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Today in Norway: A roundup of the latest news on Monday

Cost of living crisis continues to intensify, growing Euroscepticism and other news from Norway on Monday.

Inflation is hitting the most vulnerable groups in Norway hard. Photo by Barnabas Davoti / Unsplash

More Norwegians are asking family and friends for financial help

Almost one in four Norwegians have asked friends and family for financial help this year. The proportion has more than doubled since the coronavirus crisis.

The survey was carried out by Ipsos for the Salvation Army. When the same question was asked in November 2020, nine percent of respondents said they asked close contacts for financial help, compared to 23 percent this year.

“Many people also experienced challenges during the coronavirus crisis, when thousands were laid off. Now we see lower unemployment, but a historically high and steep increase in costs for food, fuel, and housing, among other things,” communications manager Geir Smith-Solevåg in the Salvation Army noted.

“Our survey also shows that an increasing number of people who have asked for help from family and friends have done so for the first time. Some 43 percent did so for the first time in 2020 compared to 54 percent this year,” Smith-Solevåg concluded.

Euroscepticism Norway on the rise in Norway

After record support for Norwegian European Union (EU) membership in May, EU scepticism is back. Only about one in four Norwegians want Norway to join the EU, a new survey shows.

The proportion of those who would say “no” if there was a referendum on Norway’s accession to the EU tomorrow is now at 55.8 percent. The proportion of those who would vote “yes” is at 27.2 percent, a decrease of 8.1 percentage points from the previous poll, the newspaper Nationen writes.

Support is also decreasing for the European Economic Area (EEA). In the previous survey, 64.9 percent of respondents said they would support the EEA agreement if there were a referendum tomorrow. Half a year later, the support fell to 58 percent.

READ MORE: Why isn’t Norway an EU member?

Voluntary mediation between SAS and cabin crew

New voluntary mediation between airline SAS and cabin crew in Norway will start on Monday. The talks will tackle a new collective agreement and efficiency improvements.

The negotiations started in September, and the parties have also engaged in mediation previously without reaching an agreement.

Around 500 cabin crew may go on strike if the parties do not reach an agreement, FriFagbevegelse writes.

Union leader Elin Roverudseter in the Cabin Crew Association has previously said that cabin crew would not compromise on salaries or working hours.

“We do not agree to have wages drop again. It is really completely out of the question in a profession that is already defined as a low-wage profession,” she told FriFagbevegelse ahead of the negotiations.

European Commission: No dialogue with Norway on train privatisation

Last year, the Norwegian government promised rapid dialogue with the European Union (EU) to stop train market privatisation in the country.

But the EU claims they have not heard anything from Norway on the matter.

“So far, we have not received any request for discussions on this matter,” a source in the European Commission told the news bureau NTB.

Within the EU’s fourth railway package, Norway will have to open all train traffic to competition after Christmas Eve, 2023.

In the Hurdal Platform, the Labour Party (AP) and the Centre Party (SP) stated that they would enter into a dialogue with the EU “as soon as possible” in order to secure exemptions from the privatisation requirements.

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Today in Norway: A roundup of the latest news on Friday

Experts predict similar energy prices to last winter and autumn, a good summer for Norwegian tourism, and other news from Norway on Friday.

Today in Norway: A roundup of the latest news on Friday

Energy prices to be at a similar level to last year

Northern and central Norway will likely get energy prices below 30 øre per kilowatt hour (kWh) for the rest of the summer, followed by prices of 45 øre per kWh for the winter, according to energy analyst Olav Botnen.

“It will be a little cheaper (in the north) than last winter, as expectations are now,” he told Norwegian newswire NTB.

This is because the north and central regions also benefit from wind power, not just energy generated by hydroelectric facilities.

Similar prices to last year are expected in southern Norway.

“In southern Norway, the market expects around 45 øre per kilowatt hour (kWh) for the rest of the summer, August to September. For winter, expectations are around 80 øre per kWh. It is quite similar to what was delivered last winter,” he told NTB.

Analyst Gro Klæboe from Volue Insight said a fall in gas prices could bring down energy costs across the continent, which could have positive knock-on effects for Norway and the other Nordic countries.

Good summer for Norwegian tourism

Norway could be on course for a record summer of tourism in 2024, according to industry organisation NHO Reiseliv.

“The feedback from companies in 2023 was that it was the best turnover many had ever had. 2024 seems to be able to top this,” CEO Kristin Krohn Devold told NTB.

Vestland, Telemark, and Troms had the highest proportion of companies reporting a similar or better summer than last year.

“We see that even though the weather has not always been the best, people around the country are good at finding things inside if it rains. When it is not possible to lie on the beach, people leave money in restaurants and in activity parks,” Devold said.

Chocolate spread recalled

First Price chocolate spread in 400-gram jars has been recalled due to incorrect allergy labelling on the packaging.

The product has been recalled because a certain batch contains small amounts of hazelnuts, and the allergy advice is that the product “may contain traces of nuts.”

“Consumers with an allergy to hazelnuts are asked to throw the product away or return it to the store where it was purchased for a refund,” a press release from the brand’s owner, Norgesgruppen, said.

Record number of university students admitted into first-choice

Of the 126,250 applications submitted to education admissions service Samordna this year, 109,498 have been offered a study place. This is an increase of 4.7 percent from last year.

“Studies are a milestone in the life of the individual, but they are also important for society as a whole. To solve the challenges we face going forward, we need both knowledge and wisdom,” PM Jonas Gahr Støre said of the figures.

A record number of those to be offered a study place, 66,923, have been admitted into their first choice.