Brits in Europe won right to vote for life in UK but questions remain

After years of campaigns and promises British citizens living abroad finally won the lifelong right to vote in UK general elections in April 2022. But campaigners say more needs to be done to allow all those Britons abroad to be able cast their votes easily.

Brits in Europe won right to vote for life in UK but questions remain
A photograph taken on October 20, 2022 shows the Palace of Westminster, house of Parliaments and Elizabeth Tower, commonly referred to as Big ben, in central London. (Photo by Niklas HALLE'N / AFP)

What’s in the law?

The Elections Act 2022 introduced several changes to the current legislation on electoral participation. Among these, it removed the rule by which British citizens lose their voting rights in the UK if they have lived abroad for more than 15 years

The new rules also abolished the requirement to have been previously registered in the UK electoral roll to become an overseas voter. In addition, the registration in the electoral roll will now last up to three years instead of only one year.

It is estimated that these changes could increase the number of overseas voter registrations by some 3 million. But the way new measures will be applied in practice is still to be defined.

READ ALSO: ‘Mixed feelings’ – British citizens in Europe finally get right to vote for life

Defining the practicalities

Under the new law, Britons living abroad will have to register to vote in the last place they were registered in the UK. This means that people who have never lived in the UK will be ineligible to vote, regardless of how long they have been overseas, while those who left when they were children will be able to use a parent or guardian’s address.

But given that the UK does not require residents to register with local councils, how to prove previous UK residence? “Typical documents accepted as a proof of residence are Council tax or utilities bills, but not everyone will have them or will have kept them in an international move,” says Fiona Godfrey, co-founder of the British in Europe coalition.

Ballot papers are pictured in stacks in a count centre as part of the 2019 UK general election. (Photo by ANDY BUCHANAN / AFP)

Other questions concern how people will effectively cast their ballot. UK citizens overseas will be able to vote by post or by proxy or in person at their polling station if they are in the UK at the time of the election. However, few people are likely to travel to the UK for an election and in the past there have problems and delays with postal voting.

The Electoral Commission has recommended that overseas electors appoint a proxy to vote on their behalf. But who could that be for people who have been away from their constituency for a long time?

New secondary legislation will have to answer these questions, defining how to be included in the electoral roll and how to exercise the voting right in practice.

According to British in Europe, the government should present draft legislation in the first half of the year so that the parliament can adopt it before summer and registrations of overseas voters can start in the autumn.

British in Europe survey

British in Europe are currently running a survey to understand the difficulties UK citizens abroad may face in the registration and voting process, as well as their intention to participate in elections.

The survey asks for instance which documents people can access to prove their previous residence in the UK, what problems they had voting in the past, and if and how they plan to vote in the future.

“We need to get an up-to-date picture of British citizens living around the world and have information to make recommendations to the government, as it prepares secondary legislation,” Godfrey said. “If millions of people will exercise their voting rights, there will be consequences for council registration offices, post office and authorities that will manage the process, among other things” she argued.

The right to vote concerns only UK parliamentary elections and national referendums, not elections in the devolved administrations of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, or at local level.

The survey is open to UK citizens living anywhere in the world and is available at this link.

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6 tips for passing the French driving test as painlessly as possible

The lucky foreigners in France can swap their driving licence for a French one - but the unlucky ones have to take a French driving test.

6 tips for passing the French driving test as painlessly as possible

The general rule is that anyone who holds a non-EU driving licence may drive in France for a year after their legal residence in France is confirmed on their original licence. After that, if they stay in France any longer, they should apply for a French driving licence.

There are some exceptions, notably for people who hold a UK or NI licence issued prior to January 21st, 2021. Students are also allowed to continue driving on their foreign licence.

You can read the full explanation here – Do I have to swap my driving licence in France?

If you hold a non-EU driving licence you may be able to simply swap your licence for a French one – this depends on whether your country has signed a bilateral agreement with France. In the case of Americans, it depends on whether the US state that issued your licence has an agreement.

You can find the online portal to make the swap here.

But for those who have a driving licence from a country or state that has no agreement with France there is only one option to be able to legally drive in France – take a French driving test. This may be the case even if you have been driving for many years.

For those who find themselves having to go through the process again – taking the theory test, spending several hours practising driving, and eventually signing up for the practical test – there are some ways to make things a bit less painful.

Tip 1 – Use translation services, if necessary

If you are not confident in your French, then it may be best to spend some extra money to get a translator’s assistance.

There are two tests for a French licence: the theory and the practical. Both are done in French, but during the ‘code’ portion (the written theory test) non-French speakers are allowed to have the assistance of a certified translator, or traducteur certifié. 

This is someone who is on the official roll of the Court of Appeals in France, which is updated yearly. In order to get on to the certified list, translators must prove their competence and have their identity checked.

You would have to pay for this out of your own pocket which would likely set you back at least €100.

An interpreter is not allowed during the practical test.

READ MORE: Can you hire an English-language interpreter in France?

Tip 2 – Weigh your options as a ‘free candidate’

Technically, you do not have to sign up with a driving school, you can go forward as a candidat libre as long as you have lived in France for at least 6 months, have a valid residence permit, and are deemed sufficiently healthy by a French doctor.

There are pros and cons to this path, namely that it can be more affordable than going through a driving school. That being said, it can be more complicated to navigate, especially as a foreigner. It may be easier to go with an auto-école, as this would offer a bit more hand-holding. 

You will first have to obtain an ‘apprenticeship booklet’ (Livret d’apprentissage) which you can buy from a driving school, and you will need to carry this along with you in the vehicle.

For the theory portion, you can register for the test as a candidat libre once you have obtained an NEPH number via the French government website France Titres (formerly ANTS). 

READ MORE: Can France confiscate your foreign driving licence?

As for the practical test, you can do this as a candidat libre too, or you can sign up with an auto-école.

If you want to go forward as a ‘free candidate’, then would need access to a dual-control vehicle. When practicing, you need to be in the car with someone who has had their French licence for at least five years who has signed the ‘guide charter’ (this should be downloadable from your préfecture’s website). 

The car itself must be insured. In order to find one, you may need to go through a specialised organisation or driving schools. Search for ‘voiture double commande’. 

Generally, renting the vehicle may be cheaper than paying for individual lessons. According to Permis Conduire, on average you would spend €20 to €30 per hour.

Then, you would need to schedule your own driving test with the préfecture, and the challenge may be that driving schools have booked up a lot of the available slots, so you might find yourself waiting for a long time.

On the day of the exam, you will need to be accompanied by a friend or family member who holds a French licence and is not a road education professional.

You can find all of the rules for getting your licence as a candidat libre on this Service-Public page.

Tip 3 – Be picky with your driving school

If you opt to go via a driving school, then you may want to test out a couple of different auto-options before you land on the right one.

When deciding, you can check their success rate (ie the number of people who manage to obtain a licence) using the website 

There are also options to sign up with an online driving school, which could offer cheaper rates and greater flexibility than the other in-person alternatives.

Tip 4 – Consider taking the practical test outside of a big city

You are not obligated to take the exam in your département. Opting to sign up with an auto-école (driving school) in a more rural part of the country might mean a cheaper price and a shorter waiting list ahead of the practical exam. 

That being said, the test may still be difficult and there is no guaranty the practitioner will be more lax or nicer. 

You will also want to consider that taking the practical test in an area you do not know can come with its own challenges, as you are unfamiliar with the terrain. If you go this route, consider spending a week or two in the area before the exam.

Tip 5 – Use ‘Compte personnel de formation’ money for your driving lessons

Every person working as an employee in France has their own compte personnel de formation (CPF), with access to money earmarked for professional training – you need only a social security number to access it.

The money in the account can be used to finance any work-related training approved by the CPF, which is relevant to the employee’s work.

You can use some of these funds for driving lessons, though keep in mind that a recent rule change has made it so that you can only use CPF funds to pay for driving lessons if you do not already have another form of a French driving licence (ie a motorcycle licence).

READ MORE: How to claim the cost of language or driving lessons from the French government

Tip 6 – Consider joining Facebook groups

Unfortunately, the process can be very challenging. It is easy to underestimate both the practical and physical exams, especially for people who have been driving for many years in their home countries.

However, as of 2022, only 56.6 percent of people taking the ‘code’ portion of the test passed.

It is possible that it will take you a few tries as well, and joining a support group on social media (ex. ‘Americans Driving in France’) can really help to commiserate with others in the same situation and get helpful tips.

You can also use online resources, such as Youtube prep videos, to help practice.