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German word of the day: Leseratte

We all know someone who always has their nose in a book, and this jokey German word could be the perfect way to describe them.

German word of the day
Photo credit: Francesco Ungaro / Unsplash + Nicolas Raymond / flickr

Why do I need to know Leseratte?

Because this cheeky term of endearment could likely apply to fair number of people you know – or even yourself! – and having a few German idioms up your sleeve is a sure-fire way to impress native speakers. 

What does it mean?

Die Leseratte quite literally means “reading rat”. It applies to people who love nothing more than trips to the library or snuggling up on the sofa for hours with a new page-turner. As children, they were the ones who snuck the reading light back on to read just one more chapter after their parents told them to go to sleep. As adults, you may well find them emptying their bank accounts at their nearest second-hand bookshop.

As you may notice, this has very similar connotations to the English “bookworm” – and you’ll be pleased to know that you can also use this term (Bücherwurm) in German. However, you’ll probably hear Leseratte a bit more often, along with its book-hating opposite: the Lesemuffel.

The potential for cutesy artistic depictions of nerdy reading rats has also turned the Leseratte into a commonly used trope in kids’ games and books, so keep your eyes peeled for this character next time you’re out and about. 

READ ALSO: German word of the day: Schlau

Where does it come from?

According to literary historian Michael Krumm, the exact origins of the Leseratte are unknown, though regional variations of the phrase have been used in Germany since the 19th century. 

But why exactly would you associate reading with rats? Well, the image is probably meant to imply that keen readers – like their rodent counterparts – have a vociferous appetite, devouring books with the same relish that rats devour day-old kebabs on the street. 

It’s for this reason that the term Leseratte had a pretty negative connotation well into the 20th century. It was used to denigrate people – presumably in large part women – who seemed to consume endless books with no regard for their quality.  

These days, of course, the term has had quite a makeover, so reading rats of the world can wear their name with pride. 

Use it like this: 

Bist du eher eine Leseratte oder ein Lesemuffel? 

Are you more of a bookworm or a book hater? 

Kannst du mir ein gutes Buch empfehlen? Ich bin eine echte Leseratte!

Can you recommend me a good book? I’m a real bookworm! 

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German word of the day: Aprilwetter

Sunshine one minute, snow the next - if the weather feels like it's lost its mind, this is a German word you'll want to have in your vocabulary.

German word of the day: Aprilwetter

Why do I need to know Aprilwetter?

Because this handy German idiom perfectly sums up the type of weather you’re bound to experience in Germany at this type of year – and if you want to try and make small-talk with Germans, talking about the weather is often a great place to start!

What does it mean?

Das Aprilwetter (pronounced like this) means exactly what it sounds like: weather that is typical in the month of April. In Germany, that tends to mean days that can change from sweltering heat to rainstorms in a matter of hours, or fluctuations between sun and snow on a weekly basis.

If you’ve noticed that you struggle to decide what clothes to wear each day this month, it could be that you’re experiencing the confusing phenomenon that is Aprilwetter. If you take a coat, you may not need it, but if you don’t, be prepared for a sudden hailstorm just after you leave the house.

A phrase that you can use with similar connotations is Frühlingswetter, which describes the changeable weather conditions that are typical in spring.

READ ALSO: German word of the day – Das Schmuddelwetter

The poet T.S. Eliot famously wrote, “April is the cruellest month”, as the temperamental weather we see at this time of year always seems to be particularly extreme.

If you’re struggling to describe weather that seems unable to decide whether it’s summer or winter, simply reach for the term Aprilwetter and every German will know exactly what you mean.

Use it like this:

Ich war nicht vorbereitet für dieses krasse Aprilwetter. Ich hätte eine Jacke mitnehmen sollen!

I wasn’t prepared for this extreme April weather. I should have brought a jacket with me!

Es gibt kein typisches Aprilwetter – zu diesem Jahreszeit sieht man alle Wetterarten unter der Sonne!

There’s no such thing as typical April weather – at this time of year you see all types of weather under the sun!