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The 10 false friends German and English speakers keep muddling up

Keen to know the most common German-English false friends native speakers in German-speaking countries tend to mix up? We spoke to a director of studies at a language school to find out.

The 10 false friends German and English speakers keep muddling up
The German word 'blamieren' doesn't translate to the verb 'to blame' in English. Deposit Photos

“False friends can occur at all language learning levels and are hard to change,” Ciaran Fleck, director of English studies at Fokus Sprachen und Seminare language school, tells The Local.

Words or expressions that look or sound similar to those in one’s native language but have a very different meaning are known as false friends.

“When a word is so closely related to a word in your native language, if you leave it for too long it can be difficult to change that wiring because you’ve already made associations with it in your head,” says Fleck, who’s been teaching English in Germany for years.

This is why it’s important that language trainers highlight the learner’s mistake and draw their attention to it often as this helps to “iron out the kinks.”

Here’s a list of the most common German-English false friends Fleck hears on a frequent basis. If you’re a native English speaker who’s learned German, maybe you’ve mixed up the following words at some point too.

1. aktuell vs. actually

“This is the one that gets them all the time regardless of how often you mention it,” says Fleck.

Contrary to popular belief, the English translation for aktuell is current/currently, not actually. And the German translation for actually is eigentlich, not aktuell.

As if that wasn’t tricky enough, the German word eigentlich isn’t used in exactly the same way actually is used in English. Whereas a speaker might use actually in situations when they want to suggest something unexpected or decline plans politely, often this isn’t the case for eigentlich.

Even advanced students sometimes choose to completely avoid using the word actually.

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2. eventuell vs. eventual/eventually

Similar to the previous pair of false friends, the closeness in sound and look of these two words makes it easy to understand why it can be confusing for language learners.

Online dictionary Pons states that the German word eventuell translates best to maybe, possible/possibly or potential/potentially. On the other hand the English word eventual/eventually is equivalent to the German term schließlich, leztendlich or irgendwann.

3. mobben vs. (to) mob

“Whenever this mistake is brought up, the word bully always seems to be a new word for [native German] learners,” Fleck says.

To add to the confusion, Bulli in German is a colloquial name for a Volkswagen Transporter – a type of van produced by automobile giant VW over the past six decades.

Bullying in the workplace. Photo: Deposit Photos/Wavebreakmedia

While the German verb mobben means to harass or bully a person, according to the Langenscheidt dictionary, the German terms Pack and bedrängen can communicate best the English word mob in its noun and verb forms, respectively.

Merriam-Webster defines a mob as a “large or disorderly crowd, especially one bent on riotous or destructive action” or, in a verb form to “crowd about and attack or annoy.”  

4. konsequent vs. consequent

Don’t be fooled. While these two words look and sound the same, they’re used in very different ways.

English teachers often find that, when students say “consequent” in an English sentence, more often than not what they mean to say is the word consistent.

Langenscheidt dictionary states that konsequent can translate to consistent or logical in English. The word consequent, on the other hand, translates best to the German adjective folgend.

5. sensibel vs. sensible

If a German speaker ever tells you that you are being too sensible when you take offence at a joke, they probably mean to say you are being too sensitive.

The German adjective sensibel means something far removed from the English word sensible. Sensibel can be used to describe something or someone that is sensitive or touchy. Conversely, to be sensible, meaning to have good sense or reason, translates in German to vernünftig, klug or verständig.

6. übersehen vs. to oversee

Particularly in the workplace, this mix up could get you in hot water. If you’ve ever told your German boss that “du das Projekt übersehen hast”, don’t be surprised if she gets upset with you. You just told her that you neglected or missed it.

The German word you are actually looking for is beaufsichtigen or überwachen, Langenscheidt states.

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7. blamieren vs. to blame

Another pair of false friends Fleck says a lot of his students muddle up is blamieren and to blame.

Blamieren is a German verb that means to disgrace or to embarrass oneself or someone else. To blame in the English language, however, means to find fault with or to hold someone responsible for something, for which the closest German term is jemanden beschuldigen or verantwortlich machen (für).

8. Chef vs. chef

This is probably the most well-known German-English pair of false friends out there (not surprising as there’s no actual difference in how they’re pronounced and spelled). That doesn’t mean though, that German speakers have stopped confusing the two.

In German, ‘Chef’ is more ‘Chief” (Photo by Piero CRUCIATTI / AFP)

Whereas Chef (note the capital letter) in German means boss, chief or head (e.g. of a company), a chef in English is a skilled cook who manages a kitchen (e.g. of a restaurant) and is best translated to Koch/Köchin in German.

9. spenden vs. to spend

Despite the fact that these two words are pronounced differently in their respective languages, for language learners they can be particularly tricky as they look exactly the same.

If you’d like to communicate in German that you’ve just spent €50 in the supermarket, don’t say “spenden”. Germans might be a bit confused as to why you are giving Aldi your charity.

Spenden in German means to donate (time or money) whereas the English verb to spend translates to ausgeben (money) or verbringen (time).

10. sympatisch vs. sympathetic

To round off this list, another one of the top false friends Fleck says befuddles native German speakers is sympathisch.

Sure, most reputable dictionaries will tell you that sympathisch can be used to say likeable, congenial or friendly, but oftentimes these translations fall short of what the word truly strives to communicate.

And the adjective sympathetic means something completely different to likeable or friendly. Langenscheidt offers mitfühlend or verständnisvoll as translations for sympathetic, which means to show that you understand how another person is feeling.

For all The Local’s guides to learning German CLICK HERE

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Ask a German: Do you ever forget the gender of words?

Remembering whether a noun is der, die or das can be tricky for non-natives. In the first of our series where we find answers to the burning questions that foreigners want to know, we ask a German: do you ever forget the gender of articles?

Ask a German: Do you ever forget the gender of words?

For lots of non-natives, speaking German is a bit like a lottery: when you are not 100 percent sure about the article of a German word, you take a guess. And you have a one in three chance of getting it right. 

But knowing whether a singular noun is der (masculine), die (feminine) or das (neutral) is key to developing your language skills in order to construct fuller sentences. Think of it like the foundations: you need to learn the gender of the word as well as the word itself so you can build the rest of your German language house. 

But do native German speakers always know whether a word is der, die or das?

Berlin-based German teacher Seraphine Peries told The Local that although German speakers tend to know intuitively what the article of most nouns are because they learn them while growing up, they “definitely” have doubts. 

“German native speakers make a lot of mistakes when it comes to certain words,” said Peries. “For example, the word ‘Email’ is feminine in German: die Email. But the further you go south of Germany, they use the neutral form: das Email. So there’s a bit of a discussion about that, it’s a regional thing.”

Peries said there are lots of debates on the gender of English words that been transported into German, as well as newer words.

She also said product names provoke discussion. One of the most famous is Nutella. 

“A lot of people say die Nutella because it’s like the Italian ella, but others say der Nutella because they think of the German word der Aufstrich, which means ‘spread’. And then there are people who say das Nutella because it’s a foreign word so they say it must be das.”

Although the makers of Nutella have never revealed the gender of the word so perhaps everyone is right in this case.

And then there are the words that change their meaning depending on the article that definitely confuse natives (as well as foreigners, no doubt).

“A few words in German are known as Genuswechsel (gender change),” said Peries. “These are words that change their meaning when they change gender.”

Peries highlighted the word der Verdienst, which means earnings or income, and das Verdienst, which means merit or credit. 

So you could say:

Der Verdienst für die Stelle war zu niedrig.

The income for the job was too low


Es ist das Verdienst der Eltern, dass das Kind so gut erzogen ist.

It is to the credit of the parents that the child is so well brought up.