Why did Spain not take part in WWI or WWII?

It’s surprising that as one of Europe’s most important nations Spain did not take part in either World War One or Two. These are the main reasons which spared Spaniards from these devastating conflicts. 

Why did Spain not take part in WWI or WWII?
Spain's King Alfonso XIII (sitting on the right side with a lighter suit) on a visit Paris in 1913, a year before the start of the First World War. Sitting next to him is the president of the French Third Republic Raymond Poincaré. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

On July 28th 1914, exactly a month after Archduke Francis Ferdinand was assassinated on the streets of Sarajevo, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, beginning what would be the deadliest conflict in history until then: World War I.

But within a matter of days, the Madrid Gazette, which at the time served the same function as Spain’s Official State Gazette, announced Spain’s neutrality.

Spain’s monarch at the time, King Alfonso XIII, considered that the country was not prepared for a war either on a military, political or economic level. 

In the first years of the 20th century, Spain was immersed in somewhat of an existential crisis. It had recently lost Puerto Rico, the Philippines and Guam to the United States after the American-Spanish War. Cuba had become independent after what they called ‘The Necessary War’ against the Spanish and Spain was also recovering from a damaging conflict in northern Africa. 

Spanish artillery in action in September 1913 in the Gaba Forest during the Rif War. Photo: Wikipedia/Public Domain

There were social fractures as well, evidenced by the violent confrontations between the Spanish army and anarchists, freemasons, socialists and republicans during La Semana Trágica (The Tragic Week) in Barcelona and Catalonia in 1909.

Spain was a fallen giant, poverty and inflation were rife, so by 1914 Alfonso XIII and President Eduardo Dato had the sense that the country had to be kept as far away as possible from any more wars.

In fact, several historians argue that the Triple Entente (France, Great Britain, Russia) considered that “they didn’t need Spain”, in essence shrugging it off as a weakened nation that would be more of a hindrance than a help. 

Regardless of these initial views, Spain ended up being one of the most important neutral nations during WWII, and both benefited and suffered as a result of ‘the war to end all wars’, as its industrial output boomed with fewer competitors but it also suffered severe shortages caused by the global conflict.

Needless to say, Spain continued to be a veritable tinderbox from 1918 to 1936, when a combination of political turmoil, social and economic inequalities, ideological conflicts and regional confrontations led to the eruption of the Spanish Civil War.

Picture shows rubble everywhere in a street in Madrid after an air raid in 1936. Spain was largely devastated after its three-year civil war. (Photo by PLANET NEWS / AFP)

Less than three years of fighting between the Republicans and the Nationalists devastated the country and led to approximately 600,000 deaths.

By the time World War II was declared a few months later on September 1st 1939 after Nazi Germany invaded Poland, Spain was again in no position economically, militarily or socially to take part in yet another war.

READ ALSO: 11 must-watch films about the Spanish Civil War

The new Franco government did sell and exchange supplies with the Axis countries and a Spanish division of volunteers and conscripts did join the Axis troops on the Eastern Front, but Spain did not officially participate in WWII. 

Despite the fact that Spain’s new fascist dictator was an admirer of Adolf Hitler, El Generalísimo kept his devastated country neutral, shifting sides slightly on various occasions to suit his government’s interests.

When the pair met in Hendaye on the Spanish-French border in October 1940, negotiations were reportedly a flop. Hitler considered Franco’s requirements for Spain helping the Axis powers beat the Allies “exorbitant”, including the return of Gibraltar as well as French Morocco, Guinea, Cameroon and part of Algeria handed over from France to Spain.

READ ALSO: Why Spain is still in the wrong time zone because of Hitler

Spain’s yo-yoing went from “strict neutrality” to “non-belligerence” but perhaps Franco had little choice. Given his country’s reliance on oil imports from the United States and the partial embargoes that the US and the UK did impose on Spain, the Spanish dictator had to keep the Allies at ease about his links to Nazi Germany and fascist Italy.

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Spanish government begins proceedings to outlaw Franco Foundation

Spain's Ministry of Culture has opened legal proceedings to shut down the 'Fundación Francisco Franco', a group dedicated to the dictator who ruled Spain for almost forty years.

Spanish government begins proceedings to outlaw Franco Foundation

Spain’s Ministry of Culture has begun the process of outlawing the Fundación Francisco Franco because it fails to comply with the Democratic Memory Law, controversial legislation passed two years ago by the ruling Socialists (PSOE) to try and help Spain come to terms with its dictatorial past.

The foundation, which essentially promotes the legacy of former dictator General Francisco Franco, who ruled Spain from 1939 to 1975, was founded in 1976 and presents itself as a “cultural institution without political affiliation”. It also sells nationalist memorabilia and books.

Among many admiring articles on its website, the foundation claims that Franco helped lay “the foundations on which it was possible for the democracy we enjoy to be built” and that “his successes are considerably greater than his mistakes.”

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The Ministry explained that it started legal proceedings to shut down the foundation “because it is considered contrary to the general interest to defend Francoism”. The move, which will likely prove controversial in Spain, has been justified by the government because it “complies with the provisions of the Democratic Memory Law.”

The legal justification is an article of the law that outlaws any group “that glorifies the coup d’état and the dictatorship or extols its leaders, with contempt and humiliation of the dignity of the victims of the coup d’état, the war or Francoism, or direct or indirect incitement to hatred or violence against them because of their status as such.”

The Democratic Memory Law, sometimes also referred to as the Historical Memory Law, was passed in October 2022 and is a wide-ranging piece of legislation that aims to settle Spanish democracy’s debt to the past and deal with the complicated legacies of its Civil War and the Franco dictatorship.

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The Spanish right has long been opposed to any kind of historical memory legislation, claiming that it digs up old rivalries and causes political tension. Spain’s centre-right party, the Partido Popular, pledged at the time to overturn the law if it entered government.

Among many other measures, the law made the search and excavation of mass graves the responsibility of the government, started DNA banks to identify victims, and annulled Franco-era convictions.

Culture Minister Ernest Urtasun stated in the Spanish press that the decision will ultimately be made by the courts. “Basically what we are doing is starting the implementation of the Democratic Memory Law,” he said.

The Franco Foundation said in a press statement that “we find it incomprehensible” that the law is being “directed exclusively against the Francisco Franco National Foundation.”

The process is expected to be lengthy and could involve several levels of the Spanish judiciary. The Franco Foundation may appeal any decision.

Democratic memory legislation is one of a series of steps by the PSOE government to make amends with the past, including exhuming Franco’s body and moving his body to a private family grave in 2019.

The Franco dictatorship is in living memory for many Spaniards and still an emotive issue. Critics argue historical memory legislation digs up historical divisions, and several right-wing run regions of Spain have attempted to repeal the Democratic Memory Law, including Valencia, the Balearic Islands, and Castilla y León.

READ ALSO: IN PICTURES: Franco exhumed, transported by helicopter, and reburied as Spain takes ‘step towards reconciliation’