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What you should know about collective agreements if you work in Austria

If you work in Austria - or are searching for a job here - you will most certainly have heard of the "collective agreement or Kollektivvertrag" that rules your profession.

Pictured is a business meeting.
Photo by Dylan Gillis on Unsplash

Foreigners in Austria—a country well-known for its high quality of life—might be surprised to hear that the Alpine Republic does not have minimum wage laws. Instead, salaries and many other labour law provisions are regulated by the so-called “Kollektivverträge,” or collective agreements.

There are over 800 collective agreements in Austria, and the trade unions negotiate over 450 collective agreements every year. These agreements, which cover almost all Austrian employees (approximately 98 percent), provide a reassuring level of protection. They guarantee minimum standards and legal security in employment relationships, ensuring that your rights and conditions are safeguarded. 

What are these agreements?

According to the Labour Relations Act, agreements are made between statutory interest groups of employers and employees. They are independent of their negotiating partners and regulate working conditions. In general, these include the Chambers of Labour, which are public-law corporations representing the interests of employees, and representatives of employees and the Austrian Economic Chamber, which is representative of employers. 

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In addition, the Federal Conciliation Office at the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy can also officially recognise the capacity to conclude collective agreements of voluntary professional associations of employers and employees and certain other associations, including significant unions such as Vida.

Both employers and employees cannot choose whether or not to join these chambers, as membership is automatic, and a levy (“Kammerumlage”) is collected to finance the interest groups.

Collective agreements generally apply to an entire economic sector, so you’ll see them being negotiated among metal workers and companies, for example. But they can also apply as specific company agreements (or both: your company might have a collective agreement with its workers and also be subject to a sector agreement).  

What else is negotiated in them?

Collective agreements also regulate other essential labour law provisions (such as arrangements regarding pay, flexible working hours, vacation rights, special payments such as vacation and Christmas bonuses) and the termination of the employment relationship), in addition to the minimum wage.

The collective agreement aims to establish appropriate wage and working conditions for the largest possible number of employees and for all sectors and regions. Some things that are regulated by collective agreements (for example, the special payments, known as the 13th and 14th salaries in Austria) are so common among different sectors that they are often mistaken for national laws and policies.

READ ALSO: Six things you need to know about salaries in Austria

How are the agreements negotiated?

Deals are also concluded between the two parties, often when trade unions make demands and call for negotiations—with most sectors, this happens yearly. 

In order to conclude a new collective agreement or amend an existing one, the negotiating partners must reach an agreement on its content. There are often several rounds of negotiation, and workers can use tools such as strike actions in the process.

Where can I find them?

Each profession usually has its own collective agreement, and knowing where to find them is essential. For instance, you’ll often see that job ads in Austria don’t have a salary announced (by law, they have to) but something along the lines of ‘payment according to the collective agreement’. This is true for a wide range of professions, from healthcare workers to construction workers, from teachers to IT professionals.

If you want to find out the minimum wage you’ll get, you can check your collective agreement for your sector or profession HERE.

READ NEXT: When can I take my holidays after starting a new job in Austria?

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FACT CHECK: Can you work in Austria without signing a job contract?

If you are working in Austria, you might have heard of jobs that do not come with a formal "Arbeitsvertrag" (work contract). But is this legal?

FACT CHECK: Can you work in Austria without signing a job contract?

Austria has long been an attractive destination for immigrants seeking employment opportunities. The country boasts a diverse labour market, with industries ranging from high-tech to traditional crafts and tourism. 

However, navigating the employment landscape can be complex for those considering a move to Austria or even those searching for a job after years of living here. For example, it sometimes occurs that job offers are made and accepted without a formal work contract being signed. In these cases, crucial information, including wage and work hours, is agreed upon only verbally. 

This is more common in entry-level or temporary jobs, and it’s technically legal. Of course, verbal agreements can be dangerous if one party doesn’t follow through with the arrangement. So, in true Austrian fashion, the government protects workers in complicated and bureaucratic ways.

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The difference between a work contract and a service note

One crucial aspect that workers in Austria need to grasp is the distinction between the Arbeitsvertrag (work contract) and the Dienstzettel (service note, or service record)

In Austria, there are no legal requirements for a traditional work contract. If you see a job offer and the company says that they don’t need to send you a contract and that it can all be agreed on via a handshake, that’s true.

However, you are entitled to a so-called “service note”, a Dienstzettel, in German. This should be handed to you “as soon as possible” after the start of the work relationship, according to the Austrian government.

The service note or service record must contain crucial information, including your personal data and information about the company. Additionally, it must state the agreed starting salary and other remuneration components, the due date of the payments, the extent of annual leave, the agreed daily and weekly normal working hours, and more

Both Austria’s employment agency AMS and its Chamber of Labour AK have several tips and recommendations about work contracts and service notes in Austria.

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Firstly, they warn workers that many employment contracts contain different types of non-competition clauses and confidentiality obligations, both of which are legal in Austria. They also mention that additional benefits, such as a company cell phone or car, could be included in the contract. If something was verbally agreed upon, ask to add it to the contract or service note. 

The AK reminds workers to check the contract thoroughly before signing it. If you notice any clauses that need to be clarified, you can reach out to the chamber for a free consultation. If you discover changes between the verbal agreement and the contract or service note, you can ask for the changes to be amended or deleted. 

Finally, ask for or make a copy of the signed contract.