Swedish reading skills fell in 2021 despite decision to keep schools open

The reading ability of year four students in Sweden dropped slightly more in the five years leading up to the end of 2021 than the average for other EU and OECD countries, despite the country's decision to keep schools open in the pandemic.

Swedish reading skills fell in 2021 despite decision to keep schools open
Skolverket Director General Peter Fredriksson presents the results of the Pirls reading comparison study. Photo: Henrik Montgomery/TT

In latest Pirls reading comparison study, carried out in 2021, Swedish year four pupils scored a total of just 544 points, a sharp drop from the 555 points the country received in 2016 and only a little above the country’s worst ever result in 2011. 

But Sweden’s 12-point fall was only slightly worse than the 10-point fall seen in the other 65 EU and OECD countries which took part, with Swedish pupils as a whole still scoring above the EU and OECD average of 529 points, and even slightly above the 542 average for students in Denmark, Norway and Finland. 

At a press conference held to announce the result, Peter Fredriksson, the director-general of the Swedish National Agency for Education (Skolverket), put the fall in Swedish students’ reading skills down both to the impact of the pandemic and to an increase in the number of pupils who do not speak Swedish at home. 

“We have said previously that the pandemic affects learning most for the students with the lowest level of resources,” he said.

In the agency’s interpretation of the results, it said that it was impossible to measure the exact impact of the pandemic as all countries were affected. 

However, it said that as different countries had taken different measures that impacted on the education system in different ways, “the effect of the pandemic effect on the education systems of the different participating countries has probably not been the same”. 

Although Sweden kept schools open for the youngest students, education was severely affected for two months or more in about one in every three schools, with either short-term closures or widespread absences due to sickness. 

What Fredriksson said was for him “the most striking” element of the report, however, was the fall in the performance of the students with the most challenging backgrounds. 

These were responsible for almost all of Sweden’s fall in reading performance, with the students who received the highest results still reading at the same level as in 2001, when Sweden topped the Pirls ranking. 

“The number [of pupils] that are at the lowest level has never been higher and that is worrying,” he said. 

There was a 91 point difference between the pupils judged as having the highest level of resources at home and those judged as having the lowest level of resources, up from 73 in 2016. 

“We are concerned at the Swedish National Agency for Education that we have a segregated school system and shortcomings when it comes to equality between schools,” he said in a press statement. “This study confirms the picture we had earlier and even strengthens it.” 

Sweden remains above average when it comes to reading ability, coming seventh equal with Taiwan out of the 65 countries in the study, behind Singapore on 587, Hong Kong on 573, Russia on 567, England on 558, and Finland and Poland on 549. 

Sweden also beat Denmark and Norway, which both scored 539 points. 

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What’s in Sweden’s plans to extend compulsory schooling?

Sweden’s right-wing government has announced plans to add an additional year of compulsory schooling, but what exactly does that entail?

What's in Sweden's plans to extend compulsory schooling?

When would kids start school under the new proposal?

The new proposal would see Swedish grundskola extended by a year, so that children start aged six rather than age seven, as they do currently.

When would this come into force?

The government hasn’t formally proposed this yet – it’s planning to put a bill to parliament in November – but if all goes according to plan, the first group of kids to be affected by the new change would be those turning six in 2028.

Extending the Swedish grundskola – primary up to and including lower secondary school, or ages 7-15 – from nine years to ten years was part of a government-commissioned inquiry as early as 2021 and was also an ambition of the former centre-left government.

Wait… don’t they already start school at six?

Yes, but technically their first year of school is förskoleklass, a compulsory “preschool class” for six-year-olds which is meant to prepare them for their first proper year of school when they turn seven.

Instead of starting preschool class, which is also known as grade 0, or nollan in Swedish schools, they would jump straight into first grade or ettan. Preschool class would be scrapped entirely.


The final grade would therefore be grade 10, or tian, instead of grade 9, nian as it is currently. So children would be going to school for the same amount of time (ten years), but the first year would be more formal schooling rather than a preparatory class before starting first grade.

What would they be doing in this extra year?

According to Education Minister Johan Pehrson, the new proposal is part of a number of reforms which will, among other things, start teaching children key literacy and numeracy skills earlier.

“There will be an increased focus on learning to count, read and write early,” he said.

Children do already have some elements of reading, writing and counting in förskoleklass, but classes at this age are seen as more of a preparation for starting actual school, rather than a time for children to undertake structured learning.

How does this compare to other countries?

The age at which children start compulsory schooling varies a lot around the world, and can be anywhere from age three to age eight. According to European Commission figures from 2016, children in most European countries start around age six, and this is also the most common age at which to start school worldwide.

In the UK, children start school at four or five, while children in France start at age three, although the first two years of that is preschool.

Children in Sweden already start compulsory schooling aged six and have ten years of compulsory classes, which is roughly the same as similar countries in Europe and elsewhere.