Italy revives ancient dream of building Messina Strait bridge

The Italian government on Thursday relaunched a contentious plan to build a multibillion-euro bridge linking Sicily to the mainland - despite concerns about cost and earthquake risk.

A view of the Strait of Messina between Calabria and Sicily in southern Italy
The Strait of Messina. The only way to reach mainland Italy from Sicily today is via ferry or plane, but could that soon change? Photo by Andreas SOLARO / AFP

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s cabinet passed a decree on Thursday evening relaunching the controversial Strait Bridge project, which the government sees as key to reviving the economy in the country’s poorer south, despite doubts over its structural viability, environmental impact and cost.

At 3.2 kilometres (two miles) long, the bridge “will represent the flagship of Italian engineering,” said Transport Minister Matteo Salvini, who has long been a proponent of the plan.

READ ALSO: Costly flights, few trains: What’s travel like between Sicily and mainland Italy? 

The idea of the bridge can be traced back to the ancient Romans, but modern attempts to launch the project have repeatedly failed due to the great expense and the challenges of erecting a structure linking Messina to Reggio Calabria in an area prone to earthquakes.

The last blueprint, which dates back to 2011, would be “adapted to new technical, safety and environmental standards,” Salvini said.

Former premier Silvio Berlusconi, whose government had strongly backed a plan for the bridge in the 2000s, on Thursday said the engineering feat would “connect Sicily not just to Calabria, but to Italy and the whole of Europe”.

Construction could begin in mid-2024, said Berlusconi, whose party belongs to the coalition.

Parliament will now have 60 days to convert the decree into law.

A view of the Strait of Messina separating Sicily from Calabria

The first plans for a bridge linking Sicily to mainland Italy date back to 252 BC. Photo by Andreas SOLARO / AFP

Currently, the only way to get from the island to the mainland is via ferry or plane.

Supporters of the bridge – which would carry trains as well – claim it could cut pollution and save time for both people and cargo.

Cargo ships coming through the Suez Canal from Asia could dock in Sicily, with goods put on high-speed trains to the rest of Europe.

But critics say the money would be much better spent on improving pitiful train and road services within Sicily and Reggio Calabria.

Italian environmentalists have also always opposed the project in the Strait of Messina.

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The Legambiente environmental group said Thursday the money should instead be used to meet climate change objectives, and urged Meloni’s government to invest in railway electrification and “modern, frequent and punctual trains” in the “transport desert”.

A maritime transport union also warned in February that the bridge would have to be higher than the 65 metres envisaged in previous plans, or some cruise ships or cargo vessels would not be able to pass underneath.

Dreams of a bridge across the Strait date back to 252 BC, when Roman Consul Metellus transported war elephants from Carthage to the mainland on barrels lashed together to make rafts, according to Pliny the Elder.

By AFP’s Ella Ide

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President of Italy’s Liguria region resigns after arrest over corruption probe

The president of the northwestern Italian region of Liguria resigned on Friday nearly three months after his arrest as part of a sweeping corruption investigation involving Genoa port operations.

President of Italy's Liguria region resigns after arrest over corruption probe

Giovanni Toti, 55, has been under house arrest since May as part of an investigation that has also implicated nine others, including the former head of the Genoa Port Authority, one of the largest in the country.

Contacted by AFP, a regional civil servant confirmed media reports of Toti’s resignation, who had been suspended from his post since his arrest.

Toti, a former member of the European Parliament elected as Liguria’s president in 2015 and again in 2020, has said he is innocent of accusations of bribe-taking.

Prosecutors allege he accepted 74,100 euros in funds for his election campaign between December 2021 and March 2023 from two prominent local businessmen, Aldo Spinelli and his son Roberto, in return for various favours.

These allegedly included efforts to privatise a public beach and speeding up the 30-year lease renewal for a Genoa port terminal for a Spinelli family-controlled company, which was approved in December 2021.

READ ALSO: Italy’s Liguria regional president arrested in corruption probe

Toti is a former journalist who was close to late PM Silvio Berlusconi. He is no longer aligned with a party but was backed by a right-wing coalition in the last election.

In a resignation letter published on the RaiNews website, Toti did not mention the accusations against him but instead listed his accomplishments as president and thanked his supporters.

“After three months of house arrest and the subsequent suspension from the office that voters have entrusted to me twice, I have decided that the time has come to tender my irrevocable resignation,” Toti wrote, according to RaiNews.

“I leave a region in order.”

Toti had more than a year remaining in his tenure as regional president. Under Italian law, new elections will have to be called within three months.