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Why Copenhagen is one of the cheapest cities in the world to attend international school

New research has been published placing Copenhagen as one of the cheapest cities in the world for international school fees. The result is no surprise, by why are private international school costs so low in a relatively expensive country like Denmark?

Why Copenhagen is one of the cheapest cities in the world to attend international school
Danish laws keep the cost of international schools low. Photo by rivage on Unsplash

The annually-published International Schools Database is a comparison of international schools in cities across four continents.

First published in 2019 and updated annually, the research now has worldwide price data from 75 cities in 49 countries. It plots this data in graphs that display the upper and higher limits of international school fees, along with the mid-range and median values.

Copenhagen is the 71st most expensive of the 75 cities on the least, with only Phnom Penh (Cambodia), Kampala (Uganda), Cape Town (South Africa) and Ipoh-Perak (Malaysia) offering cheaper international schools. That also makes Copenhagen the cheapest in Europe.

By far the most important factor keeping private school (including international school) costs low in Denmark is the fact that they are heavily subsidised by the state.

Private schools (friskoler og privatskoler in Danish) are regulated in a special law for private schools.

Under the law, private schools receive 75 percent of the average cost per student in public subsidies. Although this covers a large proportion of their costs, parents are still charged fees – albeit lower fees than in almost all other countries.

READ ALSO: ‘The cheapest in Europe’: A guide to international schools in Denmark

The combination of state subsidies and fees mean that school budgets per student are often higher at private schools than at Denmark’s state schools, folkeskoler.

“We believe that Denmark has (comparatively) cheap international education available because in Denmark government-approved private schools (including international schools) often receive the same amount of government funding as public ones,” Andrea Robledillo, co-founder of International Schools Database, told The Local back in 2019.

“This may explain why education is so affordable – comparatively speaking – in Copenhagen, as international schools in the rest of the world tend not to be subsidised (or are only partially subsidised) and the full cost of them is normally paid by parents,” he said.

That is “still the case” in 2024, Robledillo said via email after the latest edition of the research was published on Wednesday.

Only those cities with seven or more international schools, and with prices publicly available representing at least 25 percent of the schools in the city, are used in the ranking. Prices were converted from the local currency into US dollars. It should also be noted that there may be additional international schools in the cities discussed in the research which have not been included because their data was not available.

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Danish watchdog discovers violent harassment of teachers at 46 schools

Authorities in Denmark have required school leaderships to intervene against violence and harassment aimed at teachers on scores of occasions in recent years.

Danish watchdog discovers violent harassment of teachers at 46 schools

The Danish Working Environment Authority (Arbejdstilsynet), the government authority responsible for inspecting conditions at workplaces, issued 57 different orders at 46 different schools related to harassment and violence against teachers and childcarers over a three-year-period from 2021 to 2023.

The frequent number of cases was reported by teachers’ journal Fagbladet Folkeskolen and the national centre for investigative journalism, Gravercentret, via an access to documents request.

When an order is issued by the authority, this means that Danish working environment laws have been breached, obliging the employer to find a resolution to the problem.

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Problems related to violence, threats and harassment at the 46 schools were reported by the Working Environment Authority to be so serious that they “can degrade the physical or mental health of staff in the short or long term”.

A review of the reports by Fagbladet Folkeskolen and Gravercentret showed that incidents of harassment or physical attacks took place on a daily or weekly basis.

One report from a school in the town of Hillerød north of Copenhagen stated that “employees experience physical or psychological violence so often that their boundaries and norms are shifted. Some of them consider it normal to be hit or kicked at work”.

Inspectors at a school in South Jutland town Haderslev meanwhile observed that staff “shut down their social lives at weekends to recover before going back to work and they don’t have the energy to spend their holidays on things like vacation with family”.