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Reader Question: Can I live in another EEA country with a Norwegian residency permit?

To live in Norway as a non-EEA resident, you will likely need to obtain a residence permit. Does this permit then give you the right to live elsewhere in the European Economic Area? 

Pictured is a view of Trondheim.
These are the rules on moving to another country while on a Norwegian residence permit. Pictured is a view of Trondheim. Photo by Vu Nguyen on Unsplash

Question: I have a residency permit in Norway. Does this make it easier to move to other countries in the EEA? 

Norway is a member of the European Economic Area (EEA), meaning that nationals of the EU and EEA have the right to live and study in Norway. 

This works the opposite round, whereby Norwegian nationals can live in EU and EEA countries. The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) has an overview of how moving to Norway as an EU/EEA national works on its website

Those from outside the EEA are typically required to hold residence permits, such as for education, work and family reunification, to live in Norway. Essentially, this boils the question down to whether residence in Norway as a non-EEA national grants you similar rights to EEA nationals. 

In short, the answer is no. As a non-EEA national, you do not obtain the rights of somebody from within the Schengen area when granted a permit. This means holding Norwegian residence does not mean you can move to other EEA countries without a permit, nor does it make it any easier. Visits to EEA countries other than Norway are restricted to a total of 90 days out of 180.

Should you wish to live in another EU/EEA country or pay extended visits there, you will need to apply for a visa or residency permit in that country, like someone moving directly from outside the EEA. For example, should you wish to move from Norway to Germany, holding a Norwegian residence will mean nothing regarding your application to live in Germany. 

For those who have nationality with countries that do not benefit from the 90-day rule and are usually required to gain a short-stay visa before entering the Schengen Zone – like India, for example – the benefit of your Norwegian residency permit, according to the Europa Immigration website, is that you “you can travel throughout the Schengen area for as long as your visa is valid and for a maximum of 90 days during a 180 day period.

“You will not need a separate visa for each Schengen area country, and you will not need to show your passport at each internal border”.


However, if you live in Norway long enough to obtain citizenship, you can move to other EU/EEA countries as other nationals from these areas can. This is because upon becoming a Norwegian national, you will be granted the rights of an EEA national. 

Obtaining Norwegian citizenship itself is a long and arduous process. Typically, applicants are required to meet language requirements, obtain a good conduct certificate from the police, meet the conditions of or hold a permanent residence and must have generally lived in Norway for between six to eight of the previous eleven years. 

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Wait times for residence and Norwegian citizenship likely to grow longer

Waiting times for permanent residence and citizenship have gotten longer over the past year, and the issue could worsen as the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration may make more staff cuts.

Wait times for residence and Norwegian citizenship likely to grow longer

Over the past year, the median waiting time for citizenship, permanent residence, and family reunification applications has increased.

The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) had told The Local that it had been subject to “a decrease in capacity strength” as staff numbers had been reduced due to budget cuts. Cuts at Norway’s immigration directorate were confirmed to The Local in March 2024.

READ ALSO: How budget cuts have impacted wait times at Norway’s immigration directorate

Waiting times could grow longer in the coming months as the directorate could be forced to make staff cuts to avoid going over budget.

“We have experienced a decrease in capacity strength, which refers to a reduction in staff numbers due to budget cuts. And staff numbers will need to decrease further,” Trude Beate Steen, Director of Finance at the UDI, told The Local Norway.

“This decrease in our capacity to process cases may lead to extended waiting times for residency and citizenship applications, although this will also depend on the volume of cases received,” she added.

So far, not all residence applications have been affected by increased waiting times. For example, the median wait time for a work permit has decreased by 10 days to 55 days between June 2023 and June 2024.

The median wait for a residence permit for a third-country national moving to Norway with an EEA citizen has also fallen from 169 days to 140 days.

When it first confirmed the budget cuts to The Local in March 2024, the UDI said that it would use greater automation to compensate for lower staff numbers.

Some application types at the UDI can be fully automated, including citizenship cases. When citizenship cases are automated, applicants typically receive an answer within a couple of months.

According to the UDI, citizenship applications take around 25 months to complete. The UDI website has a full overview of different waiting times.

On the waiting times section of its website, the UDI states that it expected to receive more applications in 2024 than it received in 2023 and that waiting times would increased throughout 2024.

It said that it due to setting aside more time to spend on case processing, applicants would find it harder to get through to the UDI’s phone information service.