Spanish police recover stolen Francis Bacon painting

Spanish police said Thursday they have recovered a €5 million ($5.4 million) painting by late British artist Francis Bacon that was stolen with four other of his works in 2015.

Spanish police recover stolen Francis Bacon painting
An image grab taken from a handout video released by the Spanish Interior Ministry on May 23, 2024 shows a painting by Francis Bacon recovered by Spain's National Police in Madrid, valued at 5,000,000 euros, stolen in the Spanish capital in 2015. - The investigations led to the arrest in Madrid last February of two people responsible for the crime of receiving the two paintings stolen from the artist. (Photo by Handout / SPANISH INTERIOR MINISTRY / AFP) / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / INTERIOR MINISTRY " - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS

The work is one of five portraits of Spanish banker Jose Capelo by Bacon, together worth over €25 million ($27 million), which were stolen from Capelo’s Madrid home in July 2015.

The thieves also made off with a safe that contained coins and jewels in what was described at the time as one of the biggest contemporary art thefts in Spain. Police recovered three of the five paintings in 2017.

In a statement, police said they had arrested two people suspected of involvement in the theft, which allowed them to recover one of the stolen works still missing at a property in Madrid.

Police have so far arrested 16 people suspected over the theft since 2015, including the person believed to have ordered the heist and those who carried it out, the statement added.

“Investigations are continuing to locate the remaining work and arrest those in possession of it, with the focus on Spanish nationals with links to organised groups from Eastern Europe,” the statement said.

Police did not provide further details about the people involved in the robbery or how they were identified.

Bacon is regarded as one of Britain’s greatest recent painters, with some of his expressionist works achieving record amounts at auction.

His triptych “Three Studies of Lucian Freud” sold for $142.4 million at auction in New York in 2013, making it one of the world’s most expensive works at the time.

Bacon often visited Madrid, where he spent time studying old masters paintings in the Prado Museum, and died in the city in 1992, aged 82.

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Europol bust cocaine gang with arrests in Marbella and Canary Islands

Europol said Thursday that a crime ring smuggling drugs into Europe had collapsed as the result of an investigation involving 40 arrests and the seizure of eight tonnes of cocaine.

Europol bust cocaine gang with arrests in Marbella and Canary Islands

The Hague-based European police force said the entire cartel, whose leaders were based in Turkey and Dubai, had been dealt a major blow after a final set of arrests Wednesday.

The vast three-year-long operation involved police forces from a dozen countries and ranged from Brazil to Spain via Turkey.

According to Europol, the final phase of the operation began with the discovery in August 2023 by the Spanish Guardia Civil of 700 kilos (1,540 pounds)of cocaine in a boat off the Canary Islands, crewed by Croat and Italian citizens.

After exchanging their findings with other police forces, the investigators found links with previous seizures which led to the identification of the masterminds.

In all, 40 people were arrested in six countries, including two top Croat members of the network, who were arrested at the end of 2023 in Istanbul, police said.

The last four arrests took place on Wednesday in Spain, according to Europol.

In one operation witnessed by an AFP journalist, heavily armed members of Spain’s Guardia Civil arrested a 40-year-old man at dawn at his home near Marbella, a seaside resort popular with drug traffickers.

The smugglers shipped cocaine from South America to logistical hubs in west Africa and the Canary Islands.

The drugs were then sent on to centres in Belgium, Croatia, Germany, Italy and Spain for distribution across Europe.

Many of the drug network’s assets, with a total value of several tens of millions of euros, had been seized or frozen, Europol added.