Activists park burnt-out tank outside Russian Embassy in Berlin

Anti-war activists on Friday parked a bombed-out Russian tank in front of the Russian embassy in Berlin, as thousands of protesters across Europe prepared to march against Moscow's invasion of Ukraine.

Russian tank outside Russian embassy
The wreck of a Russian tank destroyed near Kyiv, brought outside the Russian Embassy in Berlin. Photo courtesy of Enno Lenze

Enno Lenze and Wieland Giebel, who operate the Berlin Story Museum, said they had stationed the tank wreck by Russia’s imposing embassy off the Brandenburg Gate ‘as a symbol of Russia’s downfall’.

“We want to put their scrap metal in front of the gates of the terrorists,” said Giebel, who for months was caught in a bureaucratic tangle with Berlin authorities over the tank installation, after Lenze had the idea to bring it to Berlin after finding it at the side of the road near Kyiv.

The tank was damaged on March 31st last year near Bucha, the town near Kyiv which has become a byword for alleged Russian war crimes.

Sabine Ertl, a tourist on holiday in Berlin, said the tank was both “impressive and scary”.

“It brings this reality much closer,” she told AFP.

Ukraine’s Ambassador to Germany Oleksii Makeiev was also on hand at the tank protest to thank Lenze and Giebel.

“Don’t panic,” he tweeted. “The Russian T-72 tank previously sighted in Berlin has already been destroyed by Ukrainian forces so this death machine could no longer pose a threat to the people of Europe.”

Admiring the protest action, one Twitter user quipped that the tank had been “returned to sender” after a failed delivery to Ukraine. “This Russian tank was refused acceptance in Ukraine and returned to the Russian Embassy in Berlin,” he wrote.

The demonstration not only drew the attention of passers by – a group of Ukrainian children also came to sing next to the destroyed military vehicle. 

Zelensky to speak to Ukraine’s supporters in Germany

At an event led by German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier who underlined that Kyiv could count on Berlin, Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky beamed in a message thanking Western allies for their support for his country.

Zelensky was also due to address demonstrators in Berlin later Friday via video-link. Massive pro-Ukraine demonstrations are scheduled to happen all over Germany late Friday afternoon.

READ ALSO: INTERVIEW: Germany must show ‘leadership and vision’ for Ukraine

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German politicians want to cut benefits for Ukrainian refugees

A growing number of FDP and CDU/CSU politicians have called for the end of Bürgergeld - Germany's long-term unemployment benefit - for Ukrainian refugees. Here's the background on the debate.

German politicians want to cut benefits for Ukrainian refugees

FDP Secretary General Bijan Djir-Sarai is calling for reduced state benefits for Ukrainians fleeing the Russian war of aggression to Germany. 

“Newly arriving war refugees from Ukraine should no longer receive Bürgergeld in the future, but should fall under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act,” FDP Secretary General Bijan Djir-Sarai told the Bild newspaper.

Similar demands have repeatedly come from the conservative CDU/CSU as well as the pro-business Free Democratic (FDP) parliamentary group.

Bürgergeld, or citizens’ allowance is a long-term unemployment benefit which amounts to €563 per month. It is granted to Ukrainian refugees when they register in Germany if they are unemployed, as opposed to a €460 per month benefit which is granted to all other asylum seekers who successfully apply for it. 

Other asylum seekers also face more obstacles entering the labour market. 

What’s the debate around Bürgergeld for Ukrainian refugees?

Brandenburg’s Interior Minister Michael Stübgen (CDU) criticised the payment of citizen’s allowance to Ukrainian refugees, suggesting that the benefit disincentivises incoming Ukrainians from taking up work. 

FDP’s Djir-Sarai told Bild: “We have a shortage of workers everywhere – for example in gastronomy, construction or care. We should no longer finance unemployment with taxpayers’ money, but must ensure that people get into work.”

The labour market policy spokesman for the SPD, Martin Rosemann, disagrees, countering that citizen’s allowance and access to Germany’s job centres gives Ukrainian refugees the necessary support they need to access the labour market.

According to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), 80 percent of Ukrainian refugees in Germany are women. Just under half of these live with children who are minors, and the majority have no partner with them.

Last autumn, the German government announced an effort to enable refugees to find work more quickly. The plan involved placing 400,000 refugees in jobs directly from their language courses, including around 200,000 from Ukraine. According to figures from April, about 160,000 Ukrainian refugees have been brought into work since the beginning of the Russian war of aggression.

Recent EU election results showed a strengthening of far-right and far-left parties that have been critical of Germany’s economic and military support of Ukraine. 

READ ALSO: ANALYSIS – What do Germany’s far-right gains in EU elections mean for foreigners?

Whereas support for Ukraine and Ukrainian refugees has been largely supported by members of the traffic-light coalition, some members of CDU/CSU and FDP parties may be repositioning themselves on the issue in light of a perceived shift in public opinion.

Different systems for refugees in Germany 

Since the beginning of Russia’s war against Ukraine, some have criticised what they see as a two-tiered asylum system in Germany, where war refugees coming from countries such as Syria, West Asia or Africa face a longer and more complicated asylum-seeking procedure.

One example of this is seen in the granting of citizen’s allowance. Refugees from Ukraine have been able to receive basic security benefits in Germany since June 2022 (then Hartz IV, now citizen’s allowance) – instead of the lower benefits granted by the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act. 

According to state and federal actors, the reason for this difference was that refugees from Ukraine are directly entitled to a residence permit and do not have to wait for a decision, as is the case with asylum seekers.

Ukrainians who land in Germany are also permitted to work immediately. As with other residents, they are only entitled to Bürgergeld if they have low income or no income.

READ ALSO: ‘Happy to work here’ – How refugees in Germany are helping labour shortage

With reporting by DPA.