Sweden’s ‘snippa’ rape case to go to the High Court

When Sweden's appeals court threw out a guilty verdict in a child rape case over the meaning of 'snippa', a child's word for a vagina, it caused a scandal in Sweden. Now, the Swedish Supreme Court wants to hear from the Court of Appeals about its decision.  

Sweden's 'snippa' rape case to go to the High Court
Attorney General Petra Lundh said that the appeals court had conducted “a number of serious miscarriages of justice”. Henrik Montgomery/TT

Attorney General Petra Lundh criticised the appeals court for “a number of serious miscarriages of justice” in the way it dealt with the case. 

The man had been sentenced to three years imprisonment in 2021 after the district court heard how he, in the prosecutor’s words, had “by sticking his hand inside the plaintiff’s shorts and underwear, holding his hand on the the girl’s ‘snippa’ and having a finger inside her ‘snippa’, performed a sexual act” on her. 

The girl’s testimony was found to be credible, in part because she had told her mother about the incident on their way home.

But in February this year, the appeals court threw out the conviction, arguing that it was unclear what the girl means by the word snippa, a word taught to Swedish children to refer to female genitalia.

Despite agreeing with the district court that the man had touched the girl between her legs and inserted his finger into her snippa, the court found that it could not be determined whether the girl was referring to her vulva or to her vagina.

If the man had inserted his finger into her vagina, that would have met the standard to be classified as rape. Because the girl said that his finger was “far in”, but could not state exactly how far, the appeals court found that it could not establish beyond doubt that the man had inserted his finger in her vagina and not her the vulva.

Because no lower-grade charges, such as sexual abuse or molestation, had been filed against the man, the appeals court could not consider other offences.

This week, the Attorney General lodged a complaint with the Supreme Court against the appeal court’s decision. Now the Swedish Supreme Court has given the appeals court until April 12 to explain its decision-making in the case.

The Supreme Court has not decided whether it will hear an appeal against the decision to clear the man of rape charges.

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Swedish police working with UK police over missing Brits

Police in southern Sweden are in contact with their counterparts in the UK over two British men reported missing on Monday, although they still cannot link the disappearances to bodies found in a burnt out car.

Swedish police working with UK police over missing Brits

The British media have identified the two missing men as Juan Cifuentes and Farooq Abdulrazak, 33 and 37, who ran the Empire Holidays Travel Agency in London and whose families have reported them missing. 

Police in southern Sweden on Monday confirmed that they were in contact with the British police over two men, who were last seen on camera driving over the Öresund Bridge in a Toyota RAV4 car they had hired in Denmark.

The car was found in the industrial area of Fosie with two bodies inside, which police have so far been unable to identify. 

READ ALSO: What we know about the suspected murder of two Brits in Malmö

“We have been in contact with the British police concerning the two British citizens who have disappeared. It is too early to say if it was them who were found in the car,”  Kerstin Gossé, a press spokesperson for the police in Malmö. “So far as I know, those two people have not been found.”

Police in Sweden are still waiting for the formal conclusions of a forensic examination of the two bodies, which were so severely burned that they are difficult to identify. 

“We have carried out several forensic examinations, but still cannot with any confidence say anything about the idenities [of the two bodies],” Gossé added.