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Italian word of the day: ‘Deteinato’

You’re going to need to wake up if you want to learn about this word.

Italian word of the day: ‘Deteinato’
Photo: Annie Spratt/Unsplash/Nicolas Raymond

In the English language, when taking a sip of coffee or tea without caffeine in it, you’d refer to either as being decaffeinated. There is no difference between the two popular hot beverages in this case.

However, this is not true at all in the Italian language.

Should you refer to tea without caffeine as decaf tea, you may get a few odd looks. That’s because in Italy ‘decaffeinated’ tea is instead called deteinato.

The adjective deteinato (de·te·i·nà·to) is used to describe tea which has been largely stripped of its theine content (identical to caffeine) by means of a solvent named dichloromethane.

Theine (known as teina in Italian) is rarely, if not never, used in English. If you search either the Oxford or Cambridge dictionaries, it is not in them. That’s because caffeine is the general term used for it.

But in Italian, if you ask for a ‘tè decaffeinato’, Italians might think you’re talking about two different drinks.

Let’s take a look at a scenario, first in English then in Italian.

Customer: one tea please.

Waiter: Would you like it with or without caffeine?

Customer: Decaf please. I need to sleep tonight.

Cliente: Un tè, per favore

Cameriere: Lo vorresti con teina o deteinato?

Cliente: Deteinato grazie. Ho bisogno di dormire stanotte

So next time you’re ordering a decaf tea in Italy, be sure to use the specific term or you might cause some confusion.

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Italian word of the day: ‘Gasata’

Try not to get too hyped up about this word.

Italian word of the day: 'Gasata'

If someone’s particularly excited or pumped about something, in Italian you may hear them talk about being gasato/a (the ending will change depending on whether the subject is masculine, feminine, singular or plural).

Sono gasata per la tua festa di sabato!
I’m excited for your party on Saturday!

I bambini erani gasati all’idea di andare al luna park.
The children were stoked to go to the theme park.

As you might guess, gasato/a literally means ‘gassed’, which, along with frizzante, most commonly describes carbonated drinks or water.

As in English, it can also refer to killing people with poison gas.

With both these uses, there’s some debate over whether the spelling should be gassato/a, with two ‘s’s, or the softer gasato/a

Though the dictionary says both are acceptable, gassata has won out in recent years.

– Possiamo avere una bottiglia di acqua gassata e una naturale per il tavolo?
– Certo, ci mancherebbe.

– Can we have one bottle of fizzy water and one still for the table?
– Certainly.

Hanno gassato a morte l’intero villaggio.
They gassed the entire village to death.

When it comes to being excited or pumped, however, you’ll only see or hear the version with one ‘s’.

È estremamente gasato per questo nuovo lavoro.
He’s extremely hyped about this new job.

Devo ammettere che l’ultima volta mi sono gasata troppo.
I have to admit I got too worked up the last time.

Do you have an Italian word you’d like us to feature? If so, please email us with your suggestion.

Make sure you don’t miss any of our Italian words and expressions of the day: download our new app (available on Apple and Android) and then selecting the Italian Word of the Day in your Notification options via the User button.