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German word of the Day: Verdienstunterschied

An important term for equal pay activists or those simply wanting a wage increase.

German word of the Day: Verdienstunterschied
Photo credit: Francesco Ungaro / Unsplash + Nicolas Raymond / flickr

Why do I need to know Verdienstunterschied?

Because it is a word which often appears in reports and debates on the topic of wage differences between men and women in Germany.

As Germany has one of the largest gender pay gaps in Europe, it’s a topic that is not likely to disappear from the headlines any time soon. 

What does it mean?

der Verdienstunterschied is a compound noun made up of der Verdienst – meaning “income” and der Unterschied – meaning “difference”.

While it can be used in a number of contexts relating to differences in earnings, it appears most often in discussions on the topic of the gender pay gap.

To talk about wage differences specifically related to sex in German, you can simply use the term Gender-Pay-Gap, or the slightly less catchy geschlechtsspezifische Lohngefälle (“sex-specific wage gaps”).

The most recent report from the Federal Statistical Office showed that, in 2022, women in Germany earned on average €4.31 per hour less than men – a wage gap of almost a fifth.

This puts the so-called unbereinigt (“unadjusted”) gender pay gap at 18 percent in Germany, though there is a clear east-west divide in the difference in earnings between women and men.

According to the statistics, the pay gap between women and men currently stands at seven percent in eastern Germany, while the western states have a much higher gender pay gap of around 19 percent.

The differences in salary between women and men are often down to the fact that women generally take up more Teilzeit (“part-time”) work and they also are more likely to have jobs that pay less.

Use it like this:

Seit 2002 ist der Verdienstunterschied zwischen Frauen und Männern fast konstant
Since 2002 the wage gap between men and women has been almost constant
Thüringen gehört zu den Bundesländern mit dem geringsten Verdienstunterschied
Thuringia is one of the German states with the smallest wage gaps

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German word of the day: Quatschen

Whether it's a long chitter-chatter with a friend on the phone or a quick gossip with your housemates, this German word is a great one to have up your sleeve.

German word of the day: Quatschen

Alongside the more formal words you often learn in language classes, there are a great many German phrases and words that can add more colour and personality to your speech. Quatschen is one them, and it’s the perfect way to talk about an everyday occurrence with a bit more style and humour.

What does it mean?

If you’ve been studying German a little while already, you may have heard the word Quatsch, used to mean ‘nonsense’ or ‘rubbish’. Quatschen makes a verb out of this funny put-down and describes the act of talking nonsense, or chatting about nothing in particular.

In English, quatschen could be aptly translated as “yabbering away”, “blathering”, “having a natter” or the rather poetic “shooting the breeze”. 

In other words, quatschen can be used in most occasions when you’ve had a long, friendly chat with someone, particularly if there was no particular goal to the conversation other than having fun and getting along.

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Much like Quatsch, quatschen is a colloquial word, so be sure to only use it in relatively informal settings and to describe informal situations. If you’ve had a discussion with a client at work, for example, ‘ein Gespräch führen’ (to have a conversation) would be much more appropriate than quatschen

Use it like this:

Wir haben so lange gequatscht, dass ich die Zeit vergessen habe.

We chatted for so long that I lost track of time.

Mein Freund und ich können stundenlang miteinander quatschen.

My friend and I can shoot the breeze with each other for hours.