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FACT CHECK: Did Sweden have lower pandemic mortality than in Norway and Denmark?

A graphic published by the Svenska Dagbladet newspaper last week claimed that Sweden had the lowest excess mortality of all EU and Nordic counties between the start of 2020 and the end of 2022. We looked into whether this extraordinary claim is true.

FACT CHECK: Did Sweden have lower pandemic mortality than in Norway and Denmark?

At one point in May 2020, Sweden had the highest Covid-19 death rate in the world, spurring newspapers like the New York Times and Time Magazine to present the country as a cautionary tale, a warning of how much more Covid-19 could ravage populations if strict enough measures were not applied. 

“Per million people, Sweden has suffered 40 percent more deaths than the United States, 12 times more than Norway, seven times more than Finland and six times more than Denmark,” the New York Times reported in July 2020

An article in Time in October 2020 declared Sweden’s Covid response “a disaster”, citing figures from Johns Hopkins University ranking Sweden’s per capita death rate as the 12th highest in the world.

So there was undisguised glee among lockdown sceptics when Svenska Dagbladet published its data last week showing that in the pandemic years 2020, 2021 and 2022 Sweden’s excess mortality was the lowest, not only in the European Union, but of all the Nordic countries, beating even global Covid-19 success stories, such as Norway, Denmark and Finland. 

Versions of the graph or links to the story were tweeted out by international anti-lockdown figures such as Bjørn Lomborg, a Danish sceptic of climate action, and Fraser Nelson, editor of Britain’s Spectator Magazine, while in Sweden columnists like Dagens Nyheter’s Alex Schulman and Svenska Dagbladet’s opinion editor Peter Wennblad showed that Anders Tegnell, the state epidemiologist who led Sweden’s strategy had been “right all along”. 

Excess mortality — the number of people who die in a year compared to the number expected to die based on previous years — is seen by some statisticians as a better measure for comparing countries’ Covid-19 responses, as it is less vulnerable to differences in how Covid-19 deaths are reported. 

But are these figures legitimate, where do they come from, and do they show what they purport to show?

Here are the numbers used by SvD in its chart: 

Where do the numbers come from? 

Örjan Hemström, a statistician specialising in births and deaths at Sweden’s state statistics agency Statistics Sweden (SCB), put together the figures at the request of Svenska Dagbladet. 

He told The Local that the numbers published in the newspaper came from him and had not been doctored in any way by the journalists.

He did, however, point out that he had produced an alternative set of figures for the Nordic countries, which the newspaper chose not to use, in which Sweden had exactly the same excess mortality as Denmark and Norway. 

“I think they also could have published the computation I did for the Nordic countries of what was expected from the population predictions,” he said of the way SvD had used his numbers. “It takes into consideration trends in mortality by age and sex. The excess deaths were more similar for Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. Almost the same.” 

Here are Hemström’s alternative numbers: 

Another issue with the analysis is that the SvD graph compares deaths in the pandemic years to deaths over just three years, a mean of 2017-2019, and does not properly take into account Sweden’s longstanding declining mortality trend, or the gently rising mortality trend in some other countries where mortality is creeping upwards due to an ageing population, such as Finland. 

“It’s very difficult to compare countries and the longer the pandemic goes on for the harder it is, because you need a proper baseline, and that baseline depends on what happened before,” Karin Modig, an epidemiologist at Sweden’s Karolinska Institute whose research focuses on ageing populations, told The Local.

“As soon as you compare between countries, it’s more difficult because countries have different trends of mortality, they have different age structures, and in the pandemic they might have had different seasonal variations.” 

She described analyses such as Hemström’s as “quite crude”. 

In an interview with SvD to accompany the graph, Tegnell also pushed back against giving the numbers too much weight. 

“Mortality doesn’t tell the whole story about what effect a pandemic has had on different countries,” he said. “The excess mortality measure has its weaknesses and depends a lot on the demographic structures of countries, but anyway, when it comes to that measure, it looks like Sweden managed to do quite well.”

Do the numbers match those provided by other international experts and media? 

Sweden’s excess mortality over the three years of the pandemic is certainly below average worldwide, but it is only in the SvD/SCB figures that it beats Norway and Denmark. 

A ranking of excess mortality put together by Our World in Data for the same period as the SvD/SCB table estimates Sweden’s excess mortality between the start of 2020 and the end of 2022 at 5.62 percent, considerably more than the 4.4 percent SvD claims and above that of Norway on 5.08 percent and Denmark on 2.52 percent. 

The Economist newspaper also put together an estimate, using their own method based on projected deaths.  

Our World in Data uses the estimate produced by Ariel Karlinsky and Dmitry Kobak, who manage the World Mortality Dataset (WMD). To produce the estimate, they fit a regression model for each region using historical deaths data from 2015–2019, so a time period of five years rather than the three used by SCB.

What’s clear, is that, whatever method you use, Sweden is, along with the other Nordic countries, among the countries with the lowest excess mortality over the pandemic. 

“Most methods seem to put Sweden and the other Nordic countries among the countries in Europe with the lowest cumulative excess deaths for 2020-2022,” said Preben Aavitsland, the Director for Surveillance and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.

So if Sweden had similar excess mortality as the other Nordics over the period, does that mean it had a similar Covid-19 death rate?

Not at all. Sweden’s per capita death rate from Covid-19 over the period covered by the SvD/SCB figures, at 2,249 per million people, is more than double Norway’s 959 per million, 60 percent more than the 1,409 per million who died in Denmark, and more than 50 percent more than the 1,612 per million who died in Finland. 

While Sweden’s death rate is still far ahead of those of its Nordic neighbours, it is now much closer to theirs than it was at the end of 2020. 

“The most striking difference between Sweden and the other Nordic countries is that only Sweden had large excess mortality in 2020 and the winter of 2020-21,” Aavitsland explained. “In 2022, the field levelled out as the other countries also had excess mortality when most of the population was infected by the omicron variant after all measures had been lifted.”

So why, if the Covid-19 death rates are still so different, are the excess mortality rates so similar?

This largely reflects the fact that many of those who died in Sweden in the first year of the pandemic were elderly people in care homes who would have died anyway by the end of 2022. 

About 90 percent of Covid-19 deaths were in people above 70, Aavitsland pointed out, adding that this is the same age group where you find around 80 percent of all deaths, regardless of cause, in a Scandinavian country.

“My interpretation is that in the first year of the pandemic, say March 2020 – February 2021, Sweden had several thousand excess deaths among the elderly, including nursing home residents,” he said. “Most of this was caused by Covid-19. In the other [Nordic] countries, more people like these survived, but they died in 2022. The other countries managed to delay some deaths, but now, three years after, we end up at around the same place.” 

So does that mean Sweden’s state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell was right all along? 

It depends on how you view the shortened lives of the close to ten thousand elderly people who caught Covid-19 and died in Sweden in the first wave because Sweden did not follow the example of Denmark, Norway, and Finland and bring in a short three-week lockdown in March and April 2020. 

Tegnell himself probably said it best in the SvD interview. 

“You’ve got to remember that a lot of people died in the pandemic, which is of course terrible in many ways, not least for their many loved ones who were affected, so you need to be a bit humble when presented with these kinds of figures.”

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How to protect yourself against the risk of Lyme disease in Norway this summer

A record number of Lyme disease cases have already been recorded so far in Norway. You can minimise your risk of contracting the disease in a few different ways.

How to protect yourself against the risk of Lyme disease in Norway this summer

Norway has seen a record number of Lyme borreliosis cases in 2024 despite there still being several months of the tick season left to go this year.

The Norwegian Institute of Public Health has reported 175 cases – 16 more than last year.

Untreated Lyme disease can result in a number of nasty symptoms, such as arthritis, severe headaches, facial palsy, and mental fogginess.

Lyme disease and ticks

Lyme disease is an illness transmitted to humans through the bite of infected ticks.

Ticks are found pretty much all over Norway from the south-east and along coastal areas all the way up to Bodø in the north. They are found in forests, meadows, and long grass and are active once the temperature is above 5C.

Typically, the season lasts from April to November across much of Norway. There are two main tick-borne diseases, Lyme disease and tick-borne encephalitis (TBE).


How to spot Lyme disease

Lyme disease begins with a tick bite. After spending time in an area where there could be ticks, then it is good to check yourself all over, or have someone else check you for ticks. It’s also a good idea to check your clothes for ticks.

If you have been bitten by a tick, the first symptom will be a bull’s eye rash. This will have the tick bite in the location you were bitten and then a rash around the outside of the bite. This rash will be warm to the touch.

This is the most common sign that you have been bitten by a tick, affecting around eight out of ten people.

Other early symptoms include chills, fever, enlarged lymph nodes, sore throat, vision changes, fatigue, muscle aches and headaches,

How to minimise the risk of ticks

There are a number of things you can do to prevent tick bites. The first thing you can do is to wear long-sleeved tops and trousers when you are going to be in areas with lots of bushes and long grass. This will mean there is less exposed skin for ticks to latch onto.

Ticks also like to latch onto thin-skinned places such as knees, groin, armpits and behind the ears, although they can be found elsewhere on the body.

Tucking your trousers into your socks will also help stop ticks from getting in between any gaps in clothing.

If you do have any exposed skin, you should consider using insect repellent. You can also spray socks and trouser legs with permethrin-containing insecticide.

Staying on clear well travelled paths when hiking and camping will also help to reduce the risk of a tick latching onto you, as they much prefer longer grass and bushes.

If picking berries or taking a break, then you should avoid sitting or kneeling directly on the ground. Those with long hair should wear it tied back.

Dog owners should also regularly check their pets for ticks, as they can latch onto dogs that like to head off trails.

What to do if you think you have been bitten by a tick

If the tick is visible, it is important to remove it as quickly as possible to reduce the risk of disease transmission. You can use tweezers or special tick removers to get rid of the tick. You should also grasp as close as possible to the skin to remove the tick.

Once the tick is removed, you will need to apply an antiseptic ointment to the skin. If you develop a red rash that expands to a diameter of more than 5 centimetres, then you should contact a doctor. The rash normally appears 3-30 days after a bite.

If you have been bitten by a tick and the doctor thinks it could be Lyme disease, then they will prescribe antibiotics to treat the early stages.