Revealed: France’s funniest politicians and their best ‘jokes’

Politicians' jokes are more usually met with a groan than a laugh, but France's annual prize for political humour has been awarded - here are the zingers judged the best in 2022.

Revealed: France's funniest politicians and their best 'jokes'
French Communist Party National Secretary Fabien Roussel has been voted the funniest in France for a joke about petrol prices. Photo by Thomas SAMSON / AFP

According to the jury on the Press club, Humour et Politique awards, the funniest politician in France is the Communist leader (and 2022 presidential candidate) Fabien Roussel.

His award-winning zinger is: “La station d’essence est le seul endroit en France où celui qui tient le pistolet est aussi celui qui se fait braquer.”

It translates as ‘the petrol station is the only place where the one holding the gun is also the one who is robbed’ – a joke that works much better in French where ‘pistolet’ means both a pistol and the petrol pump. 

On a side note for British readers – Roussel also looks quite a lot like left-wing UK comedian Stewart Lee, so maybe he has funny genes.

Second prize went to ex-president Nicolas Sarkozy with his withering assessment of Valérie Pécresse, the candidate for his old party in the 2022 presidential election, who did extremely badly.

“Ce n’est pas parce que tu achètes de la peinture, une toile et des pinceaux que tu deviens Picasso. Valérie Pécresse, elle a pris mes idées, mon programme et elle a fait 4.8 pourcent”

“It’s not because one buys paints, canvas and brushes that you become Picasso. Valérie Pécresse, she took my ideas, my manifesto and she got 4.8 percent of the vote.”

While these two were jokes – in the loosest sense of the word – the prize can also be awarded to politicians who make people laugh inadvertently, such as last year’s winner Marlène Schiappa who, when announcing plans to ban polygamy, felt the need to tell the French, “On ne va pas s’interdire les plans à trois” – we’re not going to outlaw threesomes.

Here’s the full list of finalists for the funniest political joke of 2022 – somehow we don’t think you’re at risk of split sides with any of these.

Ex-Prime minister Edouard Philippe talking about hard-left leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon: “Il faut une certaine audace pour que quelqu’un qui a été battu à une élection où il était candidat puisse penser qu’il sera élu à une élection où il n’est pas candidat!”

“It takes a certain audacity for someone who was defeated in an election where he was a candidate to think that he will be elected in an election where he is not a candidate!”

Ex-Assemblée nationale president Richard Ferrand: “Elisabeth Borne est formidable mais personne ne le sait.”

“Elisabeth Borne is great but no-one knows it.”

Ex-Macronist MP Thierry Solère: “Mon anatomie fait que si j’ai le cul entre deux chaises, je suis parfaitement assis.”

“My anatomy means that if I have my ass between two chairs, I am perfectly seated.”

Some information that might be useful for this one – the French phrase avoir le cul entre deux chaises (to have your ass between two chairs) is the equivalent of the English ‘falling between two stools’ – ie a person who cannot make up their mind what or who to support. Further information; Solère is a largish bloke.

Hard-left MP Eric Coquerel: “S’imaginer qu’on va remplacer Jean-Luc Mélenchon comme ça, c’est une vue de l’esprit. C’est comme se poser la question de qui va remplacer Jaurès.”

“To imagine that we will replace [party leader] Jean-Luc Mélenchon like that, is purely theoretical. It is like asking the question of who will replace Jaurès.”

Jean Jaurès is a revered figure on the French left, but not currently very active in politics, since he was assassinated in 1914.

Rachida Dati to Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo: “Votre présence au Conseil de Paris est aussi anecdotique que votre score à la présidentielle.”

“Your presence at the Council of Paris is as anecdotal as your score in the presidential election.”

There’s no doubt that Hidalgo did humiliatingly badly in the presidential election with a score of 1.75 percent. Daiti didn’t stand in the presidential elections but she did put herself forward to be mayor of Paris in 2020 and was convincingly beaten by . . . Anne Hidalgo.

So that’s the ‘jokes’, but there were also some entries for inadvertently funny moments.

Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo: “Tous les matins, je me lève en me disant que tout le monde m’aime.”

“Every morning, I wake up and tell myself that everyone loves me.”

But the undisputed queen of this genre is the green MP Sandrine Rousseau, whose ideas and policy announcements seem to have provoked a great deal of mirth.

Je voudrais qu’il y ait une possibilité de délit de non-partage des tâches domestiques – I would like there to be the possibility of a crime of not equally sharing domestic tasks

Les SDF meurent plus de chaleur l’été que l’hiver – The homeless die from heat more in the summer than the winter

Il faut changer aussi de mentalité pour que manger une entrecôte cuite sur un barbecue ne soit plus un symbole de virilité – We must also change our mentality so that eating a steak cooked on a barbecue is no longer a symbol of virility.

If you prefer your humour a little more scientific, Phd researcher Théo Delemazure has done a study of which politicians and political parties are funniest when speaking in parliament.

He analysed how often speeches raise a smile or a laugh (which presumably includes sarcastic laughter) and concluded that the party that gets the most laughs is the hard-left La France Insoumise.

They are also the party that speaks most often, however, when he calculated the laughter rate per time spent speaking, the prize went to the centre-right Les Républicains.

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Vocab guide for the French property tax declaration

With the deadline to have completed the property tax declaration approaching, here's a look at all the vocabulary you will need to fill out the form.

Vocab guide for the French property tax declaration

The property tax declaration must be completed by everyone who owns property in France – including second-home owners who live in another country.

You can find our guide to registering and filing your declaration HERE.

The form can be filled in either online or on paper and, naturally, it is in French – in fact it’s in the special kind of bureaucratic French reserved for admin tasks.

Here’s a look at how to translate it;

Personal details

It begins with asking for personal details from the property owner. If the property is owned jointly by two or more people, only one person needs to do the declaration, but you will need to list all the people who use it (more on that later).

Nom de naissance – this is your surname (family name) as it appears on official documents like a passport

Nom d’usage – this is the surname that you are known by. The reason that it’s on the form is that in France women do not officially change their names when they marry and documents like their passport or driving licence remain in their maiden names. However, they may be known in everyday life by their husband’s surname – for example the president’s wife is widely known as Brigitte Macron, but her passport will say Brigitte Trogneux (her maiden name).

For most people; their nom de naissance and nom d’usage will be the same. Correspondence will be addressed to you by your nom d’usage.

Prénom(s) – first names – if you have any middle names, include them.

Date de naissance – date of birth (in the format day/month/year)

Lieu de naissance – place of birth. This should be listed as it appears on your passport

Numéro fiscal – tax number. If you have previously paid property tax bills this number will be on the bill. If you have not yet received a bill and don’t have a tax number for any other tax tasks (eg the annual income tax declaration) the first thing that you need to do is request a numéro fiscal – full details on how to do that HERE.

Votre adresse de domiciliation – the address that you live at. For foreign second-home owners, this will be their address outside France, not the address of the French property.

– house number

Voie – street name

Complément d’adresse – any extra lines of the address, if applicable 

Code postal – postcode/ZIP code

Ville – town

Pays – country

Votre téléphone – phone number. If it is a non-French number, remember to include the country code 

Votre adresse courriel – email address

Si vous avez conservé l’usage de votre résidence principale et que vous êtes hébergé(e) dans un
établissement d’hébergement pour personnes âgées dépendantes (EHPAD), veuillez cocher la case – this probably won’t apply to many people but if you have moved into a care home or nursing home but are keeping your property as a main residence, tick this box.

Property details

The next section is about the French property that you are declaring

Cette déclaration concerne ma résidence principale – this declaration concerns my main residence (tick yes or no). This bit is important because it will determine which property taxes you pay. A property is your ‘main residence’ if you live there most of the time – for other uses (second home, holiday home, rented out property), tick ‘no’.

La nature de votre bien – Maison/Appartement – is your property a house or an apartment

Superficie – size in metres squared (this should be included in your property deeds)

Étage – number of floors

Porte – number of doors

Tick any of these that appy; Cave – cellar, Garage – garage, Parking – dedicated parking space (this doesn’t include a driveway, it’s more for city dwellers whose apartment may have a separate parking area), Piscine – pool 

Si vous possédez d’autres biens à une adresse différente, veuillez remplir une nouvelle déclaration
d’occupation – if you own more than one French property, you do a separate declaration for each one

Précisez l’adresse de votre logement (ou bien) concerné par la déclaration si elle est différente de votre
adresse principale – address of the property being declared, if different from your main residence. For second home owners, this is where you put the address of the French property. The format is as described above.

Property use

The next section is asking you what the property is used for.

Vous avez la jouissance de ce bien – you have the use of this property. You tick this if it is your main home, but also if it is a second home or holiday home. 

Vous occupez personnellement le bien depuis le – you have occupied the property since [date]. This date is the purchase date. This applies to second-home owners too, if you don’t rent out your property then you are the ‘occupier’, even if you are not always there.

Si vous occupez ce logement avec un conjoint ou un des indivisaires, veuillez préciser leur identité (ne pas déclarer les enfants mineurs) – identity of anyone that you share the property with. This would include your spouse or partner for couples who own property together, or any other co-owners or people who live with you as long-term tenants. You only need to include your children on this if they are over the age of 18.

Votre bien est occupé par une ou plusieurs personne(s) autres que vous-même – the property is occupied by someone other than yourself. You tick this if the property is rented out to someone else or someone else uses it as their main residence (even if they don’t pay rent). In this case you will be asked for their details plus the start date of their tenancy.

You will also be asked if the tenant is a personne physique or a personne morale – this has nothing to do with their physical appearance or morals, it’s whether your tenant is a private individual or a business or organisation.

Votre bien fait l’objet d’une location saisonnière ou de courte durée (contrat de location d ’un
meublé inférieur à 6 mois) [ne pas compléter l’identité des occupants] – your property is rented on a short-term or seasonal basis (contracts of less than six months) – this is what you tick if your property is rented out as a holiday home on a regular basis

Votre bien est vacant (il n’est pas occupé et vide de meuble) depuis le [date] – your property is vacant. This doesn’t apply to second homes, even if they are empty for a significant part of the year. In order to be classed as a ‘vacant’ property, it must be unoccupied and empty of all furniture. This usually applies to rental properties that are between tenants.

Je déclare ne pas avoir d’accès à internet – if you’re declaring on paper you will see this as the bottom next to the space for your signature. This is because the paper declaration is supposed to be available only to people who cannot file online, due to a lack of internet access. 

Don’t forget to sign and date your declaration before sending it back, if you are declaring on paper.