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Can you really be fined for skipping ‘dugnad’ in Norway?  

Skipping the seemingly voluntary act of 'dugnad' has seen some residents in Norwegian housing associations fined. But is this allowed, and what do the rules say?  

Pictured is a wheelbarrow in a garden.
Some housing associations have been dishing out fines to residents who skip dugnad. However, this isn't allowed. Pictured is a wheelbarrow in a garden. Photo by Jörg Hofmeier on Unsplash

Dugnad is the Norwegian act of pulling together for the greater good, and covers a number of acts an individual or group of people can undertake. 

While the closest English translation is ‘voluntary work’, it can mean anything from school kids raising money for a school trip by selling toilet rolls, to the residents of a housing block meeting up to clean the communal areas. 

The latter example has proved controversial, as even though dugnad is supposedly voluntary, residents have been fined for not partaking in unpaid work. 

OPINION: Why you should get involved with ‘dugnad’ instead of skiving off

This issue seems to pop up every spring in Norway, so can you expect to be fined if you skip dugand

While some housing associations may decide to try and issue fines to those who skip dugnad, this act is illegal, the Co-operative Housing Federation of Norway (NBBL) has said.

“Outdoor areas are the responsibility of the housing association or condominium as a community , and no resident has a special duty to volunteer. The boards have no authority to punish those who stay at home, even though it may feel unfair that some sit at home, while others stand up for the community through work,” Line Bjerkek, head of the legal office, at the NBBL said. 

She also said it is completely fine for those who do not wish to volunteer to drop it. 

“It is allowed to drop the hard work. This applies no matter what kind of reason you have – there is no legal obligation to work on a voluntary basis,” she said. 

READ ALSO: What to do if you have a disagreement with a Norwegian housing association

However, she said that participating was recommended, not only because it was a good way to get to know the neighbours but also because it could help cut down on joint costs that all residents have to pay. 

Furthermore, while housing associations can’t punish those who sit dugnad out, they can reward those who do decide to take part or who choose to undertake work on a voluntary basis. 

In some cases, housing associations can offer lower costs for those who participate. If enough volunteers undertake a job, professional services aren’t required, and the savings are passed on to the participants. 

“An example is where the painting of one’s own garage is done on a voluntary basis. Then, the person who does not paint their garage must pay the painting costs. In practice, this is solved by having the owners who have participated in the service receive a reduced joint cost for the month in question. The amounts must correspond to a normal remuneration for this type of work,” Bjerkek said. 

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Five useful things to know before you move to Norway

Moving to a new country comes with plenty of unexpected lessons and surprises. Norway is no different, and here are six things you'll need to know before the move. 

Five useful things to know before you move to Norway


While you may presume Norway is an efficient society, and it can be once you get the ball rolling, plenty of patience will be required. 

This is because fixing the essentials can take quite a while. In recent years, long waiting times for residence permits have become common. 

Furthermore, once you are granted residence and given an identity number, setting up things like a bank account could take weeks or months rather than days. 

When it comes to getting a job, interview stages can take a while to get going, especially if periods like the summer holidays or Easter slow things down. 

A shortage of GPs and long patient lists make doctor appointments difficult. Meanwhile, if you decide to make a home in the country, you will likely need to live there for five to eight years before becoming eligible for citizenship. 

READ ALSO: What paperwork do you need to open a bank account in Norway

Norwegian flags 

Norwegians take great pride in their country, and as a result, their flag also features quite prominently. 

If you live in an apartment block, you can normally tell when it’s a neighbour’s birthday, as they will have the Norwegian flag on display. 

Norway’s flag is also featured prominently in other celebrations and festivities. The most famous of these is May 17th or Constitution Day. However, most stores will have year-round sections where it is possible to buy Norwegian flag decorations.

Week numbers 

This one can be frustrating to come to terms with, and for many, it won’t make much sense even after living in the country for a while. 

Norwegians use week numbers to refer to points in time, either in the past of the future. It’s common for you to hear phrases like “We will be closed in week 32, but reopen in week 33 or “The project needs to be finished by week 42

It’ll be typical for a local to rattle of week numbers and expect you to know exactly where in the calendar they are talking about. 

READ ALSO: Why Norwegians use week numbers instead of dates

Reserved locals can make it hard to make friends

One of the toughest aspects of moving somewhere new is establishing a new network of friends. 

Small talk isn’t really huge in Norway, and the locals are known for their reserved and private nature. 

Its unlikely that you’ll be striking up conversations on the bus or that you’ll progress beyond more than a polite greeting with most of your neighbours. 

This is done to respect privacy rather than to be rude or cold. 

However, this can make making friends difficult as plenty of locals don’t make too many more friends in adult life and are content with their circle.

Still, it’s entirely possible to form lifelong friendships with the locals, especially if you just give it time and have something like a shared sport or hobby to break the ice. 

READ ALSO: Settling in Norway: Five places to meet new people and make friends

Festival celebrations 

Norwegians love to celebrate, and that’s why you’ll soon be marking your calendar with events like sankthansaften or syttende mai

The best thing about these festivals or days is that they come with a whole host of specific traditions or foods. 

Sankthansaften see’s people gather round bonfires to celebrate the summer solstice, it’s also typical for children to collect wild flowers to put underneath their pillows so they can dream about their future partner. 

Santa Lucia is marked every year on December 13th, and some people make special buns and see children visit old people’s homes for light processions. 

Then they are the more individual family traditions that surround New Year’s, Easter, Christmas and May 17th.