Are Copenhagen’s LED signs on the way out?

Copenhagen’s bright lights could be a little dimmer in future with the city government set to limit illuminated advertising.

Are Copenhagen’s LED signs on the way out?
Copenhagen is set to limit signs like this one in future. Photo: Asger Ladefoged/Ritzau Scanpix

Copenhagen Municipality’s city planning department (Teknik- og Miljøudvalget) is working on new rules which will put limits on where in the city large illuminated advertising can be placed.

There are currently 15 locations around the capital where LED and other illuminated advertising is permitted. Some of the most noticeable locations include Rådhuspladsen (City Hall Square), Kongens Nytorv and at the end of Nørrebrogade overlooking the lakes.

The city government wants to cut that number down to five locations, local media TV2 Kosmopol reports.

Under the planned change, it will only be possible to put up new illuminated ads at Rådhuspladsen as well as Nørreport, Vesterport, Hans Knudsens Plads and Kay Fiskers Plads.

The change would only apply to new signs, meaning existing ones in other locations will be allowed to stay in place.

“There has been very marked development of illuminated advertising in recent years with the use of LED lighting, which results in a much higher light intensity than what we had with classic neon tube signs,” the elected head of the city deparment, Line Barfod, told TV2 Kosmopol.

“These new illuminated advertisements are inconvenience city residents so we therefore have to regulate this area more restrictively,” she said, adding “the city is for people, not advertising.”

Restrictions will apply to large signs such as the type fixed to rooftops, the media writes.

The proposal is expected to be adopted because it has unanimous support in the city council (Borgerrepræsentationen).

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Copenhagen Metro lines reopen after two-week closure

Lines M3 and M4 of the Copenhagen Metro are back in service having reopened on Sunday, one day ahead of schedule.

Copenhagen Metro lines reopen after two-week closure

The two lines had been closed so that the Metro can run test operations before opening five new stations on the M4 line this summer.

The tests, which began on February 10th, are now done and the lines were running again as of Sunday evening, a day ahead of the original planned reopening on Monday February 26th.

“We are very pleased to be able to welcome our passengers on to our two lines M3 and M4,” head of operations with the Metro Søren Boysen said.

“The whole test procedure exceeded all expectations and went faster than expected and we can therefore get a head start on our reopening now,” he said.

Time set aside for potential repeat tests was not needed in the event, allowing the test closures to be completed ahead of time.

“Several of our many tests went better than expected and we have therefore not used all the time we needed for extra tests,” Boysen said.

The two lines serve around one million passengers every week, according to the Metro company.

READ ALSO: Copenhagen city government greenlights extension to Metro line

The new stops on the M4 line will be located south of central Copenhagen in the Valby and Sydhavn areas. The will have the names Haveholmen, Enghave Brygge, Sluseholmen, Mozarts Plads and København Syd (Copenhagen South).

The M3 and M4 lines, the newer sections of the Metro, opened in 2019 and 2020 respectively.