La Belle Vie: Why the French eat snails and idioms to sound like a local

From idioms to learn to sound more French to why French people eat snails and readers' least favourite French dishes, this week's La Belle Vie newsletter offers you an essential starting point for eating, talking, drinking and living like a French person.

La Belle Vie: Why the French eat snails and idioms to sound like a local
Mie Escargots Development Laboratory president Toshihide Takase serving a dish of Burgundy snails at the canteen area of his farm in Matsusaka, Mie prefecture in Japan in May 2024. (Photo by Philip FONG / AFP)

La Belle Vie is our regular look at the real culture of France – from language to cuisine, manners to films. This newsletter is published weekly and you can receive it directly to your inbox, by going to your newsletter preferences in “My account”.

I have a specific ritual in place when family and friends come to visit me in Paris – I always take them to a ‘Bouillon’ restaurant.

Bouillons are restaurants from the late 19th century and early 20th century that were known for cooking inexpensive traditional French plates. They were sort of akin to dining halls and catered to the working class. These days, there are several Bouillons in Paris, including the Bouillon Chartier Montparnasse, which first opened in 1903.

Revealed: The hot French dining trend that is traditional, cheap and delicious

In my opinion, they are a great way to introduce people to the French classics – from œufs mayonnaise to bœuf bourguignon and plenty of ‘gratins‘ – at an affordable price.

And of course – escargots are on the menu, and I always encourage my friends and family not to turn up their noses, but instead to taste the delicacy in its delicious butter-garlic sauce.

Don’t ask Google, ask us: Why do the French eat snails?

Les escargots are quintessentially French, but interestingly enough they have long been considered ‘impossible to breed’.

But recently a Japanese man took it upon himself to crack the code to farming escargots, and after four decades of trial and error, he now calls himself the ‘only person in the world’ to have discovered the secret to farming snails.

Japanese man, 76, discovers secret to farming French snails

While I wouldn’t eat snails every day, I have come to really enjoy them, so I was delighted when only 13 percent of our readers ranked them the ‘worst food in France’.

The winner – with over 34 percent of the vote – was the stinky sausage andouillette. Of course, andouillette fans say if you get past the smell, the sausage itself is delicious. I count myself among those who struggle to get past the smell.

Readers reveal: What are the worst foods in France?

While they may be classics, I have never been offered andouillette or snails at a French person’s home. Perhaps my sample size is not representative of the whole of the country, but I get the impression that these foods are more common in restaurants than as everyday dishes.

As such, you’ll have no issue avoiding them if you want to, but it will be difficult to avoid meat and cheese altogether in France. 

The country has become more vegetarian friendly in the last few years, and many stores now offer meatless burger patties and even vegan cheese. In my personal experience, there still remains a bit of confusion between pescetarianism and vegetarianism. 

‘Call the restaurant’: Your tips for being vegetarian or vegan in France

Those concerned about animal welfare may be turned off by some of France’s favourite idioms, namely the expression avoir d’autres chats à fouetter (to have other cats to whip). 

Don’t worry, this shouldn’t be taken literally. It’s just the French equivalent of ‘having other fish to fry’.

Fat mornings and whipping cats: 10 idioms to help you sound more French

And finally, this edition of the Belle Vie newsletter is coming out in a unique moment in French history, as the country gears up to vote in snap parliamentary elections following a startling victory by the far right in the European elections.

As the next few weeks unfold, you may want to review our helpful vocabulary guide to follow along. 

10 essential French phrases to help you understand France’s snap election

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La Belle Vie: The French love for the cinema and snacking like a French person

From the importance of French cinema to snacking like a French person and handy French expressions, this week's La Belle Vie newsletter offers you an essential starting point for eating, talking, drinking and living like a French person.

La Belle Vie: The French love for the cinema and snacking like a French person

La Belle Vie is our regular look at the real culture of France – from language to cuisine, manners to films. This newsletter is published weekly and you can receive it directly to your inbox, by going to your newsletter preferences in “My account”.

When I lived in the US, I enjoyed going to the movies, but it was a ‘special occasion’ activity and I did not go often. However, since moving to France, going to see films and discussing the latest blockbusters has become a much bigger part of my life. 

The film industry is very important here, which is no surprise considering the country’s long history with the medium, from the Lumière brothers to the French New Wave. Plus, the French government helps to fund it, allowing independent films find their way to the big screen and for the country to top European charts for the sheer number of films produced each year.

But aside from the strength of the industry, I’ve found that individual French people love the cinema. They have a personal relationship with it – as evidenced by the scores of people queuing to get back into the theatre following the Covid-19 lockdowns.

And a few weeks after moved to Paris, my very first French friend invited me to the movies. I expected that we would be going to a large theatre, but instead he took me to a small salle near La Sorbonne. I hardly understood anything in the film, but I remember being amazed by the number of small, arthouse theatres in the Latin Quarter. 

Last collective-run Paris cinema saved

Another difference between going to the movies in the US vs. France is the concessions menu. In the US, you can get a hot dog or an extra-large slurpee to enjoy while watching a movie, but in France the menu is more limited, usually including candy, (small) beverages, and popcorn (and don’t expect it to be drenched in fake butter).

If you start chewing or slurping loudly while in a French movie theatre, you’re bound to get a few dirty looks.

Why people don’t eat at the movies in France

Honestly, I really can’t complain about French movie etiquette, as it is born out of a respect for others and perhaps a different approach to snacking.

The French prefer longer, heartier meals, without the many small snacks in between. I’ve come to appreciate this part of the culture, and I genuinely think it has also helped me enjoy my meals more than I did before.

How to snack (or not) like a French person

But if you are craving some chips or nuts, then just plan an apéro with some friends. Many French cafés will give a small bowl of peanuts or pretzels at apéro time, alongside the drinks. 

Enjoying an apéro on a café terrace in the warm sun is one of the greatest pleasures of French summer, but there are some unwritten rules to be aware of.

Elbows in: An essential guide to French café terrace etiquette

The one downside to the French terrace is the cloud of smoke. When walking through major French cities, especially Paris, you become accustomed to it when passing by the terraces.

But you may be surprised to learn that the greater Paris region of Île-de-France actually has the lowest national rate with 21.9 percent of daily smokers.

MAP: Where in France do people smoke the most?

And finally, if you find yourself sitting at a smoke-heavy area of the terrace, you can always say to your French friend Ça te dit d’aller dedans ? (Are you down to go inside?)

Ça te dit is a handy expression, and we’ve put together a list of the seven other useful words and phrases of the day from this past month.

8 of our favourite French Words of the Day