Can Norway stop a strategic part of Svalbard from being sold to China?

The last piece of privately owned land in the strategic Svalbard archipelago in the Arctic is up for grabs, a property likely to entice China but which Norway does not intend to let go without a fight.

Can Norway stop a strategic part of Svalbard from being sold to China?
Pictured taken on May 16, 2024 from a boat shows the view of Longyearbyen, located on Spitsbergen island, in Svalbard Archipelago, northern Norway. (Photo by Jonathan NACKSTRAND / AFP)

The archipelago is located halfway between mainland Norway and the North Pole, in an Arctic region that has become a geopolitical and economic hotspot as the ice melts and relations grow ever frostier between Russia and the West.

For €300 million ($326 million), interested parties can acquire the remote Sore Fagerfjord property in southwestern Svalbard.

Measuring 60 square kilometres (23 square miles) — about the size of Manhattan — the property is home to mountains, plains, a glacier and about five kilometres of coastline, but no infrastructure.

“It’s the last private land in Svalbard, and, to our knowledge, the last private land in the world’s High Arctic,” said lawyer Per Kyllingstad, who represents the sellers.

“The Chinese are naturally potential buyers since they’ve been showing a real interest in the Arctic and Svalbard for a long time,” he told AFP, adding that he had received “concrete signs of interest” from the country.

Special treaty

Since China’s 2018 white paper on the Arctic — a sign of its interest in the region — the country has defined itself a “near-Arctic state” and plans to play a growing role in the region.

Svalbard is governed by a 1920 international treaty that leaves ample room for foreign interests.

It recognises Norway’s sovereignty over Svalbard, but citizens of all signatories — including China — are equally entitled to exploit the region’s natural resources.

Russia, for example, has maintained a coal mining community on Svalbard, via the state-run company Trust Arktikugol, for decades.

But times have changed.

Keen to protect its sovereignty, Norway would not look kindly on the Sore Fagerfjord property falling into foreign hands.

Especially hands in China, which Norway’s intelligence services say poses the biggest security risk to the Scandinavian country after Russia.

Norway’s Attorney General has therefore ordered the owners — a company controlled by a Russian-born Norwegian, according to local media — to call off the planned sale.

“The land can’t be sold without the Norwegian authorities’ approval,” Trade and Industry Minister Cecilie Myrseth told AFP.

“Nor is it possible to hold negotiations about the property,” she added.

That argument is based on clauses of an old loan granted by the state in 1919. Kyllingstad insists the clauses’ statute of limitations has expired.

Red flag

The Norwegian state owns 99.5 percent of Svalbard and has declared most of the land, including the Sore Fagerfjord property, protected areas where construction and motorised transport, among other things, are prohibited.

But the sellers don’t see things that way, and cite the 1920 treaty.

“All parties (who signed the treaty) have the same rights,” stressed Kyllingstad, noting that Norway had built housing, an airport and a harbour in Longyearbyen, the archipelago’s main town.

“Imagine if Norway now adopted rules limiting the activities of Russian holdings,” he said. “It would be World War Three.”

According to Andreas Osthagen of the Fridtjof Nansen research institute, the Sore Fagerfjord land has “minimal” economic value and its possible sale does not represent “a huge threat” to Norway.

But, he noted, “owning land on Svalbard could have a strategic value in 50 or 100 years.”

In the meantime, any mention of possible Chinese interest in Svalbard property raises “a red flag to force the Norwegian authorities to do something.”

In 2016, the government paid €33.5 million to acquire the second-last piece of private land on Svalbard, near Longyearbyen, which was also reportedly being eyed by Chinese investors.

Critics subsequently accused the government of being misled over unsubstantiated arguments.

In 2018-2019, the state had already engaged in negotiations to buy Sore Fagerfjord but the talks collapsed over the price.

Trade and Industry Minister Myrseth said the option was still open if the terms were “realistic”.

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Norway’s Svalbard cleans up act as last coal power plant closes

Coal brought fortune to Norway's Svalbard archipelago, but that bonanza became a curse for the remote group of islands due to climate concerns. Now, Svalbard is trying to clean up its act.

Norway's Svalbard cleans up act as last coal power plant closes

At the old Svea mine in the Arctic, broken railway tracks overgrown with weeds lead nowhere. Of the hundred buildings that once made up the town, there’s almost nothing left.

Coal brought fortune to Norway’s Svalbard archipelago, but that bonanza became a curse for the remote group of islands, now the most harmful fossil energy for the climate.

Svalbard, today home to 3,000 people and located in the fastest-warming region on the planet, is bit by bit erasing all traces of its mining past.

A 40-minute helicopter flight from the main town of Longyearbyen, the Svea mine and its surrounding settlement have been returned to Mother Nature after a massive, recently-completed restoration project.

“At its peak there were barracks for 300 people, with a canteen, an airfield with 35,000 passengers yearly, a power plant, a workshop, and storage,” said Morten Hagen Johansen, in charge of the project at the mine where he was once employed.

The Svea site is the biggest natural restoration ever undertaken in Norway. Only a handful of man-made objects remain, preserved because they are considered historic.

They include a few dilapidated brick buildings, a rusted track vehicle, and railway tracks that once transported wagons loaded with coal.

The area “was home to many miners who were working here for decades,” Hanna Geiran, head of the Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage, told AFP.

“Preserving these artefacts helps to better understand what this place was,” she added.

– Avalanches –

The mine was opened by a Swedish company in 1917 and officially closed 100 years later after producing 34 million tonnes of coal.

The site has since been returned to its natural state at a cost of around 1.6 billion kroner (about $140 million) to the Norwegian state.

“The concept is to try to let nature take it back,” said Hagen Johansen. “That means to let creeks run freely. To make sure that avalanches do
happen, because that will transport more sediment down and it will make new creeks.”

The part of the Barents Sea where the Svalbard archipelago is located is warming up to seven times faster than the rest of the planet, according to a study published in last year.

At Svea, a spectacular landslide recently created a deep crevasse down  hilly slope.

“It is the result of a very heavy rainfall last summer where they got maybe 50-60 millimetres (2-2.3 inches) of rain in just 24 hours,” geologist Fredrik
Juell Theisen said.

“That was very unusual before climate change started changing the climate up here,” he added.

– Russian presence –

The climate backlash is for the archipelago now trying to rid itself of fossil fuels.

Seven other mines located in the hills of Longyearbyen have almost all been closed, with the last one due to shut in 2025.

The town also disconnected its coal plant for good this month in exchange for a less-polluting diesel plant, ahead of a transition to renewable energies at a later stage.

Going forward, Svalbard’s economy will rely on tourism and scientific research.

The only coal still being mined on the archipelago will be a vein in Barentsburg, a Russian mining community with just under 500 Russians and Ukrainians, most of them from the Donbas region.

Under the 1920 international treaty that recognises Norway’s sovereignty over Svalbard, all signatories are entitled to exploit the region’s natural
resources equally.

As a result, Russia has for decades maintained a mining community om Svalbard, via the state-run company Trust Arktikugol, in a strategic region
belonging to a NATO member.

According to some observers and Russia itself, strict environmental regulations that Norway has introduced in the region — about two-thirds of Svalbard land is protected in one way or another — are at least partly aimed at limiting Russia.

It’s impossible to know whether such considerations played into Oslo’s decision to restore the Svea mine at great cost, said Mats Kirkebirkeland of Norwegian think tank Civita.

“But there’s no denying that some of the Norwegian environmental policies and the geostrategic policies on Svalbard are aligned.”