‘Alarm bells ringing’: Dembélé calls on France stars to vote in key elections

French football star Ousmane Dembélé admitted on Thursday the political situation in the country had "set alarm bells ringing" and said he and his teammates intended to vote in upcoming legislative elections even if they are still involved at Euro 2024 in Germany.

'Alarm bells ringing': Dembélé calls on France stars to vote in key elections
France's forward Ousmane Dembele gives a press conference at the Home Deluxe Arena Stadium in Paderborn, western Germany, on June 13. Photo by FRANCK FIFE / AFP

“We need to mobilise to get out and vote,” Dembélé told reporters at the French team’s training base in western Germany where they are preparing for their opening European Championship game against Austria on Monday.

“I think the situation in France has set alarm bells ringing. Everyone needs to rally round and come together to vote.”

President Emmanuel Macron has called snap parliamentary elections with the first round set for June 30th and the second round on July 7th.

READ ALSO What do snap parliamentary elections mean for France?

He announced the snap poll last Sunday in response to the results of the EU elections, in which far-right parties — including the top-scoring Rassemblement National (RN) — managed to take almost 40 percent of the vote in France.

“I was watching the news not long ago and I saw that one in every two people in France doesn’t vote, so everyone needs to vote in the legislative elections,” added Dembélé, the former Barcelona winger now playing back in France for Paris Saint-Germain.

The French squad will still be in Germany at the time of the election, provided they make it beyond the group stage.

The first round of the election is set to take place the same weekend as the last 16 of Euro 2024, while the second round comes just after the quarter-finals.

However, Dembélé said the French Football Federation was planning to help players set up a proxy vote if they remained in Germany at the time.

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French parties in final push for votes ahead of snap elections

France's political forces are making a final bid on Friday for votes in crunch legislative elections that could see the far right take control of the government in a historic first.

French parties in final push for votes ahead of snap elections

The official campaigning period ends at midnight on Friday, followed by a day off on Saturday, during which political activity is forbidden ahead of voting on Sunday. Another week of campaigning will then lead up to the decisive second round on July 7th.

The far-right Rassemblement National (RN) is tipped to win the election, potentially giving the party the post of prime minister for the first time in its history in a tense “cohabitation” with centrist President Emmanuel Macron.

What’s at stake for foreigners in France if far-right Jordan Bardella becomes prime minister?

“Of course, I want to avoid the extremes, especially the far right, being able to win” the ballot, Macron’s Prime Minister Gabriel Attal told broadcaster BFMTV on Friday.

Opinion polls suggest his centrist alliance will come only third behind the RN and a broad but fragile left-wing coalition, the Nouveau Front Populaire (NFP).

The RN party chief, Jordan Bardella, 28, would have a chance to lead a government as prime minister.

But he has insisted he would do so only if his party wins an absolute majority – 289 of the 577 seats in the National Assembly – after the second round.

His party’s path to victory could be blocked if the left and centre-right join forces against the RN in the second round of voting.

Macron has caused controversy in the past two weeks by placing the left and the far-right on the same footing, labelling both “extremes”.

Speaking in Brussels on Thursday, however, he suggested that he would support moderate leftists against the far-right in the second round.

Macron also blasted the “arrogance” of the far right, which had “already allocated all the (government) jobs” before the election and questioned the president’s constitutional role as military commander in chief.

“Who are they to explain what the constitution should say?” he asked.

The RN’s three-time presidential candidate Marine Le Pen had ratcheted up tensions by saying that the president’s commander-in-chief title was purely “honorific”.

In the event of Macron having to share power with an RN-led government, “it’s the prime minister who holds the purse strings”, she warned.

In a televised debate on Thursday night, Attal said that Le Pen’s remarks sent a “very serious message for the security of France.”

Bardella sought to reassure voters about his party’s foreign policy, saying in the debate he would “not let Russian imperialism absorb an allied state like Ukraine”.

He said he was also opposed to sending longer range missiles to Ukraine that could hit Russian territory “and place France and the French in a situation of co-belligerence”.

“My compass is the interest of France and the French,” said Bardella.

Macron has insisted he will serve out the remainder of his second term until it expires in 2027, no matter which party emerges on top in the coming legislative contest.

Le Pen, whom opponents have long accused of having too cosy a relationship with the Kremlin, senses that this could be her best-ever chance to win the Elysée Palace after three previous attempts.

When he called the snap vote after a June 9th European Parliament election drubbing by the RN, Macron had hoped to present voters with a stark choice about whether to hand France to the far right.

An Opinionway poll of 1,058 people published Friday in business daily Les Echos predicted the RN would win 37 percent of the vote, the NFP 28 percent and Macron’s alliance just 20 percent.

In the second round, the RN “can not only envisage a relative majority, but we cannot exclude, far from it, an absolute majority,” Brice Teinturier, deputy director of competing pollster Ipsos, told AFP.

The televised debate, where Attal and Bardella were joined by Socialist leader Olivier Faure, was as ill-tempered as the first such session on Tuesday.

Attal charged that 100 RN candidates standing in the election had made “racist, anti-Semitic and homophobic comments.”

“Everything is false, utterly false,” responded Bardella, who also defended a controversial proposal to bar dual nationals from sensitive state posts.

Underscoring the stakes felt by many in France from ethnic minority backgrounds, French basketball superstar Victor Wembanyama said “for me it is important to take a distance from extremes, which are not the direction to take for a country like ours”.

He joins a host of other French sports, music and acting stars who have spoken out against the far right.

How to follow all the latest French election news in English this weekend