German parliament spotlights Nazis’ LGBTQ victims for first time

The German parliament on Friday dedicated its annual Holocaust commemorations for the first time to people killed for their sexual or gender identity, and acknowledged decades of post-war persecution.

LGBT holocaust memorial
Wreaths laid in front of the Memorial to Homosexuals Persecuted Under Nazism in Berlin. Photo: STEFANIE LOOS / AFP

Campaigners worked for two decades to establish an official ceremony for LGBTQ victims of the Nazis, saying their experience had long been forgotten or marginalised.

Bärbel Bas, president of the Bundestag lower house, said queer survivors of the so-called Third Reich “long had to fight for recognition” of their

She noted that gay men were murdered, castrated or subjected to horrific “medical” experiments in concentration camps where they formed the “bottom rung of the prisoner hierarchy”.

READ ALSO: German parliament to commemorate LGBT victims of Nazis

Thousands of lesbians, transgender people and sex workers were branded “degenerates” and also imprisoned at the camps under brutal conditions.   

“We remember all people who were persecuted by the National Socialists – robbed, humiliated, marginalised, tortured and murdered,” Bas told the chamber of the glass-domed Reichstag building where Chancellor Olaf Scholz, his cabinet and MPs gathered.

Germany has officially marked International Holocaust Remembrance Day – the anniversary of Auschwitz’s liberation – since 1996 with a solemn ceremony at the Bundestag and commemorations across the country.

The event traditionally focuses on the Holocaust’s six million Jewish victims, although, at the first ceremony, then president Roman Herzog did also pay tribute to gay men and lesbians murdered under Adolf Hitler.

The Bundestag commemorates victims of the Holocaust.

The Bundestag commemorates victims of the Holocaust. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Bernd von Jutrczenka

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 ‘Living in hiding’

Dutch Jewish survivor Rozette Kats, 80, told the Bundestag that she welcomed the expansion of Germany’s culture of remembrance to include LGBTQ victims.

“If certain groups of victims are categorised as less worthy than others, it means Nazi ideology lives on,” said Kats, who lived out the Holocaust in hiding in Amsterdam while her parents were killed at Auschwitz.

Dani Dayan, chairman of Israel’s Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial, said that while Jews were the Nazis’ primary target, it was essential to recognise other groups.

“The Holocaust was an onslaught against humanity: LGBTQ individuals, Roma and Sinti, mentally disabled persons, but especially against the Jewish people,” he told AFP on a visit to Berlin this week.

“We respect and we honour all the victims.”

Actors read out the stories of Mary Puenjer, a lesbian from Hamburg who was gassed at the Ravensbrueck camp in 1942, and Karl Gorath, a gay man who survived Auschwitz only to be sentenced again for homosexuality in West Germany by the same judge who convicted him during the Nazi period.

Klaus Schirdewahn, who was found guilty in West Germany in 1964 of a sexual relationship with another man under a Nazi-era law still on the books, spoke of the shame he endured for most of his life.

“I am doing all I can so that our history will not be forgotten, especially at a time when the queer community is again facing hostility worldwide and also in Germany,” said Schirdewahn, 75.

Pink triangle

Section 175 of Germany’s penal code dating from 1871 outlawed sex between men.

For years it was rarely enforced and cities such as Berlin during the Weimar Republic had a thriving LGBTQ scene until the Nazis came to power.

In 1935 the Nazis toughened the law to carry a sentence of 10 years of forced labour.

Some 57,000 men were imprisoned, while between 6,000 and 10,000 were sent to concentration camps and given uniforms emblazoned with a pink triangle designating their sexuality.

Historians say between 3,000 and 10,000 gay men and an unknown number of lesbians and transgender people were killed or died of mistreatment.

Bas said it was a “disgrace” that queer people still faced state persecution after the war.

“By the time there were reparations, many (victims) were no longer alive,” she told AFP.

Section 175 was finally dropped from the penal code in East Germany in 1968. In West Germany, it reverted to the pre-Nazi era version in 1969 and was only fully repealed in 1994.

In 2017, parliament voted to quash the convictions of 50,000 gay men sentenced for homosexuality and offered compensation to victims.

Henny Engels of the German Lesbian and Gay Association rights group called Friday’s commemoration an “important symbol of recognition” of “the suffering and the dignity of the imprisoned, tortured and murdered victims”.

By Deborah Cole

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Saxony’s Herrnhut added to Germany’s list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites

Saxony's "small town of the world" is more than 300 years years old. Here's why it was chosen to join Germany's long list of world heritage sites.

Saxony's Herrnhut added to Germany's list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites

The small Saxon town of Herrnhut, originally a settlement of the Moravian Brethren, has been designated Germany’s newest UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The decision was announced by the UN Educational, Scientific, Cultural and Communication Organization (UNESCO) committee on Friday at its 46th meeting in New Delhi, India.

Herrnhut is the birthplace of the “Herrnhut Unity of Brethren”, an Evangelical Brethren more commonly known as the Moravian Church in English.

Religious refugees from Moravia (a territory is the eastern part of modern day Czech Republic) had founded the village in Upper Lusatia in 1722. 

At that time, Count Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf (1700–1760) had made the land available to the Protestant refugees from Moravia for settlement. As the story goes, on June 17th 1722, a carpenter named Christian David felled the first tree to build the new settlement under the “Herrn Hut”, or Lord’s Watch. 

The Brethren from Herrnhut later spread worldwide, and missionaries from the village brought their blueprint for new settlements to other countries.

For example, Christiansfeld in Denmark – already recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2015 – was based on the layout of Herrnhut. 

a Hernhutter star

A Herrnhut star hangs in front of the organ in the Frauenkirche as a Christmas decoration. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Robert Michael

Herrnhut has joined the UNESCO rankings via a transnational application: The city in East Saxony sought recognition together with Bethlehem, Pennsylvania in the United States and Gracehill in Northern Ireland.

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As of 2023, Germany had 52 World Heritage Sites.

Herrnhut makes 53, and a decision on another German site is expected on Saturday: Schwerin and its castle on an island in the lake, as well as other parts of the city centre, have also applied to join the World Heritage List.

The state capital of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania has been on Germany’s list of proposals for ten years.

Of the country’s 50+ heritage sites just three of them are categorised as natural sites. These include the ancient Beech forests and the Wadden Sea.

The vast majority of Germany’s world heritage sites are centred around landmarks of historical significance, such as the roman monuments in the city of Trier, the Baroque palace in Würzburg, or the palaces and parks of Potsdam.

READ ALSO: 10 must-see UNESCO World Heritage sites in Germany

The high density of UNESCO sites in the Bundesrepublik made it an ideal start point for a YouTube video creator who attempted to set the world record for most world heritage sites visited in a 24 hour period in 2016.

That record has since been broken: in 2021 a couple from the Netherlands successfully set the Guinness World Record by visiting 23 UNESCO world heritage sites in a 24 hours.