six activists from the Italian group “Bruciamo Tutto”, or “Burn Everything”, were led away by police following the protest involving what they said used children’s washable paint, according to AFP.

Their name comes from a call to action made by the sister of Giulia Cecchettin, a university student killed by her ex-boyfriend last year in a case that triggered nationwide grief and anger at violence against women.

“Don’t hold a minute’s silence for Giulia, but burn everything,” Elena Cecchettin said, calling for a revolution in what she said was a culture that allowed such violence.

STIs on the rise among Italy’s youth

The incidence of sexually transmitted infections is on the rise among young people in Italy, according to data collected by the Higher Health Institute (ISS)’s national STI sentinel surveillance systems.

The rate of bacterial infections caused by chlamydia, gonorrhoea and syphilis increased between 2021 and 2022 according to a report presented by the institute in Rome, Skytg24 reported on Wednesday.

The number of cases of gonorrhoea reported to the system grew by more than 30 percent, from 820 to 1200, between 2021 and 2022, while reports of syphilis grew by 20 percent and chlamydia 25 percent over the same period. The highest rates of increase in chlamydia infections were seen in women under the age of 25.

“In three out of four cases the infection is asymptomatic, so many girls are unaware they have it for a long time,” said Barbara Suligoi, director of the ISS’s Aids Operations Centre.

“What is needed is more information… and clear pathways for those who need early counselling if they suspect they have contracted an STI.”

Sicily’s Lago di Pergusa reduced to ‘puddle’ by drought

Sicily’s Lago di Pergusa, the island’s only natural reservoir, was reduced to little more than a puddle this week following a months-long drought, La Repubblica newspaper reported on Wednesday.

Giuseppe Maria Amato, a spokesperson for the Italian environmental organisation Legambiente’s Sicily chapter, said the lake’s disappearance was accelerated by the “total inattention and inertia” of regional authorities.

“We have been asking for years for the restoration of the environmental monitoring system and the cleaning of the various canals that carry water from the lake’s natural catchment area,” he told local newspaper La Sicilia.

Sicily declared a regional state of emergency over its drought situation back in February, following eight months of what the ANBI Observatory on Water Resources described as “almost total aridity”.

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Today in Italy: A roundup of the latest news on Friday

Calls for Meloni to comment on party's youth wing fascist chants, tax measure for wealthy regions becomes law, and more news from Italy on Friday.

Today in Italy: A roundup of the latest news on Friday

Italy’s top story on Friday:

There were growing calls from Italy’s opposition parties and Jewish groups for Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni break her silence on the publication of video clips showing members of her far-right party’s youth wing engaging in fascist chants and Nazi salutes.

Undercover reporters from investigative website Fanpage infiltrated the youth wing of Meloni’s Brothers of Italy party and published clips of members chanting “Duce” – a reference to Benito Mussolini – and “Sieg Heil”.

Two members of the youth wing resigned on Thursday as a result, according to Italian media, including one who had said she wished she could vote “for Mussolini three times” in the European elections and made derogatory comments about Black people.

Brothers of Italy lawmakers Luca Ciriani said the Fanpage report “was built on fragmented, decontextualised images, taken in a private setting.” Meloni has long aimed to distance herself from her party’s neofascist roots, insisting in 2022 the party was “not fascist”.

Tax measure for wealthy regions becomes law

President Sergio Mattarella on Wednesday night officially put the contested new ‘differentiated autonomy’ law into effect following its approval last week, reported Italian news agency Ansa.

Opposition parties had asked the president to send the law, promoted by Matteo Salvini’s League party, back to parliament for further debate amid concerns that it would widen the country’s north-south divide.

The controversial measure gives regional governments more power over how tax revenues collected in their areas are spent, but critics say it will unfairly favour the wealthiest in a country with stark economic inequalities.

The Five Star Movement, the Democratic Party and the other opposition groups have united in protest against the law, saying they plan to petition for a referendum on abolishing it.

Migrant shipwreck survivor arrested for murder

Italian police have arrested a survivor of a deadly migrant shipwreck on suspicion of murdering a teenage Iraqi girl on board, AFP reported on Thursday.

The AGI news agency reported the man, also Iraqi, had been raping the girl when she died, although a police spokesman would not confirm this to AFP.

In a statement police said the sailing boat was adrift off Italy when the man “vented his aggression on a 16-year-old Iraqi girl, the daughter of another survivor, leading to her death by suffocation”.

Twelve people were rescued from the ship, which police said was believed to have been carrying around 70 people. The known death toll stood at 36 as of Tuesday.