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Where to buy and sell second-hand items in Austria

If you are planning on selling your old computer or buying new clothes on a budget, you should know about the best places in Austria for second-hand items - and some important tips.

There are plenty flea markets in Switzerland.
There are plenty flea markets in the country. Photo by Nikola Đuza on Unsplash

If you’re looking for a way to declutter your home or find unique items at a bargain price, buying and selling second-hand items can be a great solution. 

Fortunately, Austria has a thriving second-hand market with a variety of options available to suit different needs and preferences. From traditional flea markets to online marketplaces, there are plenty of places to buy and sell second-hand items in Austria. 

Check out some of the possibilities below.

Online marketplaces

Of course, some of Austria’s most well-known global marketplaces are also used – and are popular. For example, Facebook Marketplace, which can be found within the Meta app, and where you can buy and sell anything from small accessories to apartments, is a very popular one. 

Also on Facebook, some groups have their own online marketplaces, which are a great way to find and sell things online. You can also find immigrant and expat groups dedicated to these sales or groups specialised in selling things from real estate to home plants. 

Austria also has websites that locals use a lot, such as, which is also useful for searching for rental properties and jobs. 

READ ALSO: EXPLAINED: How to sell a car in Austria

Flea markets

Flea markets have a long and rich history in Austria, many dating back to the 19th century. Today, they are a popular destination for bargain hunters and antique collectors. The Alpine Republic boasts a variety of flea markets, ranging from large-scale events with hundreds of vendors to smaller, more intimate affairs.

The capital Wien is home to many popular spots. One of the most famous is the Naschmarkt in Vienna. This sprawling market is one of the oldest in the city and attracts visitors from all over the world. There, you can find everything from antique furniture and vintage clothing to fresh produce and local or international cuisine. 

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The Art and Antiques Market Am Hof is a well-established Vienna market offering high-quality items from many centuries. The market has been operating for over 30 years, attracting collectors and enthusiasts worldwide. It provides a wide range of items, including oil paintings, antique picture frames, books, manuscripts, coins, porcelain vessels, and wooden and tin toys from times long past.

Other famous flea markets in Austria include the wandering vintage flea market BeThrifty, which often stops in Graz, among other cities. It’s a particular market as it sells retro clothing by the kilo – with around 3,000 kilos available on each stop. In Salzburg, the “Etwas Andere Flohmarkt” in 5020 has stuff from dishes, clothing to furniture and even electrical appliances every weekend. 

You can find a list of all the markets in Austria (and filter them by event time, such as house flea market, collectors’ exchange or more) HERE.

Some of the second-hand items for sale at the 48er-Tandler (Copyright: MA 48/Christian Houdek)

Vienna’s 48er Tandler

The 48er-Tandler is a popular second-hand market in Vienna, supported by the city, where people can purchase functional and high-quality second-hand goods at affordable prices. 

The market has two locations, one in Margareten (5th district) and the other in Donaustadt (22nd district). In addition, the markets offer a wide range of goods that come from specific drop-off locations at waste collection points in Vienna, where around 130,000 still-usable items are collected every year. 

READ ALSO: 48er-Tandler: Where to buy cheap second-hand items in Vienna

The sales proceeds are used to support charitable organisations in Vienna. Furthermore, unclaimed items from the lost property service and things no longer needed by various municipal departments of the City of Vienna municipal departments are also sold at the markets. 

More information on the 48er-Tandler can be found on their website.

What you need to know

First, bargaining is a widespread practice in Austria, so don’t be afraid to haggle a little. If you sell something online, you will be bombarded with the same question, “letzte Preis?” which is short for “What would be the last price you are willing to sell the item for?”. Funnily enough, if you do say your last price, the person might respond with something even lower and an offer to pick the item up immediately.

Unfortunately, you need to be cautious when buying or selling online and take precautions to protect yourself from fraud and scams. Cash is a very common payment method (as is the in-person pickup, a standard ” delivery ” method), even for more expensive items, as it is considered the safest one. 

Some platforms offer payment options with certain types of insurance, such as holding the money until the item is safely delivered. 

It’s also important to know that Austrian law requires that sellers accurately describe the condition of the item they are selling and disclose any defects or issues. 

As a buyer, you have the right to inspect the item before making a purchase and to request a refund if the item is not as described.

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What are Austria’s guidelines for hiking near cows after walker killed?

The Austrian Alps are a perfect destination for hikers, but they are also home to the grazing cows. After several high profile incidents which saw walkers killed by cattle, here are the government's tips to stay safe.

What are Austria's guidelines for hiking near cows after walker killed?

People in Austria were left shocked in June by the news that a hiker had died when a herd of cows charged her – while her two daughters survived with injuries. 

The woman was hiking with her two daughters, aged 20 and 23, and two small dogs for her 40th birthday, in the Salzburg region when the cow herd charged.

The police opened an investigation into the circumstances of the tragic incident but believe the presence of the dogs might have triggered the charge by the cows. 

This type of event is rare but has happened before. In 2017, an Austrian who was hiking with a friend and their dogs was fatally gored in the Tyrol region.

In 2014, a German holidaymaker was trampled to death by cows also in Tyrol.

Following the outcry over the case, the government published a “code of conduct” for hikers. So, what do the guidelines say?

‘Be respectful’

“Please be respectful when on alpine pastures and meadows and show consideration for other recreational athletes”, the illustrated guide says. It adds ten basic “rules of behaviour” for dealing with grazing livestock, particularly cows:

  • Avoid contact with grazing livestock. Do not feed the animals, keep a safe distance
  • Keep calm; do not frighten grazing animals

Austria’s Ministry for Agriculture, Illustration by Andreas Ramptisch
  • Mother cows protect their calves and avoid encounters between mother cows and dog
  • Always keep dogs under control and on a short lead. If an attack by a grazing animal is foreseeable, Immediately take off the leash

Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Illustration by Andreas Ramptisch

  • Do not leave hiking trails on mountain pastures and meadows
  • If grazing cattle block the path, keep as far away as possible

Austria’s Ministry for Agriculture, Illustration by Andreas Ramptisch
  • When approaching grazing cattle: stay calm, do not turn your back, avoid the animals
  • Leave the grazing area quickly at the first sign of animal restlessness
  • Pay attention to fences. If there is a gate, use it, then close it well and cross the pasture quickly.
  • Treat the people who work here, nature, and animals with respect.

The Austrian Alpine Association also has a series of tips for hikers in general, including information on being fit and in good health, as well as planning, equipment, footwear, and more.

You can read more about how to keep safe and avoid problems when hiking in the Austrian Alps HERE.