‘Uncharted territory’: Europe faces more deadly droughts and extreme heat

A fierce drought melted glaciers during Europe's hottest recorded summer last year, a phenomenon that could repeat as the continent warms at nearly twice the global rate, the EU's climate observatory said on Thursday.

'Uncharted territory': Europe faces more deadly droughts and extreme heat
An aerial view taken on August 4, 2022 in Les Brenets shows the dry bed of Brenets Lake (Lac des Brenets), part of the Doubs River, a natural border between eastern France and western Switzerland.(Photo by Fabrice COFFRINI / AFP)

Two-thirds of Europe’s rivers fell below average levels and five cubic kilometres (two cubic miles) of ice disappeared from Alpine glaciers, the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) said in its yearly update.

With human-caused emissions heating the planet, Europe is warming around twice as quickly as the world average — 2.2 degrees Celsius over the past five years compared to the pre-industrial era.

In 2022 it saw its second-hottest year and its hottest summer since comparable records began in the 1950s, said Copernicus, which monitors numerous climate indicators via satellites plus land- and sea-based instruments.

Some 20,000 people across Europe died as a result of the extreme heat in 2022, a previous report claimed.

The forecast for 2023 remains uncertain but “with higher concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the probability of more warm years continues to increase,” said Samantha Burgess, deputy director of C3S.

With soils in southern Europe still “incredibly dry”, impacts will be felt this year “unless we have significant spring rainfall,” she added.

“Unfortunately the impacts are probably already in place for growing season. So we’re likely to see reduced crop production this year because of the dry winter and spring period.”

Drought in Europe

Copernicus had earlier announced that the past eight years have been the hottest on record.

It found 2022 “another record-breaking year in terms of greenhouse gases concentration, temperature extremes, wildfire and precipitation, which have all had a notable impact on both ecosystem and community all over the continent,” said C3S director Carlo Buontempo.

An inland vessel navigates on the Rhine as the partially dried-up river bed is seen in the foreground in Duesseldorf, western Germany, on July 25, 2022, as Europe experienced a heatwave. (Photo by Ina FASSBENDER / AFP)

“We are really moving into uncharted territory.”

The continent had less snow and rain than average in winter 2021-2022, followed by prolonged heatwaves in the summer which hit the agriculture, river transport and energy sectors.

River levels were the second-lowest on record with nearly two-thirds of Europe’s rivers below their average level.

The heatwaves drove wildfires, with carbon emissions from such summer blazes the highest since 2017 across the EU.

The lack of winter snow and the high summer temperatures resulted in a record loss of ice from glaciers in the Alps, equivalent to a loss of more than 5km3 of ice,” the report said.

Southern Europe experienced a record number of days with “very strong heat stress” on the human body.

Emissions reductions

Copernicus said satellite measurements of major greenhouse gases in the atmosphere reached their highest level on record in 2022.

Under the 2015 Paris Agreement, countries have pledged to slash their use of fossil fuels with the aim of reaching “net zero” emissions of these gases to limit the rise in global temperatures to 1.5C.

Global temperatures in 2022 were 1.15C above the pre-industrial average, according to the World Meteorological Organization.

Copernicus meanwhile calculated that Europe in 2022 received its highest amount of surface solar radiation in 40 years — a boon for renewable electricity production.

The heat in non-summer months reduced demand overall for electricity as less was needed for heating, it said. In southern Europe demand rose however as people cranked up the air conditioning.

Climate think tank Ember calculated in a report this month that solar and wind energy surged to make a record 12 percent of the world’s electricity in 2022. It forecast emissions from fossil fuels would peak in 2023.

“We have many adaptation options available today by changing supply and demand,” said Daniela Schmidt, earth sciences professor at the University of Bristol, commenting on the Copernicus report.

“Some of these are investments into our infrastructure which will take lead time, but they also include teaching people and companies about land cover change, water savings and efficiency.”

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Climate activists disrupt flights at Frankfurt airport

Police on Thursday arrested climate activists who glued themselves to the tarmac at Frankfurt airport, Germany's busiest, compelling it to cancel around 170 flights and causing hours of delays for passengers.

Climate activists disrupt flights at Frankfurt airport

Traffic was halted during the busy summer holiday season for two hours before the first of the airport’s landing runways was able to operate again at 0502 GMT, said a spokesman at the airport.

Passengers were advised to check the status of their flights while the airport ramped up its operations again.

Seven of the activists had managed to reach the runway where they glued themselves onto the tarmac, a police spokesman said. The eighth was still trying to get through the perimeter fence when he was detained.

The police operation to clear activists off the airport’s restricted grounds was ongoing, added the spokesman. All eight were arrested.

READ ALSO: Europe warned it must do more to deal with climate crisis

According to climate activist group “Letzte Generation” (Last Generation) which claimed the civil disobedience action, its members had used pincers to cut openings in the wire fence before making their way “by foot, with bicycles and skateboards to different points around the runways”.

A photo circulated by the group depicted a protester sitting on the tarmac with an orange banner “oil kills”.

The group is pushing for a binding international accord that would lead to an end in oil, gas and coal use by 2030.

Transport Minister Volker Wissing condemned the protests Thursday as “criminal” action and demanded tough penalties against the activists.

“The climate activists are apparently seeking to bring about maximum damage. The legislators must react with maximum severity,” he told German media, calling for prison terms of up to five years in jail for those who storm airports.

“Anyone who violently forces their way into airports, occupies runways and blocks airplanes is endangering human lives,” he said.

Concerted action

Thursday’s protest action came a day after similar operations across several European airports.

Activists from Letzte Generation disrupted traffic at Cologne-Bonn airport for several hours on Wednesday by glueing themselves on the tarmac.

Several climate protesters were also arrested at London’s Heathrow airport.

The protest organisers are part of the A22 Network of groups committed to non-violent climate protests, which said it was planning to disrupt airports in several countries in the coming months.

Last Generation activists

Security staff direct people away from the runway next to a cut wire fence where activists went onto the runway. Photo: Daniel Roland / AFP

Protests were planned in Britain, Austria, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Canada, United States and Norway, UK-based activists from the alliance told AFP earlier in July.

Global aviation is responsible for around 2.5 percent of global carbon emissions, more than the annual carbon footprint of Brazil and France combined.

Last Generation is known for mounting eye-catching protests – from throwing mashed potatoes at paintings in museums to glueing themselves on busy roads.

Their tactics, which have proved deeply divisive, have led to some of their members being convicted.

READ ALSO: Why are Last Generation activists in Germany getting prison sentences?

“Instead of seeking tougher sentences, politicians should seriously take the scale of the disaster that they are themselves fuelling,” said Lisa Johnson, spokeswoman of the group.

“Prison sentences won’t shield us from heatwaves, droughts, floods and dramatically rising sea levels,” she warned.

Letzte Generation has said it would hold protests from September 25th against planned government subsidies for Kassel-Calden airport.