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Aarhus versus Copenhagen: The differences (and similarities) between Denmark’s two largest cities

The capital of Denmark and the biggest city in Jutland. There’s a lot more than the three-hour journey between them to distinguish the two largest Danish cities, Copenhagen and Aarhus.

Aarhus versus Copenhagen: The differences (and similarities) between Denmark’s two largest cities
Images from Aarhus (L) and Copenhagen. Photos: Malik Skydsgaard on Unsplash / Razvan Mirel on Unsplash

New York or LA. Sydney or Melbourne. Oslo or Bergen. In many countries, picking between the two major cities often turns into a contest of culture, a question of lifestyle and a matter of preference. 

Copenhagen has often dominated as the most famous and influential Danish city, but Aarhus has had a run on the capital in recent years, undergoing development and growth. It was the European Capital of Culture in 2017.

Each is a quintessentially Danish city which represents the country well. I’ve spent several years living in both and can’t pick a favourite, but they each have their own distinguishing charms and features.

READ ALSO: Why Aarhus is worthy of all of the hype (2016)


Once you understand Danish at almost any level you can hear the difference between the Copenhagen and Aarhus dialects.

To give an example, the Copenhagen accent (københavnsk) can put a ‘break’ or stød into the middle of a word so the tone changes during the vowel, effectively breaking pronunciation of the word into two halves. Dør (“door”) pronounced this way can sound more like dø-er.

Aarhusiansk sounds different not just in its rhythm but in certain pronunciations. For example, the letter o is replaced by the deeper å in some words, such as sort (“black”) which can sound more like sårt.

There are words and structures which are more common in one dialect than the other. In Aarhus, you’re far more likely to hear something described as træls (“tiresome, annoying, a nuisance”). When you hear træls in Copenhagen, you can probably guess with a reasonable level of confidence that the speaker is not in fact from Copenhagen, but from Aarhus or somewhere else in Jutland.

If you ask people where in Denmark they are from, a native of Aarhus might say fra Aarhus af (“from Aarhus”, but more literally “from of Aarhus”) whereas a Copenhagener will just say fra København, omitting the superfluous af.


Copenhagen’s central lakes link neighbourhoods on one side of the city to the other, spanning from Vesterbro in the west to Østerbro in the east, with the historic Inner City and diverse Nørrebro districts also on each side of the shallow lakes.

These lakes form a breathing space in the centre of Copenhagen where hundreds of city residents use them each day to go for a walk or run. In the summer, the popular bridge Dronning Louises Bro takes the character of a park as Copenhageners sit on its rails and benches to share a beer or listen to music.

Copenhagen’s lakes. Photo: Mathias Svold/Ritzau Scanpix

The closest literal equivalent of this in Aarhus is the section of the canal between Mindeparken and the central square Store Torv, but it’s a far less popular spot. Unlike Dronning Louises Bro, which connects two busy but distinct parts of the city, the Aarhus canal doesn’t have naturally heavy footfall.

Aarhus doesn’t have one place that immediately springs to mind when you think of a place in the city centre to go for a run, walk or to congregate within the city space. Instead, it has several alternatives: the University Park, the area around the Dokk1 library and the redeveloped harbour, and the small grassy hill on Graven street in the Aarhus Latinerkvarter “Latin Quarter”.

The latter spot, occasionally dubbed “Hipster Hill”, is a popular space to gather on warm summer evenings, just like Dronning Louises Bro in Copenhagen.

Other natural spots

Both cities are remarkably close to nature with easy access to parks, forests and the sea. Both have a botanisk have (botanical garden) and a dyrehave (“animal park”, a protected park where wild animals, particularly small deer, freely roam).

The Copenhagen versions are both somewhat larger than their counterparts in Aarhus, but all are a good size.

They also both have beaches within the city limits: Amager Strandpark and Bellevue Strand in Copenhagen; Den Permanente and Marselisborg Strand in Aarhus (the latter is home of the Uendelige bro “Infinite Bridge”).

Just outside Copenhagen, you can trek and camp in the expansive Naturpark Amager. South of Aarhus, the 7-kilometre forest belt Marselisskoven awaits.

They might be the two biggest conurbations in Denmark, but both offer fresh air and natural surroundings in spades.

Aarhus’ Infinite Bridge. Photo by Jona Troes on Unsplash


It’s not easy to say something authoritative about the difference in the “vibe” between the two cities, because all individual experiences will be subjective. Mine is that Aarhus feels more laid back and relaxed and is comfortable with its status as a small city (despite being Denmark’s second largest) because it has so much to offer relative to its size: culture, nightlife, nature and more.

This hasn’t always necessarily been the case. When I first lived in Aarhus in the late 2000s, there was less to do and there seemed to be more of an inferiority complex towards Copenhagen. Aarhus has flourished since then and is now more aware of what a great place it is to be, without needing to live up to anywhere else.

As for Copenhagen: while also small on a relative scale (compared to Berlin, London or Paris), it is probably the coolest city in Scandinavia and still the place many people aspire to be.

Copenhagen feels like a big city despite its relatively diminutive size for a national capital: It has distinctive neighbourhoods with palpably different personalities, busy traffic and people in a hurry on the Metro and S-train. It’s just about big enough to swallow you up, which I don’t think you can say about Aarhus. This might not be to everyone’s taste, but I liked it. At the same time, it still feels like a very “liveable” city.

READ ALSO: Copenhagen ranked ‘best city for quality of life’ for first time in seven years (2021)

Size and infrastructure

As mentioned above, the difference in size between Copenhagen and Aarhus is an important part of what gives them distinct personalities as cities.

Aarhus has a population of 361,544 in its municipal area according to latest figures. The Copenhagen municipality is nearly twice as populous with 653,664 and if you add the population of Frederiksberg – a separate municipality but geographically part of Copenhagen – the number rises to 758,328.

Copenhagen becomes larger still when outlying municipalities, often referred to as Vestegnen (the “Western Area”) are brought into the equation as part of the Greater Copenhagen metropolitan area.

You can spend a lot longer travelling through urban sprawl in Copenhagen before reaching somewhere that looks rural. You can do this on the S-train, an equivalent of the overground rail services in London or Berlin’s S-Bahn, or on the newer Metro which recently added two new lines and is set to continue to grow.

In contrast, Aarhus has city buses and a light rail which was constructed in the 2010s, opening in 2017. It’s not universally popular but has made local transport more convenient in the part of the city it covers.

Cost of living

The worst thing about living in Copenhagen is its impenetrable rental housing market and the painfully high rent once you – after months of perseverance – find an apartment.

This situation has not been made any better by the inflation and energy crisis, although the government has limited landlords from hiking up rent in line with current inflation, capping rent increases at 4 percent.

Data shows that Copenhagen is significantly more expensive to rent housing than anywhere else in Denmark, albeit with one possible exception: Aarhus.

For those looking to rent subsidised housing (almene boliger), it can take years to get to the top of waiting lists in either Copenhagen or Aarhus. In smaller cities you might get an offer in weeks or even days.

This means many newcomers to Denmark must turn to the private rental market if they are living in either of the two main cities.

A study conducted by housing research centre Bolius in November 2020 found the cost of a 56 square-metre apartment in Copenhagen’s Nørrebro district to be 8,536 kroner per month.

Aarhus was not included in the study, so direct comparison isn’t possible. In third-largest city Odense though, there is a significant saving on Copenhagen with 8,488 kroner, a similar rent to that in Nørrebro, getting you an apartment over 50 percent bigger at 82 square metres.

Anecdotally based on personal experience: it is easier to find an apartment in Aarhus than it is Copenhagen, and a little cheaper. But that makes it neither easy nor cheap, and the difference seems to be narrowing.

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How Denmark’s international students fall into the trap of CPR address fraud

An increasing number of foreign students in Copenhagen have resorted to the so-called ‘sale’ of fraudulent address schemes in order to get a Danish personal registration (CPR) number.

How Denmark’s international students fall into the trap of CPR address fraud

When Lavanya* returned to the room that she rented in her landlord’s apartment in Brønshøj on the outskirts of Copenhagen, something felt odd.

Her personal belongings were not organised in the way she had left them.

It was not the first time Lavanya’s landlord had apparently been in her room – or otherwise made unusual demands – since she arrived from Bangladesh to study at the University of Southern Denmark in 2021.

In addition to the intrusions in her room, Lavanya was also instructed to stay in the room or pretend to be “a friend” when, for example, a midwife visited after the landlord’s wife gave birth.

That’s because her landlord could or would not formally register Lavanya as a tenant — meaning she had to create false pretences for being in the apartment.

What could the international student do? Who could she complain to? As an undeclared tenant, whose landlord did not want to register her with Danish authorities, her options were slim.

Lavanya was however registered with Copenhagen authorities, just at a different address.

Whilst her undeclared rented room was located in Brønshøj, she was officially registered at an address in Østerbro. The reason?  The need to obtain an Danish personal registration (CPR) number.

A CPR number – the Danish equivalent of a social security number – is needed to access the Danish healthcare system, open a bank account, get a mobile phone plan, attend Danish language classes, and use the MobilePay payment app.

Crucially, it is also needed for tax registration and to receive a salary, so international students in Denmark need it so they have a right to work.

READ ALSO: What are the rules on summer jobs for international students in Denmark?

But the lack of available housing in Copenhagen makes getting one difficult for many.

The CPR number is tied to the address you legally live at. Without securing a place to stay, you can’t apply for a CPR number. Without it, you are not allowed to work legally in Denmark, which is crucial for many incoming South Asian students looking to finance their stay to complete their university degrees.

“Many new arrivals don’t understand the importance of a CPR number because we don’t have this concept in our country,” said Saiful Azim, a Bangladeshi national working as a researcher at the University of Copenhagen.

Navigating solo into the Danish bureaucratic jungle as a newcomer to Denmark in 2017, Azim initially dedicated time to guiding and sharing advice to help incoming Bangladeshi students via Facebook groups.

“Around 2021, many new students arrived, and the topics changed to selling and buying CPR addresses. It became annoying. Despite understanding that it’s illegal, people were desperate due to the housing crisis and stopped caring. I tried to convince them, made several posts, but they didn’t appreciate them and argued against me. I got fed up and left,” he said.


A check of the Facebook group “Bangladeshi Student Association in Denmark” shows that various profiles, often anonymously or behind a fake account, offer their own addresses as a place to register students for a monthly fee.

Students pay for this to gain access to a CPR number while living at another unregistered address, which for various reasons won’t be accepted as a legal residence to stay at by a municipality.

The Facebook posts often mention “CPR for sale,” meaning that an address for CPR registration is available for a fee. 

“Selling CPR addresses is unfortunately common among South Asians, especially Bangladeshis and Nepalese,” Azim said, adding that many providing and buying the service are not aware it’s illegal.

As a non-EU national, Lavanya was liable for tuition fees of some 32,600 kroner per semester. As the housing crisis marched on, apartments requiring a deposit of three months’ rent in advance were not an option for her without a job.

READ ALSO: Renting in Denmark: Four things worth knowing about your deposit

She settled on a room in her landlord’s shared apartment in Brønshøj priced at 2,200 kroner per month. She brought with her enough money to cover rent, groceries and transport costs for three months. It was not until Lavanya was about to board the flight to Denmark that her soon-to-be landlord said she had to find an alternative address for CPR registration.

There can be many reasons a landlord might not want to register tenants legally: it can affect social welfare eligibility, they might not want to pay taxes or they may be renting out to more than one person, which can also affect welfare eligibility. In some cases, properties are only approved for business, rather than residential use.

“My CPR cost 600 kroner,” Lavanya said.

“When I had post to pick up, I had to make the journey to Østerbro. It was half an hour by train and bus. I had classes and work, and he [the person who she paid for CPR registration in Østerbro, ed.] also had work, so it was time-consuming and sometimes impossible to coordinate,” she said.

According to the CPR register office, you can’t legally assign an address to the CPR registry if you don’t genuinely live there. A housing confirmation for CPR registration provided by the city of Copenhagen cites the CPR law’s paragraph 57, section 1, subsection 5, stating that a landlord providing false information is liable to a fine.

A spokesperson for Copenhagen Police told The Local that they were not aware of the illegal scheme to sell addresses for a CPR number and they were unclear about whether the law says the landlord and/or tenant is to blame and what they can be charged under. 

Bjarke Dalsgaard Madsen, a senior police inspector with the economic crime department in Copenhagen, said that the police would look into the issue if a resident reports it.

“It’s something you could feel outraged about, because it seems to be taking advantage of others’ vulnerable position,” he said.

Are you an international student in Copenhagen? Have you paid for a CPR address registration? If so, we’d like to hear about your experiences. Get in touch here.

*Lavanya is not her real name. She agreed to contribute to the article anonymously and is no longer living in Denmark. The authors are aware of her real identity.

Additional reporting by Benjamin Nordtømme, Alexander Maxia (Nordljud), Maya Lagerholm (, Jazz Munteanu ( This article was developed thanks to a collaboration between Nordljud and with the support of Journalismfund Europe.