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The lingo you need in Switzerland to talk about long holiday weekends

The Swiss enjoy the practice of taking a day off to make the most out of public holidays that fall close to a weekend. Here are some words you need to know for this 'bridge day'.

The Landwasserviadukt in Filisur, Switzerland.
The Landwasserviadukt in Filisur, Switzerland. Are you doing the bridge? Photo: Pascal Debrunner on Unsplash

What is a bridge day?

People in Europe take their holidays seriously and the language reflects that. If a holiday falls around a weekend, residents in Switzerland, for instance, might take a day – or a couple of days – off work to bridge the gap between the holiday and the next weekend.

If a public holiday falls on a Tuesday or Thursday, they might take the corresponding Monday or Friday off work in order to get a four-day weekend by using up just one day of vacation time. Many people in Switzerland will be taking Friday May 19th off after the nationwide Ascension Day public holiday on May 18th.

READ ALSO: How do the Swiss celebrate Ascension Day?

In German-speaking countries it’s also common to book time off in the four days before Good Friday, or the four days off after Easter Monday, in order to get almost 10-days off by only using up four vacation days.

Whether it’s Brückentag – or “bridge day” – Fenstertag, “window day” – or even Zwickeltag (more on that below), the fact that there are multiple special German words for this practice should tell you how seriously people in German-speaking countries take this tradition (including the German-speaking parts of Switzerland).

Meanwhile, in French and Italian Swiss regions, people usually say they are “doing the bridge” to express this practice of getting an even longer weekend. In French the phrase is: faire le pont and in Italian it’s fare il ponte.

Bridge or window?

Brückentag is best used in both Germany and in German-speaking Switzerland, but not typically in Austria.

Some German speakers in these countries will use it a bit more restrictively – and keep its meaning purely as a “bridge” day between the weekend and a public holiday that falls in the middle of the week rather than on a Friday or Monday. Because Easter falls on both Friday and Monday, certain German speakers won’t describe extra days off around Easter as “bridge days.”

The Landwasserviadukt in Filisur, Switzerland.

The Landwasserviadukt in Filisur, Switzerland. Photo by Pascal Debrunner on Unsplash

The next such opportunity to use such a bridge day is on May 18th for Ascension Day – a public holiday in Switzerland that falls on a Thursday. Taking the Friday off the next day would count as a Brückentag.

READ ALSO: German word of the day: Der Brückentag

No one knows precisely why, but Brückentag hasn’t taken off in Austria, with German speakers in the Alpine country using Fenstertag. The “window day,” however, means essentially the same thing – and might refer to “open windows” in the middle of the week. While many Austrian German speakers are likely to understand what you mean if you use Brückentag there, using Fenstertag is at least likely to demonstrate that you’re familiar with some Austrian lingo.

Keep in mind that there can be regional differences as Switzerland has an array of distinct dialects. But here’s how you use it in standard German.

Are you taking the bridge days off at Easter?

Nimmst du sich die Brückentage um Ostern frei? 

What exactly is Zwickeltag?

While Fenstertag works in much of Austria – and certainly in Vienna – one Austrian region has yet another word of its own. As a Zwickel describes a wedge-shaped piece that holds together things coming together at a focal point — for example, fabric at the crotch of a pair of jeans — Zwickeltag is used in Upper Austria.

The region, with its capital in Linz and sharing a border with the German state of Bavaria, uses its own word for the beloved holiday tradition, although people there are still likely to understand either Brückentag or Fenstertag. Zwickeltag is quite specific to Upper Austria though, with perhaps even native Austrians from other parts of the country not always aware of it — to say nothing of either Germans or Swiss Germans.

Doing the bridge 

In French faire le pont literally means ‘to do the bridge’ but it refers to taking the day off between a public holiday and the weekend to enjoy an extra long break.

The expression appeared during the French Second Empire (1852 -1870) and had the same meaning at the time.

It comes from the French word pont (bridge) to symbolise linking two days off. 

Here’s how you use it:

Tu fais le pont ce week-end ?

Are you taking a long-weekend this weekend?


As we mentioned above, the expression in similar in Italian: fare il ponte.

Here’s how you can use it:

Grazie al ponte, avremo quattro giorni di vacanza.

Thanks to the long weekend, we’ll have four days off.

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Why is the German letter ‘ß’ not used in Switzerland?

The letter 'ß' (eszett) is an integral part of the German language. But did you know that it's not generally used by Swiss Germans?

Why is the German letter 'ß' not used in Switzerland?

What is the ‘ß’ anyway?

Although the eszett may look like the letter ‘B’, it is actually shorthand for the double ‘ss’ in German. 

Although it’s used in many German words, such as der Straße  (street) it still can be confusing to non-native speakers. 

What do I need to know about the ‘ß’?

It’s a huge part of the German language.

The German ‘s’ has two sounds: hard, like in the English word ‘same’, and soft, like the ‘z’ sound in ‘as’.

In German, die Reise’ exemplifies a soft ‘s’ (r-aye-z-uh), while ‘das Haus’ uses a hard ‘s’ (h-au-s).

A double ‘ss’ will always make a hard ‘s’ sound, regardless of whether you use ‘ss’ or ‘ß’.

READ ALSO: Five places to learn Swiss German for free in Zurich

What’s the history of the letter?

The origin of ‘ß’ is not clear, but research suggests it dates as far back as the 13th century.

However, up until the 19th century either an ‘ss’ or the letter sequence ‘ſs’ was usually used instead of the ß. Many linguists, such as the Brothers Grimm, favoured the spelling ‘sz’.

In the Orthographic Conference of 1876 to organise greater agreement in the German spelling system, it was recommended that the letter sequence ‘ſs’ be used in Antiqua typesetting (legible typesetting created for letterpress printing).

It wasn’t until the Orthographic Conference of 1901 that the ‘ß’ became the official standard.

… But you won’t find it in Switzerland

Switzerland, unlike other German-speaking countries, doesn’t use the eszett. 

Although the ‘ß’ was briefly introduced in Switzerland after the font changeover from Fraktur to Antiqua, it was abandoned again shortly afterwards.

A sign for Bahnofstrasse in Zurich.

A sign for Bahnofstrasse in Zurich. Switzerland. uses ‘ss’ instead of ‘ß’. Photo: Roland zh/Wikimedia Commons

From January 1938, it was no longer taught in many schools, including all cantonal primary schools in the canton of Zurich. The ‘ß’ was only dropped from all official correspondence following the 2006 reform. The Swiss newspaper NZZ last used the ‘ß’ in 1974.

Meanwhile some historians say Switzerland’s multilingualism plays a part in the decision not to embrace the eszett.

The letter only exists in German, not in French and Italian – two other official languages of Switzerland. In the course of the introduction of the typewriter, the letter could simply have been left out. 

The Swiss always write the double s, making words like Masse/Maße and Busse/Buße, indistinguishable by spelling alone.

That can of course lead to comprehension problems with the written word. After all, it makes a difference whether you drink beer and wine in moderation (Maßen) or in large quantities (Massen).

In contrast to Switzerland, the eszett continues to be in use in other German-speaking nations, such as Austria and some parts of Belgium.

READ ALSO: 15 ways to swear like a Swiss German

When will you see the ‘ß’? 

The eszett never appears at the beginning of a word, only near the middle or end and it should never come after a short vowel sound. 

For instance, ‘Spaß’ (sh-pahs) uses ‘ß’ due to the long vowel, while ‘Fass’ has a short vowel sound (short a), so takes the double ‘ss’. 

The eszett also appears after diphthongs – a pair of vowels that creates a completely new sound, for instance ‘ei’.

Together, ‘ei’ creates an ‘aye’ sound, hence the eszett in the verb ‘beißen’.

With reporting by Tom Ashton-Davies