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Why are Austrians choosing to have fewer children?

Austrians are choosing to have fewer children than in previous decades but what are the reasons?

Why are Austrians choosing to have fewer children?
The number of children that Austrians are opting to have has dropped since 2009. Photo: AFP / Alex Halada

The ‘Generations & Gender Survey’, conducted by the Generations and Gender Programme of the University of Vienna, in cooperation with the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the University of Salzburg has raised several questions for politicians and policymakers. 

The survey findings indicate that the number of children that Austrian women indicated that they’d like to have has dropped to 1.68. This number is down from 2.1 when a similar survey was conducted in 2009.

Furthermore, there is also a growing number of Austrian women who are opting not to have children altogether.

As Tomáš Sobotka of the Austrian Academy of Sciences states: “According to preliminary estimates, childlessness will be 23-24% for those (women) born in the 1990s”.

To gather these results, 8,000 people of both sexes between 18 and 59 throughout Austria were surveyed between October 2022 and March 2023.

In addition to surveying intentions regarding having children, the survey asked respondents to indicate what may have changed their mind on the matter.

READ MORE: Four things to know if you’re going to give birth in Austria 

A series of recent global crises – the coronavirus pandemic and the war in Ukraine, and the subsequent financial effects on families  – appear to be having an effect.

Almost a third of those surveyed either changed their desire to have children because of recent global crises (11 percent) or expressed uncertainty about it (19 percent).

Women were more likely to have changed their minds towards not having children, as were men and women under the age of thirty.

The pressures of work are also having an effect. Three-quarters of survey respondents also indicated that a lack of work-life balance negatively affected their desire to have children.

According to Wolfgang Mazal, the head of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, these results are unsurprising: “If you consider the challenges faced by parents, you can understand why they apparently think three times about bringing children into the world.”

However, he also indicates that the survey results should warn the government when formulating future policies and budgets.

“The research results should be used as an impetus for reflection on social conditions: Are lifestyles and social organisations sustainable and open to the future?” he concluded.

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Indications of how this may be achieved can be found in the researching findings, however.. According to the survey, mothers were more likely to state that working from home reduced stress levels for example.

It was also found that couples from or including migrant backgrounds were less likely to have changed their mind regarding having children – 39 percent of surveyed indicated that they would like to have two or more children.

Alongside intentions regarding having children, the ‘Gender & Generations’ survey probed almost every aspect of Austrian family life – from where couples met, to expectations regarding marriage. Even how Austrian couples break up came under the microscope.

An English copy of the research findings is available from the University of Vienna in a PDF format, and includes over 80 pages of findings and raw data.

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How could Austria make paternity leave more attractive for fathers?

Austrian parents can split their parental leave, but most fathers don't take time to stay at home to care for their children. Why is that, and what could be done to help more dads to take leave?

How could Austria make paternity leave more attractive for fathers?

The number of dads in Austria receiving childcare allowance, meaning they were taking a break from work to care for their children, had been continuously rising until 2017, when 15,095 men took advantage of their parental leave rights.

Since then however, the share of fathers receiving the parental benefit has decreased from 20.5 percent to 16.7 percent, according to the latest Chamber of Labour (AK) research

Can the drop be explained?

“The pandemic has revived the old role patterns,” believes Eva-Maria Burger, Head of the Women and Families Department at the AK.

For example during the pandemic it was predominantly women who stayed home to look after children when kindergartens and schools closed.

In 82 percent of couples in Austria, only the woman takes parental leave, and the father does not use his right to parental leave or childcare allowance. Those fathers who do take parental leave also predominantly only take two months. Fathers taking longer periods of paternity leave are still the great exception, the report showed.

READ ALSO: What you need to know about parental leave in Austria

But even before the pandemic led to fewer men taking parental leave, the Chamber of Labour believes that the introduction of the “family time bonus”, a payment given to fathers who take the month off immediately after the birth of a child, was also affecting fathers. They believe the fact that dads started taking one month off early on led to them not taking any further childcare later.

Especially given that companies often pressured men not to take any leave at all, the AK claimed.

“Fathers want modern parenthood. However, companies rarely allow men to combine family and career. Companies are only family-friendly if they are father- and mother-friendly”, said Burger.

The AK brought to light several instances of companies pressuring or punishing fathers who took time to be with their families.

In one case, an employee who always performs impeccably at work, winning awards, announced he would take one month off (the Papamonat). He was then later and suddenly accused of “poor performance”. These examples highlight the challenges fathers face in balancing work and family responsibilities and the need for a more supportive work environment.

What can be done about this?

The AK presented a six-point plan to increase men’s participation in parental leave, aiming to reach closer to the “half-half” mark of partners equally dividing their rights to childcare leave.

Firstly, the chamber called on the government to increase awareness of people’s rights, conducting a true information campaign about the right to split leave and the financial incentives to do so. Companies should also have to give advice and help manage parental leave for men once a pregnancy or Papamonat is announced.

READ ALSO: The tax benefits that parents and families receive in Austria

Additionally, the chamber advocates a higher “minimum share” for fathers, meaning fathers would legally have to spend more time at home for the couple to be entitled to the full two years of parental leave. Currently, if parents want to stay in the so-called Karenz for the entire 24 months they are entitled to, one of the parents needs to stay for at least two months on leave.

The incentive for more paternal leave could also be financially increased by doubling the partnership bonus – so parents who split at least 60:40 would receive €2,000. Also, the AK suggests rewarding those who can split parental leave equally with their partners by supplementing the childcare allowance by €350 per month per parent.

Why is it important to split parental leave more equally?

The chamber’s research highlights the importance of a more equal division in parental leave, showing that it dramatically improves women’s chances of returning to work. 

“In the long term, it pays off for everyone,” said the AK head of Women And Family Eva-Maria Burger: “For the whole family, it is safer to rely on two full incomes. For the economy and the welfare state, more women will be in the workforce, and for the individual companies, they can retain employees better if they allow men to be family men and workers.”