OPINION: Despite pension reform passing, Macron faces four years as a ‘blocked’ president

The president on Wednesday tried to sell the French people on his new ideas for the next four years of his term in office, but John Lichfield sees little chance of him being able to progress his agenda, even after pension protests have subsided.

OPINION: Despite pension reform passing, Macron faces four years as a 'blocked' president
French President Emmanuel Macron is seen on screen as he speaks during a TV interview from the Elysee Palace. Photo by Ludovic MARIN / AFP

President Emmanuel Macron has finally made the case for pension reform – six days after his government used special powers to ram it through the National Assembly.

His appearance on the 1pm TV news on Wednesday was both a typical Macron performance and rather strange.

Strange, first of all, because he chose to speak to the lunchtime news bulletins, which are traditionally dominated by old ways making lace or new ways of making cheese.

Strange also because Macron made a rather good case for his pension reform – and it is largely “his” reform – after choosing to evade the debate for months.

There have been six days of sometimes violent protest since the pension bill – gradually increasing France’s official retirement age from 62 to 64 – was pushed through the Assembly without a “normal” vote. There will be a ninth day of nationwide strikes and marches on Thursday.

Macron’s 40-minute interview was not pitched at the strikers or violent protesters. Short of a capitulation, he knew that they had no interest in what he might say.

The interview was pitched at a notional silent majority of French people who detest pension reform but also now want to go on with their lives. Hence the choice of the 1pm TV news bulletins. They are watched by an elderly, provincial audience. The presenters mostly skirt controversy (and the news) to celebrate a universal and eternal France.

In other words, Macron is trying to play a long game. He is waiting for the storm to pass. He is counting on a public backlash to gather against the disruption of the strikes and the violence of a minority of protesters.

The President offered – again somewhat belatedly – a list of the more agreeable reforms which might be completed in the final four years of his mandate if normal political life resumes.

There could, he said, be new legislation to force large companies to share “exceptional profits” with their workers rather than increase their bosses’ salaries or buy back company shares.

You can listen to John Lichfield talk about the political crisis engulfing France in our new Talking France podcast on Spotify, Apple or Google podcasts. Download it HERE or listen on the link below.

He invited the unions to put the toys back into the pram and start a new “dialogue” with the government on ways of easing the final working years of people in physically demanding jobs. He did not mention that similar measures once existed but were dismantled during his first term.

His defence of the pension reform was drawn from the “blood, sweat and tears” school of political rhetoric (but accurate enough). France could not preserve its posterity and social model if it persisted in working less than its partners and competitors, he said.

What did people expect of him, he asked ? That he should “do as my predecessors did and sweep the dirt under the carpet?”

It is a pity, and a mystery, that Macron not make this case weeks ago. Instead, he chose to leave the selling of the reform to the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, and her ministers, who alternated between describing it as “tough but fair” and a “left-wing” social advance.

On Borne’s future, Macron was not entirely convincing. Many people, including myself, have predicted that she will pay the traditional price of French prime ministers  and will be dumped by Macron within a month or so to try to clear the air or give a new sense of direction to the government.

Macron said, rather curtly, that Borne had his “confidence”, But he also said that he expected her to enlarge her centrist minority government by finding new parliamentary allies from the centre-right or centre-left.

She has tried that before and failed. My interpretation of Macron’s words is that, if she fails again, he will appoint a new prime minister who may be able to lasso a few of the 30 or so centre-right Les Républicains (LR) deputies who supported the reform and then helped to defeat opposition censure motions on Monday.

Les Républicains, the rump of the once-great Gaullist movement, have been shattered by the pensions reform crisis. That may eventually be good news for Macron or his would-be centrist successors. It may, however, also be good news for Marine Le Pen.

So what now?

Macron seemed to say at one point that he was anticipating another two to three weeks of demonstrations and strikes before the protests subsided. He may be right. It is worth recalling, however, that the Giles Jaune (yellow vest) rebellion lasted for six months in 2018-9 before it petered out.

The problem facing the trades unions is to keep the protests going. There will be a huge turn-out for the marches on Thursday but the bigger the numbers, the harder they will be to sustain in the days and weeks ahead.

The open-ended oil refinery and rubbish-collection strikes are beginning to cause real problems – and also real annoyance. It is that swing in the public mood that Macron is relying on.

The pension reform law is being studied by the Constitutional Council. The great and good members of the Council must pronounce within three weeks. If they reject the law (possible but unlikely), Macron will be humiliated and the protests will have no reason to continue.

If they approve the law, the protests may subside.

Either way, I see little chance of Macron getting much domestic business done in his final four years. The pension law was supposed to be the gateway to other reforms.

Despite the would-be, feel-good agenda that the President offered, despite the inevitable decline in protests, there is no obvious way forward.

Pensions may end up, not as the gateway to further reform, but as a flaming barricade.

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Paris opens new museum of French presidents

Paris visitors will soon have another museum to visit, this one celebrating the Elysée Palace and the French presidents who have occupied it over the years.

Paris opens new museum of French presidents

On Wednesday, French President Emmanuel Macron inaugurated a new museum in Paris – the Maison de l’Élysée, located just opposite his residence at the Elysée palace on rue Saint-Honoré in Paris’ eighth arrondissement. 

The museum will offer visitors a chance to get to know the palace and its history better, as well as its current and former inhabitants.

It will open to the public on July 30th, and will be free to visit during the Olympic Games. Afterwards, a reservation system will be put in place from September. The museum will have a capacity of 150 people at a time.

Macron initiated the project during the summer of 2023 “to show the history of the building and promote French know-how (savoir faire).”

READ MORE: 5 lesser-known museums in Paris to visit this summer

During the inauguration, the president added that part of the inspiration was the fact that the “10,000 places we offer during the Heritage Days (Journées du Patrimoine) go in 30 minutes”.  

Officially, the Elysée receives 75,000 people annually, according to Le Figaro, but the primary moment of the year that tourists can come see the palace is during the ‘Heritage days’, typically in September, which involves a tour of the building’s ornate halls, as well as the Salle des Fêtes, the site of state dinners.

What will be inside of the museum?

The 600 square metre, two-floor museum will present some of the original furniture, art and photos that have decorated the Elysée Palace over the years, including the ‘imperial chandelier’ that once decorated the Salon des Huissiers. 

One of the key exhibits will be the desk used by several former French presidents, including Charles de Gaulle, Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, François Hollande and Emmanuel Macron during his first term.

Visitors will be allowed to take a photo in front of it, but they won’t be permitted to sit down behind it. 

The museum will also offer a short film on the history of the palace, as well as tableware from state dinners and diplomatic gifts received by French presidents over the years.

A gift shop will sell French presidency-themed souvenirs, with proceeds contributing to the upkeep of the palace, which was built in the 18th century and requires about €6.5 million each year to keep it up.

There will also be a café with about 40 seats, offering a lovely view of the Elysée’s courtyard. 

Leadership tourism

France is not the first country to offer such a visitor experience. 

In the United States, the White House visitor centre offers exhibits (free of charge) for visitors interested in learning about the residence as both a home, office and ceremonial space.

In the UK, it is possible to take a virtual tour of the inside of 10 Downing Street.

As for Italy, it is possible to book a guided tour of the Quirinale Palace, though space tends to be limited.

In Spain, the Palacio de la Moncloa offers 90-minute guided visits, as long as you register in advance on their official website.