‘Be patient’: How to make Danish friends as a newcomer to Denmark

Denmark was recently rated as one of the hardest countries for foreigners to settle, not least due to the difficulty of befriending locals. We asked our readers in Denmark for their advice on how to get over this obstacle.

'Be patient': How to make Danish friends as a newcomer to Denmark
There's no easy shortcut to making Danish friends as a foreigner in Denmark, but with patience and the right approach it can be done -- and is worth the wait. Photo by Joshua Sazon on Unsplash

Denmark ranked 51st out of the 53 countries surveyed in the recent InterNations Expat Insider survey when it came to the Ease of Settling In Index.

It was placed in the bottom ten globally for every subcategory and factor in this index – not least the Finding Friends subcategory, where Denmark was place 53rd and last.

Some 66 percent of those surveyed in Denmark found it challenging to make local friends, compared to the global average of 36 percent.

Various factors might explain why Denmark can be a difficult place to settle down as a foreign newcomer, but the difficulty of making friends has to be considered an important one among them.

So what can you do as a newcomer to Denmark to overcome this apparent cultural obstacle and become part of a local community?

Although it might seem difficult, it is possible to make Danish friends through workplaces and to cultivate friends with mutual friends, one reader said.

This might require more patience and setting different expectations to those you might have in different countries.

“My only friend in Denmark is actually from work. Danes don’t socialise with new friends for a long time. I’ve been here for five years. We only meet for coffee,” Jeanette from England said.

“We haven’t been to each other’s homes,” she added.

But with different expectations for friendships you can make progress, some of our respondents said.

“First advice is to set expectations low, the bar to be ‘friends’ is much higher than cities like London, Amsterdam,” said Christian from Indonesia, who has lived in Copenhagen for the last two years and works for an international company.

“Second is to be patient and focus on your interests,” like joining a sports club, he said.

“Third is to make friends in the office and be reasonable, chances are if you’re single, you’ll make friends with other singles, and if you have kids or family, you’ll make friends with others with kids or family,” he said.

Another tip that requires patience is to learn Danish. This will be worth the effort in the long run according to AJ, a reader who has lived in Denmark for four years and also worked in the Nordic country prior to that.

“Be prepared to learn the language and understand the culture,” she said.

“Be prepared to make plans well in advance and cooking some nice food and chatting together works well,” she added.

READ ALSO: When can you talk to a stranger in Denmark without annoying them?

“With internationals, form interest groups and make the effort to meet informally as often as possible,” she said.

“Me and another friend set up a book club (which has a few Danes in it too) and that gives us an opportunity to go out together. I also play padel tennis with my work colleagues and many of those have become friends,” she said.

“Once you have some Danish friends they are the most loyal and generous people. Worth waiting for,” AJ added.

Making friends through clubs, and common interests was a tip that several readers shared, and fits well with the Danish custom of valuing fællesskaber or community.

“Join hobby groups such as in sports and entertainment,” Raymond from Ghana said along the same theme. Raymond has lived in Denmark for six years.

“Find a good legitimate excuse. I don’t think Danes are difficult to get to know, but they need a valid utility-fueled excuse to ignite the social game,” another reader said.

If you are still struggling to find Danes with which to share an interest in a setting like a club or regular activity, another option is to seek out fellow internationals – who obviously also have the experience of relocation to Denmark.

One benefit of this is that it might be a faster process than befriending Danes.

“I used Facebook groups to find people of my same nationality, it is a struggle to deal with Danes since the cultural differences are so big,” said Sara from Mexico.

“I needed the warmth, humour sense and empathy from my own people. It took me two months to create my own network with persons from my own country,” Sara said.

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Eight ways you will accidentally annoy your Danish neighbours

Getting along with your neighbours is essential if you want an easy life - but there are a some house rules in Denmark that you may not even know you're breaking.

Eight ways you will accidentally annoy your Danish neighbours

Anyone who’s lived in Denmark for a while knows that there are rules for everything, so it will come as no surprise that there are plenty of guidelines for living with, or near other people.


When you live in an apartment block, you will come across house rules (husorden).

These are a set of collectively chosen rules to make sure everyone is happy with living within the close quarters of an apartment. Each apartment building has a different set of house rules, as they are decided by the board members (bestyrelsen) who live there.

It is not always clear what the rules are, so you have to ask an apartment board member, or you can find them on the housing department’s website. You can also ask to join the board and propose or amend some of the rules.

But generally speaking, these are the main areas to watch out for if you don’t want to accidentally annoy your neighbours:

1.Recycling and rubbish 

There are large shared bins in the courtyard of apartments. Make sure to put your rubbish in the correctly coloured bin and do not leave it overflowing.

2. Bicycles and prams

Apartment blocks usually have a locked room where you can choose to store bikes and prams. Don’t go taking or borrowing anything from here without permission, even if you think it’s not being used.

3. Ball games

Some apartment blocks share outside children’s toys. But there may be rules about how to store and borrow these, as well as when to play certain ball games. Don’t be alarmed if a neighbour points this out to your children.

4. Smoking

You may think, my house, my rules. But there may be restrictions in your block, for example smoking near hanged washing on a balcony, so check out your local apartment rules first. Some housing associations and landlords do not permit smoking inside at all.

READ ALSO: EXPLAINED: How to get out of a rental contract in Denmark

5. Laundry

Not every apartment comes with a washing or drying machine so you’ll find these facilities in the basements of apartment buildings. But you can’t just turn up and use a machine, even if it’s empty.

On the wall will be a timetable where you put down your apartment number to book your time slot — these are usually now electronic and operated by a chip, or by logging in to the housing department’s website. Make sure you empty the machine within your allocated slot: not doing so will result in an annoyed neighbour and possibly your things being thrown into a basket with more than a mild undertone of passive aggression. Stick to your slot, exactly.

Use your own detergent. There may be unlabelled bottles piled up around you but it’s always best to stick to your own washing detergent. 

6. Care of the outdoor space

It’s very common for an apartment block to have something called ‘arbejdsdag’, which translates as ‘working day’. This is a weekend day, at least twice a year, where residents tidy up the shared yard and garden area.
It’s often an opportunity to get to know your neighbours better, enjoy some food and drink after the work is done, and generally feel part of the community. Missing this without explaining why is seen as usolidarisk (not acting in solidarity with others) and could earn you a frown or two. 
A neighbour collects rubbish in front of his apartment in Aarhus. Photo: Mikkel Berg Pedersen/Ritzau Scanpix

7. Pets

Some apartments just don’t allow them. Check this out before moving in to avoid upset. If pets are allowed, you might find that some people object to dogs barking loudly at times considered to be ‘quiet’ — no later than 10pm on a weekday.

8. Noise and loud music

A study from the Institute of Public Health in 2017 showed that every third Dane who lives in an apartment is bothered by noise from neighbours. After some research from the Department of Anthropology at the University of Copenhagen, a 20-page downloadable handbook was created, to give advice on how residents and housing boards can deal with the noise challenges that come from living in an apartment block. 

Some moderate noise is to be expected, from music, children, TV and you will also create some moderate noise yourself. Some apartment blocks don’t have modern sound proofing, which residents need to be aware of. You can try to make your own soundproofing in your apartment or try to collectively update it as a building.

The main advice from the research is to have clear communication and dialogue with your neighbours, as noise and other nuisances are experienced by everyone.

Let your neighbours know if you’re going to make more noise than usual, either by a note in the hallway or knocking on their door. You may have come across this in Danish apartment buildings when someone is planning a party, but it can apply to many aspects of apartment living. Keeping an open dialogue with neighbours when either you make a mistake or they do, will mean it’s much easier to resolve.

If things do get tricky, the housing board can assign a conflict mediator to the property so that internal conflicts can be resolved on a neutral basis if needed, hopefully leading to a happier apartment experience.

READ ALSO: EXPLAINED: What is Denmark’s co-operative housing system?