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‘Tredicesima’: What is the 13th salary in Italy and how is it calculated?

At this time of year, many Italian employees are awaiting their 13th or even 14th salary instalment. How does this work - and who gets it?

Swiss cash bills seen up close
Italian employees can count on an extra paycheck this month to cover festive spending. File photo: PHILIPPE HUGUEN / AFP

There may be 12 months in a calendar year, but for employees in Italy there are often 13 paychecks.

As December payday approaches, almost 34 million people in Italy are looking forward to getting double their usual salary thanks to the tredicesima, or ‘thirteenth’.

While people from Anglophone countries like the US and UK are unlikely to be familiar with the concept of getting paid a double salary in December, similar systems do exist in some other European countries, including Switzerland.

Who gets a 13th salary and when?

This payment is due to all workers in both the public and private sector with an employment contract, either fixed-term or open-ended. Pensioners also get a 13th payment in December.

This means the self-employed, including freelancers and contractors, do not get a 13th payment.

READ ALSO: Freelance or employee: Which is the best way to work in Italy?

According to Italy’s Patronato website, thirteenth salary instalments are fully paid by the employer, while the payment for pensioners comes via the state social security agency, INPS.

There is no fixed date for receiving the payment, but it generally comes before December 20th. The exact terms and conditions will depend on the company and the sector.

For those working in public administration, the tredicesima is set to be paid along with the 12th salary instalment in December.

Not a bonus

It might sound like Italian employers are handing out generous end-of-year bonuses, and it is in fact sometimes referred to as a gratifica natalizia, or Christmas bonus.

And while it is no doubt helpful (and very pleasant) to get a lump sum in your bank account at the end of the year, technically the tredicesima is not an extra perk but just another way of dividing up an employee’s standard salary.

Having it paid in this way is an expectation, and it’s a compulsory part of all employment contracts, unless employees request otherwise.

It is believed to have begun as an optional Christmas bonus, but in 1937 it became a requirement under Italian law for certain types of employers, eg. factory owners, to give all manual workers a 13th payment in December. The rule was then extended to cover all employees, and from this point the ‘extra’ sum was included in the annual salary as standard.

How is it calculated?

There’s no one standard way of calculating this payment under Italian employment law. As with other payment terms, it all depends on the individual collective labour agreements made between industry groups and trade unions in each sector.

Generally, it’s a fixed sum equal to one-twelfth of the gross salary received during the year, without taking into account any overtime or bonuses.

READ ALSO: How sick leave pay in Italy compares to other countries in Europe

Deductions may be made from the payment due to absences which affected the gross salary amount, though this is not affected by, for example, certified sickness absence or parental leave.

Why not just pay 12 salaries?

The idea behind this system is that the 13th instalment paid out in December (in effect, two months’ salary at once) will help pay for Christmas expenses and other end-of-year bills.

But some companies and sectors do pay higher monthly wages (in 12 installments) instead. Individual employees can also request to be paid this way, even if 13 payments is standard in their sector.

Millions of people in Italy will get an extra salary payment in December to help pay for Christmas shopping and other end-of-year costs. (Photo by FILIPPO MONTEFORTE / AFP)

And some employees even get a quattordicesima, or 14th payment, usually paid in June to help cover the cost of a lengthy Italian summer break – though this is more unusual and, unlike the 13th, it’s not a legal requirement for employees in any sector.

Again it depends on your contract, but a 14th salary instalment is a perk which is generally only available to certain state employees, high earners, or those with gold-plated pensions.

What about bonuses?

Bonuses are independent of the 13th payment and depend on the sector and the employer.

Italian law doesn’t contain any requirement that employers provide a bonus, which may consist of money, shares, stock options in the company, or other perks. Again, it all depends on your individual agreement with your company.

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Mainly due to the strong influence of Italy’s trade unions, there are also strict but varying rules on pay, conditions, and the terms and conditions set out in employment contracts in each sector.

If you’re unsure what your Italian employment contract contains or are concerned that it may not comply with Italian employment law, speak to a trade union body representing your sector or an independent legal advisor.

Member comments

  1. “A 14th salary instalment is a perk which is usually only available to high earners on particularly good employment contracts or those with gold-plated pensions”

    Absolutely not the case. It completely depends on which CCNL (collective national labour contract) one is on. The very common “Commercio” contract offers the the quattordicesima to everyone, regardless of salary level.

    But the whole point of the 13ma/14ma is that one’s annual salary is the same, it’s simply being divided up 13 (or 14) ways. If you think of your compensation in terms of annual gross salary then it makes little difference when you’re paid it; only if you exclusively think of your salary in terms of the monthly net (admittedly as many Italians consider it….) should getting a thirteenth or fourteenth mensilità be considered something to shout about!

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How much should you pay your Italian accountant to do your taxes?

Italian taxes are notoriously difficult to navigate and even trickier to deal with yourself, meaning you may want to turn to a 'commercialista' for help. But how much should you pay for their services?

How much should you pay your Italian accountant to do your taxes?

If you ask someone in Italy who a commercialista is, you may get several different answers: accountant, consultant, financial advisor or administrator.

In fact, they can be all of these at once as, along with the patronati, they’re residents’ first port of call when dealing with the complex bureaucratic processes surrounding almost anything official in the country.

Commercialisti are also the people who can file and submit your yearly tax returns for you. 

If you live in Italy or generate income in the country, you’ll likely need to file your taxes once a year during the so-called dichiarazione dei redditi (‘income declaration’). 

Unlike in other European countries, where it’s fairly easy for taxpayers to file tax returns independently, doing this can be very tricky in Italy, not least because of the complicated language being used

And mistakes can cost you dearly as the Italian taxman could charge you hundreds or even thousands of euros if you submit late, forget some details or enter the wrong information.

That’s why many around Italy choose to hire a commercialista. But how much should you pay for their services?


Commercialista fees can vary greatly depending on the type of services you need and the complexity of your financial situation.

If you’re an employee with a single source of income and are seeking help with filing taxes, or claiming tax deductions or incentives, fees will be on the low end of the spectrum. 

But if you have multiple sources of income, or have foreign income or assets and are subject to taxation in multiple countries, the commercialista will need expertise in international tax law, which may significantly raise costs.

READ ALSO: The Italian tax calendar for 2024: Which taxes are due when?

If you are a freelancer or the owner of a small business, you may need monthly consulting and regular services such as bookkeeping and VAT reporting. In this case, services may be bundled in an annual package. 

Finally, if you own a large business or corporation, you may need to hire more than one commercialista to deal with payroll management, VAT declarations, and corporate tax filings. 

Please note that the cost of a commercialista can also vary by region as prices tend to be higher in large metropolitan areas such as Milan or Rome, while you may find particularly advantageous rates in small towns and less populated areas around the country. 

Annual tax returns

According to financial advice platform Fiscozen, income tax filing services generally start at €120 but can rise to over €700 depending on your personal situation.

Generally speaking, tax filing fees are higher if you’re a VAT number holder (or partita Iva) as this entails more work on the part of the commercialista (think of all the invoices issued and claimable VAT detractions) compared to an employed individual or pensioner.

Paying taxes

Most types of taxes in Italy (from income to property taxes to waste collection charges) must be paid by completing and submitting form F24 (modello F24) with Italy’s tax office.  

A commercialista can do this for you, with services costing between €15 and €30 per form, according to online investment advisor Moneyfarm. 

Registering a new business

Freelancers and business owners in Italy are required to register with Italy’s tax office by getting a VAT number (known as partita Iva). 

If you’re starting out as a freelancer, hiring a commercialista to get your personal VAT number and set up an electronic invoicing system on your behalf will cost you €150 on average, according to Fiscozen.

Fees will be higher if you’re starting a new business as this generally involves more paperwork and compliance with a number of tax requirements. 

In this case, a commercialista’s services may cost anything between €300 and €500, though you’ll also have to factor in the payment of a number of taxes (including up to €200 for the Certified Start of Business Report, or SCIA). 

‘Year-long administration’

As mentioned earlier, if you are a freelancer or a business owner, you may need monthly consulting services, as well as regular bookkeeping, VAT reporting and – if you have employees – payroll management. 

In this case, commercialista services may be bundled in a gestione annuale (‘year-long administration’) package. 

According to Fiscozen, a 12-month package for freelancers operating under Italy’s flat tax scheme costs €60 a month on average (€720 a year). 

But costs can be much higher for freelancers working under the so-called regime ordinario (‘ordinary regime’) and business owners. 

In this case, you may pay anything from €2,000 to €4,000 a year depending on: number of clients, business size and number of employees (if applicable).

How can I find a commercialista?

All commercialisti in Italy must be registered with national association CNCDEC (Consiglio Nazionale dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili). 

The association’s website gives you the option to look for registered professionals in your area (see an example via the screen grab below).

A screen grab of the search tool on Italy's national 'commercialisti' association's website

A screen grab of the search tool on Italy’s national ‘commercialisti’ association’s website. Source: Consiglio Nazionale dei Commercialisti

As with most things in Italy however, word of mouth is key, so make sure to ask friends and family for recommendations if you can.

Alternatively, online forums and message boards for foreign nationals in Italy often share names of professionals that are particularly experienced in international tax law.

Finally, you can also find a list of commercialisti working in your area in Italy’s pagine gialle (Yellow Pages).