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Italian expression of the day: ‘Cambiare registro’

Here's the Italian phrase you'll need if you're looking for a change.

Italian word of the day
Photo: Annie Spratt/Unsplash/Nicolas Raymond

If you live in Italy or have spent a considerable amount of time in the country, you may have overheard an Italian parent telling their child they needed to cambiare registro right after they threw a tantrum. 

If you work or have worked in Italy, you may also have had one of your superiors tell you that a cambio di registro was needed in the office. 

But what do Italians really mean when they tell someone they need to ‘change register’?

Italians use cambiare registro to tell someone that they need to change their behaviour, manners or way to approach a particular task (including work or school assignments), usually because they’re not particularly happy with the way they’re currently handling things. 

It is generally used with the verb dovere (must/have to), which must be conjugated according to the person who could do with a ‘change of register’. For instance:

Non hai passato gli ultimi tre test. Devi cambiare registro se vuoi tenere la tua paghetta settimanale.  

You failed the past three exams. You need to turn things around if you want to keep your weekly allowance.

La tua performance al lavoro e’ stata insoddisfacente questo trimestre. Devi veramente cambiare registro il prossimo mese.

Your performance at work has been unsatisfactory this quarter. You really need to turn things around next month.

You could also say that a situation you’re unhappy with needs ‘a change of register’, without addressing anyone in particular. 

Ci sono cose ovunque. C’e’ bisogno di un cambio di registro in questa casa.

There’s stuff all over the place. Changes are needed in this house.

As you can see from these examples, there’s no single way to translate the phrase into English, though ‘turning things around’ and ‘changing up’ are popular translations.

And if you’re wondering where the expression comes from, it has nothing to do with Italy’s Registry Office (or Anagrafe), nor with any other part of the country’s public administration. 

Cambiare registro was originally a music-related expression as it referred to the act of changing the tone or range (registro in Italian) of some musical instruments, including pipe organs.

But, as in the case of many other Italian phrases and expressions, its usage was later extended to daily life situations to express a need for major changes.

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Italian word of the day: ‘Gasata’

Try not to get too hyped up about this word.

Italian word of the day: 'Gasata'

If someone’s particularly excited or pumped about something, in Italian you may hear them talk about being gasato/a (the ending will change depending on whether the subject is masculine, feminine, singular or plural).

Sono gasata per la tua festa di sabato!
I’m excited for your party on Saturday!

I bambini erani gasati all’idea di andare al luna park.
The children were stoked to go to the theme park.

As you might guess, gasato/a literally means ‘gassed’, which, along with frizzante, most commonly describes carbonated drinks or water.

As in English, it can also refer to killing people with poison gas.

With both these uses, there’s some debate over whether the spelling should be gassato/a, with two ‘s’s, or the softer gasato/a

Though the dictionary says both are acceptable, gassata has won out in recent years.

– Possiamo avere una bottiglia di acqua gassata e una naturale per il tavolo?
– Certo, ci mancherebbe.

– Can we have one bottle of fizzy water and one still for the table?
– Certainly.

Hanno gassato a morte l’intero villaggio.
They gassed the entire village to death.

When it comes to being excited or pumped, however, you’ll only see or hear the version with one ‘s’.

È estremamente gasato per questo nuovo lavoro.
He’s extremely hyped about this new job.

Devo ammettere che l’ultima volta mi sono gasata troppo.
I have to admit I got too worked up the last time.

Do you have an Italian word you’d like us to feature? If so, please email us with your suggestion.

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