Norway calls recognition of Palestinian state ‘special day’

Norway hailed its recognition Tuesday of a Palestinian state as a special day and denounced Israel's lack of "constructive commitment" for a two-state solution.

Pictured is Espen Barth Eide
Norway recognised Palestine as a state on Tuesday, May 28th. File photo: Norwegian Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide holds a joint press conference with his Spanish and Irish counterparts at the the Permanent Representation of Spain to the European Union in Brussels. Photo by Kenzo Tribouillard / AFP)

“Norway has been one of the most fervent defenders of a Palestinian state for more than 30 years,” Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide said in a statement.

“The day that Norway officially recognises Palestine as a state is a special day for Norway-Palestine relations.”

In a move coordinated with Spain and Ireland, Norway announced last week it would formally recognise the State of Palestine as of Tuesday.

Israel slammed the decision as a “reward” for Hamas more than seven months into the devastating Gaza war.

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz immediately announced he was recalling the country’s envoys to the three nations, and summoned the three countries’ ambassadors for talks.

Despite the criticism, Barth Eide on Sunday in Brussels formally informed Palestinian prime minister Mohammed Mustafa of Norway’s decision.

“It is regrettable that the Israeli government shows no sign of constructive commitment,” Barth Eide said Tuesday, calling on the international community to boost its efforts for a two-state solution.

“I trust the Palestinian government will continue the difficult reform work and lay the groundwork for governance in the West Bank as well as Gaza after a ceasefire,” he said.

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What’s been added to Norway’s revised national budget?

Norway's government has tweaked its revised budget to get support from the Socialist Left Party for a parliamentary majority. From cheaper dental bills to increased child support, here's what you need to know.

What's been added to Norway's revised national budget?

Norway will tap its oil fund for 1.2 billion kroner in extra funding, in addition to the public spending announced when the revised budget for 2024 was unveiled earlier in the spring.

The country’s minority government, comprised of the Labour Party and Centre Party, has turned to the Socialist Left Party to secure a majority for its budgets.
During the negotiations to secure support, new policies are typically put forward by the Socialist Left Party.

The budget was agreed on Monday and will pass through parliament before summer recess.

“It has been crucial for us that the revised national budget should give people throughout Norway a better everyday economy, ensure safety and predictability for people and business,” fiscal spokesperson Ole AndrĂ© Myhrvold from the Center Party said.

Families will see child benefits increased for all children over six. This support will increase 256 kroner a month or 3,072 kroner per year. Once the budget has gone through parliament, payments will be increased from September 1st.

Younger people will also benefit from cheaper dental bills. The cost of dentistry will be heavily subsidised, 75 percent for 25-and-26-year-olds.

More student accommodation would also be built. Student organisations have warned recently that too many pupils at universities have been forced into the private rental market.

The country’s state housing bank would also receive more money, tenants’ rights would be strengthened, and housing support would be increased. The parties have said that a housing package will help get more people onto the property ladder.

READ ALSO: Everything you need to know about the Norwegian State Housing Bank

Significant investment will be made in offshore wind. The parties have promised to invest at least 35 billion kroner in offshore wind. The money will be used to finance and develop 5-10 TWh of energy. The oil industry will have taxes increased to pay for the investment in wind farms.

Several opposition parties have praised the budget for increasing child support. However, the main opposition party, The Conservative Party, was critical of the use of oil money.

“Despite the fact that the government and Socialist Left Party have turned the revised national budget into a completely new state budget, there are no proposals to give Norway more to live on after oil,” the Conservative’s fiscal policy spokesperson Tina Bru has said.

“The use of oil money is increasing, and taxes are still at a record high level. This is not a budget for the future,” she added.