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German phrase of the day: Die Butter vom Brot nehmen

If you're looking for a German phrase that describes one of the most heinous and anti-social crimes imaginable, look no further than this one.

German Word of the day
Photo: Francesco Ungaro / Unsplash + Nicolas Raymond / flickr

Why do I need to know this phrase?

Die Butter vom Brot nehmen (pronounced like this) is another classic example of Germans using food to describe almost any situation in life – and in this case, you can use it to call out people who always seem to be trying to get the better of you. 

What does it mean?

While normally there’s a fairly accurate equivalent to German sayings in English, in this case it’s a little harder to find a direct translation.

As you may realise, die Butter vom Brot nehmen quite literally means: “taking the butter from the bread”. It’s used to describe situations where someone takes something important from someone else, behaves a bit cheekily or tries to get one over on another person in some way. For instance, if there’s one dog at the park that always steals your dog’s ball, that would be a key example of a canine butter-thief. 

You may wonder why this scenario is so emotive for the Germans. Aren’t there worse things to take from someone than a bit of butter? 

Well, one reason could be that butter is viewed as a key component of any Abendbrot ritual: it’s the salty, fatty bit of deliciousness that can perfectly complement your salami and Sauergurke (pickled gherkins) when you’re tucking into a few slices of rye as a light evening meal. And if you find you don’t have at least an inch of butter on both sides of your belegtes Brötchen (filled bread roll), as a German you may well ask for your money back.

READ ALSO: German phrase of the day: Erste Sahne

What else should I know?

If you’d like to start using this fun expression, it’s important to note that you’ll need to use the dative case with it, as in jemandem die Butter vom Brot nehmen. This often applies when something is being given or taken, and means you’ll use dative pronouns such as dir, mir, ihr and ihm to talk about the person losing out rather than their accusative forms of dich, mich, sie and ihn.

Use it like this: 

Willst du mir jetzt auch noch die Butter vom Brot nehmen?

Now you also want to get the better of me?

Er ist ein Typ, der sich die Butter vom Brot nicht nehmen lässt. 

He’s a guy that doesn’t take any nonsense from anybody. 

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German word of the day: Quatschen

Whether it's a long chitter-chatter with a friend on the phone or a quick gossip with your housemates, this German word is a great one to have up your sleeve.

German word of the day: Quatschen

Alongside the more formal words you often learn in language classes, there are a great many German phrases and words that can add more colour and personality to your speech. Quatschen is one them, and it’s the perfect way to talk about an everyday occurrence with a bit more style and humour.

What does it mean?

If you’ve been studying German a little while already, you may have heard the word Quatsch, used to mean ‘nonsense’ or ‘rubbish’. Quatschen makes a verb out of this funny put-down and describes the act of talking nonsense, or chatting about nothing in particular.

In English, quatschen could be aptly translated as “yabbering away”, “blathering”, “having a natter” or the rather poetic “shooting the breeze”. 

In other words, quatschen can be used in most occasions when you’ve had a long, friendly chat with someone, particularly if there was no particular goal to the conversation other than having fun and getting along.

READ ALSO: 10 ways of speaking German you’ll only ever pick up on the street

Much like Quatsch, quatschen is a colloquial word, so be sure to only use it in relatively informal settings and to describe informal situations. If you’ve had a discussion with a client at work, for example, ‘ein Gespräch führen’ (to have a conversation) would be much more appropriate than quatschen

Use it like this:

Wir haben so lange gequatscht, dass ich die Zeit vergessen habe.

We chatted for so long that I lost track of time.

Mein Freund und ich können stundenlang miteinander quatschen.

My friend and I can shoot the breeze with each other for hours.