France’s Macron urges end to plastic pollution at global talks

French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday warned that global plastics pollution was a "time bomb", as diplomats began five days of talks in Paris to make progress on a treaty to end plastic waste.

A plastic bottle on the beach in Plomeur, western France.
A plastic bottle on the beach in Plomeur, western France. Photo: Fred Tanneau/AFP

Representatives of 175 nations with divergent ambitions met at UNESCO headquarters for the second of five sessions with the aim of inking an historic agreement covering the entire plastics life cycle.

Macron urged nations negotiating a world treaty against plastic pollution to put an end to today’s “globalised and unsustainable” production model.

“Plastic pollution is a time-bomb and at the same time already a scourge today,” he said in a video message, in which he called for an end to a system where richer countries export plastic waste to poorer ones.

He added that the first priorities of the negotiations should be to reduce production of fossil-fuel-based plastics and to ban “as soon as possible” the most polluting products like single-use plastics.   

NGOs – as well as representatives of plastics companies and lobbyists, much to the chagrin of environmentalists – will also take part in the negotiations.

READ ALSO: Top court orders French govt to take more climate steps

In February 2022, nations agreed in principle on the need for a legally binding UN treaty to end plastic pollution around the world, setting an ambitious 2024 deadline.

Host country France organised a ministerial summit on Saturday with 60 countries to kick-start the talks.

“If we don’t act now, by 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans”, said French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna.


“Combatting plastic pollution will make our lives easier, both in terms of fighting climate change and in terms of preserving our oceans and biodiversity”, noted Christophe Bechu, France’s Minister for Ecological Transition.

The stakes are high, given that annual plastics production has more than doubled in 20 years to 460 million tonnes, and is on track to triple within four decades.

Two-thirds of this output is discarded after being used once or a few times, and winds up as waste. More than a fifth is dumped or burned illegally, and less than 10 percent is recycled.

But scaling up recycling is not a silver bullet, the head of the UN Environment Programme told AFP.

“It is one of many keys that we will need to make this work,” Inger Andersen said before the talks opened. “We can’t recycle our way out of this mess.”

Policy actions to be debated during the talks include a global ban on single-use plastic items, “polluter pays” schemes, and a tax on new plastic production.

Environmental groups are encouraged global plastics pollution is finally being tackled, but are concerned the treaty may not include targets to reduce overall plastic production.

“There is a consensus on the issues at stake and the will to act”, Diane Beaumenay-Joannet, an advocate at the Surfrider Foundation, told AFP. But “the precise content of the obligations is going to be complicated, particularly as regards reducing production.”

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New large-scale protests planned in south-west France against water storage project

Several thousand activists have gathered in south-west France ahead of two large-scale demonstrations against 'méga-bassines', the contentious irrigation project that has led to intense protests for the last two years.

New large-scale protests planned in south-west France against water storage project

At least 4,000 people have already gathered in south-west France, at the ‘Water Village’ encampment in the town of Melle, to protest this weekend against méga-bassines, a controversial planned network of giant underwater storage areas that farmers can use for irrigation in the event of a drought.

Demonstrations against méga-bassines have been going on for over two years in France, and some have involved violent clashes with police, leading to two protesters being severely injured in March 2023.

The protests are set to take place on Friday, at Saint-Sauvant in the Vienne département, at the site of a future méga-bassine, despite an announcement by local authorities that ‘all undeclared demonstrations in and around the town had been banned.’

The second protest is scheduled for Saturday, at the port of La Rochelle, in Charente-Maritime.

According to a press release by the one of the participating collectives, Bassines Non Merci, they hope to see 10,000 people participate.

There have also been calls by the farmers’ union, Coordination rurale, for counter-demonstrations on Friday.

In response, more than 3,000 gendarmes and police officers have been mobilised.

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin told the French press he feared there could be ‘acts of serious violence’, noting that security forces have identified 30 protesters as ‘Fiché S’ (on a state security watchlist).

READ MORE: Méga-bassines: Why has a dispute over irrigation in French farmland turned violent?

However, unions and organisations heading up the protests have disputed these claims. One of the organisers, Soulèvements de la Terre, specified on their website that their goal “is not to target individual farmers and their farms”. 

Why the controversy?

The project, backed by around 400 local farmers, is controversial because environmentalists say the mega-basins damage valuable wetland areas – the west of France has several wetland areas that shelter a wide variety of wildlife and the area is also known for salt marshes that produce a highly prized fleur de sel.

The protesters also say that the water tanks drain water from natural groundwater supplies and therefore make droughts worse for local residents and smaller farmers – essentially they see the basins as a ‘water theft’ from locals by big agri-businesses. 

The first major protests occurred in October 2022, which saw between 4,000 and 7,000 demonstrators gather in Sainte-Soline (the sight of the would-be mega-basins) and 1,500 police.

Molotov cocktails were thrown and more than 60 police officers injured in a three-day series of clashes.