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4,000 francs a month: Zurich set to introduce minimum wage

Switzerland’s largest — and most expensive — city is seeking to introduce a minimum hourly salary from 2024.

4,000 francs a month: Zurich set to introduce minimum wage
There is relief in sight for low-income employees in Zurich. Photo: Pixabay

In 2022, a committee composed of left-wing parties and trade unions submitted to the city council an initiative called “A wage to live,” which called for a minimum hourly wage of 23 francs per hour to be introduced in Zurich.

Municipal councillors countered with an even better proposal last week, upping the amount to an inflation-adjusted minimum wage of 23.90 per hour — 4,000 francs a month. 

This wage is intended mainly for an estimated 17,000 low-income Zurich residents, two-thirds of whom are women.

The minimum salary “will relieve many of those affected by low wages in the city of Zurich – employees at fast food chains, cleaning companies, and those working in retail”, said Oliver Heimgartner from the local Social Democratic Party.

However, there may still be hurdles to overcome before the proposed minimum wage becomes law in Zurich, as it cannot be excluded that right-wing groups, which oppose minimum wages, will launch a referendum on this issue.

“A minimum wage jeopardises jobs and harms the economy,” MP Susanne Brunner from the populist Swiss People’s Party (SVP) said.

In addition, she pointed out that a municipal minimum wage – that is, one that applies only to the city and not to the entire canton – is a “bureaucratic nightmare.”

If the initiative does go through in Zurich, the city will join five Swiss cantons where minimum wage is already a rule.

Geneva has what has been called the “world’s highest minimum wage” — 24 francs an hour, which was raised from 23 francs in 2020 and 23.27 francs in 2022, to adjust for inflation. 

The Swiss city of Zurich.

The Swiss city of Zurich. Photo by Ilia Bronskiy on Unsplash

Next is Basel-City, which has set its wage at 21 francs an hour, while Neuchâtel and Jura set at 20, and Ticino, at 19.75.

These salaries, negotiated by unions on behalf of workers, reflect the cost of living in each of these regions.

In all these cantons, as elsewhere in Switzerland, most people earn more than the minimum.

Unlike many other countries, Switzerland doesn’t have a nationally mandated minimum wage.

That does not, however, mean that companies are free to pay their workers as much — or as little — as they want.

Instead, the minimum amount is determined through negotiations between employers and unions  — the so-called  collective labour agreement (CLA).

Generally speaking, CLAs cover a minimum wage for each type of work; regulations relating to work hours; payment of wages in the event of illness or maternity; vacation and days off; and protection against dismissal. 

CLAs are sector-specific; in other words, they take into account the particular aspects of each branch. As an example, Switzerland’s largest labour union, The Swiss Federation of Trade Unions (UNIA), maintains 265 collective agreements in the areas of industry and construction.

READ MORE: What is a Swiss collective bargaining agreement — and how could it benefit you?

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What Zurich’s new dog law means for owners

If you own a dog – or are planning to get one – and live in Zurich, then you need to be aware of some changes that are coming as part of a new Dog Law (Hundegesetz).

What Zurich's new dog law means for owners

Set to come into force by the middle of 2025, the new version of the law dictates that all dogs in Zurich, no matter what breed or how big, will have to complete compulsory dog training.

Owners will be responsible for ensuring their dog completes a minimum of four puppy training sessions and 10 sessions of young dog training.

Dogs between 16 weeks to 18 months will have to do young dog training and 10 regular dog training sessions, unless owners can prove the dog has already completed puppy training sessions.

READ ALSO: Which dog breeds are restricted (or banned) in Switzerland?

Dogs over 18 months will have to do regular dog training, while dogs over eight won’t need to do any training. 

You can find out more about the training requirements and other regulations on the Zurich cantonal website.

This is a change from the previous rules, which exempted dogs with two parents that were classed as ‘small’ from the compulsory training sessions, although these were still recommended.

READ ALSO: Where and when must dogs be kept on a leash in Switzerland?

This change of course means that thousands more dogs will need to be trained, so city officials plan to expand training locations and employ more qualified trainers.

Regulations surrounding the compulsory use of a lead in forest areas, banned breeds, dog registration, microchipping, insurance and tax are expected to remain the same in the new law.