How well do Germans speak English compared to the rest of Europe?

Germany once again ranks among the world's best for English proficiency, but it is struggling with a widening gender gap and worsening levels of English among young people.

How well do Germans speak English compared to the rest of Europe?
How well do Germans speak English in 2023? Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Every year, the international learning company Education First (EF) publishes its English Proficiency Index (EPI), which ranks mastery of the English language worldwide.

Among 113 non-native countries surveyed, Germany was ranked tenth this year, retaining its previous position. 

Within Europe, the country has moved up one place to seventh, overtaking Finland. This is despite the fact that Germany’s overall score dropped from 613 last year to 604 this year. However, other top performers have seen similar results. “Europe is in a bit of a slump this year,” the report says. 

Still, Germany narrowly held on to its ranking as a “very high” average performer – although the regional and gender gaps are widening.

Two of Germany’s neighbours were however ranked in the top three worldwide.

The Netherlands again topped this year’s list as the world’s best for English proficiency, followed by Singapore and Austria. The Scandinavian countries of Norway, Denmark, and Sweden filled the next three positions in the top 6.

At the other end of the index the Democratic Republic of Congo came in last place, with Tajikistan and Yemen just ahead.

Screenshot: Education First

What stands out about Germany’s position is that it is the only one of the largest EU members to have a “very high” level of English proficiency, which is equivalent to a B2 level. Italy and Spain both ranked 35th in the world, while France ranked 43rd – the lowest in the Union.

The demographic gap is widening

A major concern of EF’s annual study is the decline in English proficiency among young people in some regions. While it expects a post-Covid rebound in young people’s English skills in most places, it sees a greater challenge for “countries experiencing a longer decline among the youngest cohort”. 

Germany’s 18- to 20-year-olds fall into this category. Their proficiency peaked in 2017 and has been declining steadily ever since. This is important to note because most other age groups in Germany peaked in 2021, but now remain at similarly high levels. 

Screenshot: Education First

In addition, the German gender gap in language proficiency is widening. The difference in performance between men and women has increased year-on-year, with men stabilising at a “very high” level of 615 points, while women drop into the “high” category for the first time since 2016 (594 points). 

In this regard, the study notes that, despite being the obvious culprit, this disparity may not be due to women’s lack of access to the workplace. Instead, the problem may run deeper.

“The gender gap among those aged 18-25 is three times as wide as among working adults,” the EPI report notes. This would point to a “problem engendered by educational systems themselves or a societal problem schools are failing to address”.

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‘People are eating less meat’: How Germany is embracing vegan food

Germany's second-largest supermarket chain has just opened its first vegan store in Berlin. Could the country see more vegan stores in future as more consumers buy in to plant-based foods?

'People are eating less meat': How Germany is embracing vegan food

German grocer REWE opened its first vegan store on Warshauer Bridge in Berlin’s Friedrichshain neighbourhood last week.

‘REWE voll pflanzlich’ (wholly plant-based) is a relatively small store, but it offers more than 2,700 vegan products, according to information provided by the company. Unlike the REWE’s roughly 3,800 other locations, no meat, dairy or other animal products will be sold there.

In comparison, a regular REWE location often carries up to 1,400 vegan items – a selection that has grown in recent years. Milk alternatives and fresh convenience products in particular have proven to be popular items. 

REWE Group has previously seen success with plant-based franchises. Its Austrian subsidiary Billa, launched Billa ‘Pflanzilla‘ in September 2022.

At Warschauer Straße 33, the first ‘REWE voll pflanzlich’ is planted in established vegan territory. The location was previously home to a Veganz store, which had been Europe’s first vegan supermarket chain. Veganz sold its retail business in 2023, saying it planned to focus on product development.

How is the neighbourhood reacting?

Berlin resident, Leona, stopped by the store with her friend on their way to the East Side Gallery.

“I think it’s great,” she told The Local. “Here I can find things that they don’t carry at a normal REWE store.”

She added that the location in Friedrichshain makes sense, because the neighbourhood is home to a lot of vegan restaurants and veggie-friendly residents.

Lilla Fufavi, founder of Berlin Fashion Tours, stopped by the store while leading a street tour focused on sustainable commerce.

Bringing a tour group to REWE was perhaps a bold move, as it was Fufavi’s first time visiting the store herself, but she told The Local that her guests enjoyed the quick stop. 

“They loved the idea that you just go in, and without any effort you can be vegan. There is no other option,” Fufavi said.

She added that, as one of the biggest players in the industry, the fact that REWE is promoting more plant-based options shows how the industry is taking steps toward sustainability. 

READ ALSO: EXPLAINED – Why and how to start a zero-waste lifestyle in Germany

interior REWE voll pflazlich

The new REWE location is relatively small but offers 2,700 vegan foods and products. Photo provided by REWE / pivopix Christoph Grosse

Is Germany ready to leave Die Wurst behind?

Traditional German faire is known for its focus on Fleisch, like sausages,  meaty stews or pork shoulder. While local favourites like Thüringer Bratwurst certainly wont be going anywhere anytime soon, meat consumption per capita in the Bundesrepublik has been falling in recent years. 

According to preliminary data from Germany’s Information Centre for Agriculture (BZL), the per capita consumption of meat fell by 430 grams in 2023, to 51.6 kilograms – the lowest value recorded since the beginning of the survey. 

The same cannot be said of the US, where meat consumption continues to grow. In the UK, meat consumption is falling, but not nearly as dramatically as in Germany.

Interestingly, Germany’s previous fixation on meat has arguably positioned the country to be more willing to embrace plant-based options going forward. 

Many younger Germans have seen their elder relatives suffer diet-related illnesses, such as heart disease or cancer. Meanwhile research confirming the positive effects of more plant-based diets has gotten more attention.

The German society for nutrition (DGE) recommends a diet that consists of three-quarters plant-based foods. 

“Roughly speaking, people eat too much meat and drink too much alcohol, too few whole grains, too few fruits and vegetables, and too few legumes and nuts,” Astrid Donalie, press speaker for the DGE told The Local.

READ ALSO: Deutsche Bahn ‘goes green’ with vegan menu and porcelain coffee cups

Vegan or vegetarian diets tend to be more common among Germany’s younger generations, which suggests that the country’s meat consumption per capita may continue to fall for some time.

Considering the trend, REWE’s first fully vegan store may prove to be an early sign of a looming market shift as Germany’s food manufacturers and retailers ramp up efforts to capitalise on growing demand for plant-based foods.

“When it comes to their diet, Germans pay more attention to their health, the impact on the environment or the welfare of animals,” said Minister of Food and Agriculture, Cem Özdemir, of the Greens. “Today, many people are eating less meat, but more consciously – and all the figures suggest that the trend will continue.”

He added that this presents opportunities to make Germany’s food supply chains more sustainable, humane and equitable: “We should take advantage of the new market opportunities. Keeping fewer animals better…At the same time, we are counting on farmers being able to make good money with plant-based alternatives in addition to animal products.”