PROFILE: Ruthless Sicilian mafia boss Messina Denaro’s reign of terror

Sicilian godfather Matteo Messina Denaro, who was arrested on Monday after 30 years on the run, is known for shocking violence which has fuelled the bloody reputation of the Cosa Nostra mafia.

PROFILE: Ruthless Sicilian mafia boss Messina Denaro's reign of terror
Italian anti-mafia police officers after the arrest of Matteo Messina Denaro on January 16th in his native Sicily after 30 years on the run. (Photo by Alessandro FUCARINI / AFP)

“With the people I have killed myself, I could fill a cemetery,” he is said to have boasted.

The quote is impossible to confirm, but speaks to the legend that surrounds him.

READ ALSO: Italy arrests ‘most wanted’ mafia boss after 30 years on the run

Known as Diabolik, after an Italian comic character, he was the undisputed leader of the Cosa Nostra in the Trapani province of western Sicily.

But his power extended further, including to the capital Palermo, where he was arrested.

A fan of Rolex watches and designer clothes – as well as comic books and video games – he had a reputation as a playboy, and was once featured on an Italian magazine cover in dark glasses, looking like a rock star.

But his list of victims was long and his crimes horrific, not least the murder of the teenage son of a turncoat.

The boy was kidnapped and held captive for two years and his body then dissolved in acid.

Born on April 26, 1962, in Castelvetrano, in southwest Sicily, MessinaDenaro grew up in the heart of organised crime.

His father, Don Ciccio, was the head of the local clan and his godfather, who attended his baptism, was also a member of the mob.

His first run-ins with the law began in 1989, when he took part in a bloody struggle between two clans.

He was accused that year of murdering Nicola Consales, a hotel owner who complained to an employee of always having “these little mafiosos under our feet”.

Unfortunately, the employee was Messina Denaro’s mistress.

In 1992, he was part of a mob group sent to Rome to try and kill anti-mafia judge Giovanni Falcone.

READ ALSO: How murdered judge Giovanni Falcone shaped Italy’s fight against the mafia

The group was eventually recalled by Toto Riina, the Corleone boss dubbed “the Beast”, who decided on another approach. Falcone was murdered in a car bomb near Palermo on May 23, 1992.

Messina Denaro himself was ruthless throughout his career.

In July 1992, after taking part in the murder of Vincenzo Milazzo, the head of the rival Alcamo clan, he strangled the latter’s partner, who was three months pregnant.

The two bodies were buried in the countryside.

As head of the Castelvetrano clan, he was allied to the Corleonesi clan, who were immortalised in the legendary Godfather films.

After Riina was arrested in January 1993, Messina Denaro continued his strategy of all-out terror, providing logistical support to bombings in Florence, Milan and Rome that year, which killed 10 people and wounded around 100.

In November 1993, a court later found, he was one of the organisers of the kidnapping of Giuseppe Di Matteo, then 12, whose father was a member of the powerful Cosa Nostra clan and was involved in the murder of antimafia magistrate Giovanni Falcone – and had given testimony about the killing.

In one of the most notorious Cosa Nostra incidents, the boy was held for 779 days before being strangled and his body dissolved in acid.

READ ALSO: Family of child dissolved in acid by Siclian mafia to receive €2 million

Messina Denaro had disappeared from public view in the summer of 1993,beginning what would be 30 years on the run from accusations including mafia association, murder, theft and possession of explosives.

In 1994 and 1996, statements from mobsters who turned state witness shed some light on his role within Cosa Nostra.

In 2000, after a ‘maxi-trial’ against the Sicilian Mafia in Trapani, he was sentenced in absentia to life imprisonment.

During his decades as a wanted man, Messina Denaro managed his affairs by communicating under the pseudonym “Alessio” through the pizzini system, where messages were left on tiny bits of paper.

His whereabouts and his activities during that time were subject to intense rumour, including that he had plastic surgery to render his appearance unrecognisable.

He had numerous sources of revenue, from drug trafficking to gambling, both in Italy and abroad.

READ ALSO: How the mafia uses violence to influence Italian politics

In 2015, an Italian prosecutor on his trail, Teresa Principato, said he had likely eluded capture for so long because he was protected “at a very high level”.

She did not say whether this meant Cosa Nostra, politicians or institutions.

“We have confirmation of his presence in Brasil, Spain, Britain, Austria. He travels for extremely high-level business, and his return to Sicily isirregular and increasingly infrequent,” she told Il Fatto Quotidiano daily at the time.

In 2020, several of Messina Denaro’s collaborators were arrested, tightening the net around the boss.

And in October that year, he was again sentenced in absentia for his role in Falcone’s murder.

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Etna and Stromboli: What are the risks of travelling to Sicily this summer?

As volcanic activity continues on the island of Sicily, could travellers this summer be faced with delays, diversions and flight interruptions?

Etna and Stromboli: What are the risks of travelling to Sicily this summer?

Two of Europe’s most active volcanos have blown their tops in the past week, with both Etna and Stromboli spewing hot lava and embers into Sicilian skies.

The Stromboli volcano, on a tiny volcanic island in the Aeolian archipelago off the northern coast of Sicily, belched fresh lava and smoke on Thursday in the latest in a string of eruptions.

Last Friday, July 5th, Stromboli erupted for the first time since 2022, with streams of lava reported to have reached the sea. 

Meanwhile the towering Mount Etna, Europe’s most active volcano, also erupted in a fiery and dramatic display on July 4th.

The resulting thick layers of ash slowed down traffic on Catania’s busy streets and forced the grounding of flights at the city’s main airport, Vincenzo Bellini. Thousands of flight passengers were affected by delays and cancellations.

IN PICTURES: Mount Etna spews lava and rains ash in latest eruption

By Friday afternoon however, the airport runways were cleared of the thick black ash and departure and arrivals resumed.

Italy’s civil protection agency issued a red alert for the island, and out of an abundance of caution, put evacuation plans in place should the situation deteriorate.

Should you be worried about travelling to Sicily this summer?

In the aftermath of the recent eruptions, visitors with upcoming trips may be understandably concerned about how volcanic activity on the island might affect their plans.

The first thing to keep in mind is that eruptions of these two volcanoes are nothing new to residents. Sicilians have been dealing with the ongoing volcanic rumblings since as far back as 425 BCE.

Mount Etna dominates the eastern part of the island and this area is in fact home to more than 25 percent of the Sicilian population. Designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2013, it regularly emits plumes of ash and cascading rivers of lava.

Stromboli is meanwhile known for being one of the constantly active volcanoes in the world, according to Italy’s National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV).

The 926-metre-high peak has been erupting on a regular basis for the last 90 years, however, the INGV generally considers Strombolian activity a low-level type of eruption, which, on average, releases a relatively modest amount of energy.

Until last week, the last time Stromboli erupted was in 2022 with no casualties reported. Prior to that, a 2019 explosion claimed the life of a hiker, who was reportedly struck by a piece of molten rock.

At the time of writing, the INGV has downgraded Etna’s risk level to orange due to a decrease in explosive activity and no ash clouds being produced. It reports that volcanic ash is now confined to the summit area only.

READ ALSO: Where are Italy’s active volcanoes and how dangerous are they?

Despite these flare-ups, Stromboli – made famous by the 1950 film by Italian director Roberto Rossellini – continues to be a popular destination for tourists with thousands of visitors arriving by boat each day.

Because more powerful explosions can create risky conditions in the upper part of the mountain and, to a lesser degree, inhabited areas, INGV points out that the island has two inhabited centres, Stromboli and Ginostra, situated in the north-eastern and south-western regions, respectively. 

There is also an acoustic warning system (sirens) that is activated with two different sounds in case of an impending eruption (two tones) or tsunami (one tone). 

How are flights affected by volcanic activity?

Airport closures due to volcanic activity are not uncommon in Sicily. 

According to the Civil Protection Department, Italy together with Iceland has the greatest concentration of active volcanoes in continental Europe. So it’s no wonder that Catania’s airport can shut down due to falling ash in its surrounding airspace. The last airport closure incidents happened in May and again in August 2023.

Given that Catania’s airport is closest to the ‘epicentre’ of the activity, it is more likely to be affected by closures than others in the region.

Travellers on flights to Catania, Sicily’s busiest airport, were last week unexpectedly redirected to land at Palermo’s Falcone-Borsellino airport instead – a whopping four-hour drive away.

But it is not just air transportation that can be disrupted by the effects of a volcano. Ground transportation services (trains and buses) can be thwarted temporarily due to poor visibility from ashfall, especially when coupled with rainfall, which can cause slippery conditions on the roads near the volcano. 

Worsening air quality is also a risk for individuals with chronic breathing issues such as asthma or COPD. 

During periods of ashfall, officials advise limiting exposure to the elements, at least until the air has cleared.

If you are planning to travel to affected areas of the island, you can find up-to-the-minute alerts on volcanic activity from the INGV here.