Eight of the best hikes in Catalonia

Long-term Catalonia resident and hiking enthusiast Esme Fox shares her tips and knowledge of some of the best routes in the northeastern region, with stunning waterfalls, volcanoes and lakes on the itinerary. 

Eight of the best hikes in Catalonia
The 8 best hikes in Catalonia. Photo: rodolfo7 / Pixabay

Almost every region in Spain offers a great array of hiking routes, but perhaps some of the best and most diverse can be found in the northeastern region of Catalonia, where you have the Pyrenees in the north, the coast to the east and countless natural parks in the interior. 

Camí de Ronda
The longest and most picturesque of all the routes in Catalonia is the Camí de Ronda or Camino de Ronda. It runs all the way along the coast from the border with France down to the border with the Valencia region. Passing through quaint coastal villages, along clifftops and even through tunnels, the route was originally created by smugglers who used to take their loot from one bay to the next. Later, these routes were joined together to form one long one by the civil guard, in order to control and catch the criminals.

The trail runs for a whopping 583km throughout the whole region, but the most spectacular and well-known sections of the hike lie within the Costa Brava, which starts from Blanes and runs all the way up to Portbou on the French border. This part is around 220km long and can be done in 12 stages, taking a total of 12 days. It’s not necessary to do the whole route, however, you could easily take a single stage and make a day trip out of it. It’s best done in early summer before the crowds arrive or in September when it’s still warm enough to swim along the way, but all the holidaymakers have gone home.  

The Camino de Ronda takes you right along the coast. Photo: Esme Fox

Mont-Rebei Gorge
The Congost de Mont-Rebei gorge is one of the most striking in the whole of Catalonia, where incredible aquamarine waters run between dramatic ravines and lofty cliff tops and vultures soar overhead. It’s a popular route and is moderately challenging with several ascents and dips walking along narrow pathways or staircases clinging to the edge of the rock. It’s situated approximately a three-hour drive west of Barcelona on the border with Aragón. You can choose to hike longer or shorter sections of the route, but the main and most popular part is around 12km there and back.

Hike along the sides of a gorge at Mont Rebei. Photo: Ramon Perucho / Pixabay

Ruta dels 7 Gorgs
Near the small village of Campdevánol​​​ in the province of Girona, close to the foothills of the Pyrenees, you’ll find one of the most thrilling hikes on our list – the route of the seven waterfalls. It’s exactly like it sounds, a hiking route between seven different waterfalls. It’s best to go in summer as you can swim in each of the falls, letting the icy water from the Pyrenees cool you down on those hot Spanish days. It’s a circular route of just 10km, with an extra 6km if you’re walking from Campdevánol​​​ train station, but it could end up taking all day if you plan on swimming in each. The route is relatively easy, but there are some tricky steep parts getting down and up again from some of the waterfalls. Because it’s so popular, the number of people allowed in per day is limited and you must pay an eco-tax fee of €5 per person from June to November.

Take a dip in the Campdevánol waterfalls to cool down. Photo: Alberto-g-rovi / WikiCommons

Camí del Vi
Catalonia’s wine route lies within the Penedès, an area known for producing excellent wines and cavas and home to some of the best wineries in the region. It starts in the town of Vilafranca del Penedès, the capital of the wine region and runs for 3.5km, taking around three hours to complete in total, there and back. From the tourist office, you’ll walk through the town and then out into the vineyards themselves. Along the way are eight different stations where you will learn about wine production and the life cycle of the vine, as well as the different varieties of grapes that grow in the area. There are plenty of bodegas (wineries) near by where you can stop for a drink too. 

Hike the wine route in Catalonia. Photo: Esme Fox

Ruta de los 7 Lagos del Circ de Colomers
Between the National Park of Aigüestortes and the Vall d’Aran, just went of Andorra in the high Pyrenees lies the route of the seven lakes. It’s a total of 15km, but there are taxis that can take you from the car park to the beginning of the route and back, taking it down to just 7km. One of the most spectacularly beautiful hiking routes, as the name suggests, it passes seven glassy mountain lakes hemmed in by towering peaks and verdant forests. It’s of medium difficulty level, meaning it’s best if you have a bit of experience with hiking in the mountains.  

This hiking route takes you past seven mountain lakes. Photo: rodolfo7 / Pixabay

Ruta por los volcanes de la Garrotxa
Just north of Girona lies La Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Natural Park, which offers one of the best examples of volcanic landscapes on the Iberian Peninsula, featuring 40 ancient volcanic cones and around 20 old lava flows. One of the best ways to explore it is via the various hiking routes throughout the park. The best is the circular hike from La Fageda d’en Jordà to the Santa Margarida volcano and on to El Croscat volcano, which is 12km and takes just over four hours complete.

Hike through the land of ancient volcanoes in La Garrotxa. Photo: Carquinyol / WikiCommons

Subida al Pedraforca
The most challenging hike on our list is the ascent of Mount Pedraforca, located in the high Pyrenees, just below Andorra. It’s one of Catalonia’s most iconic-looking mountains – resembling a pitchfork with a small dip in between two soaring pointed peaks, one measuring 2444m and the other 2506m. The starting points generally begin at the Mirador de Gersolet viewpoint, but there are several routes to reach the top. It takes between five and seven hours to complete, depending on your experience but is best avoided in winter and early spring from December to April when the snow can make it even more difficult.

Challenge yourself with the ascent of Pedraforca. Photo: Josep Monter Martinez / Pixabay

Ruta de Carros de Foc
Another hike within the mighty National Park of Aigüestortes is the grand Carros de Foc or Chariots of Fire. It’s a circular route of 65km and takes between five to seven days to complete between nine different mountain refuges, where you can stay the night. The route is characterised by high mountains and large granite boulders, as well as several sparkling mountain lakes. You’ll need some experience and stamina to complete this one. 

Hike the Ruta de Carros de Foc. Photo: Ferran Ventura / Unsplash

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Eight cooler places to escape the summer heat in Spain’s Andalusia

Andalusia is one of Spain's hottest regions with July and August temperatures regularly hitting 40C or more, particularly in inland areas. If you're having an Andalusian summer, here are the places where it doesn't get as hot, one for each province.

Eight cooler places to escape the summer heat in Spain's Andalusia

Segura de la Sierra, Jaén

Jaén is one of the toastiest provinces in Andalusia come summer, but thankfully there are a couple of places to get away from the worst of it. Some of the best places to head are surrounded by nature, particularly around natural parks. One of the coolest is Segura de la Sierra, located just north of the Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas Natural Park. The average temperature here is still 35C in August, but there should be plenty of shady spots to cool down. 

Photo: Marcial Salcedo/Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Cabra, Córdoba

The province of Córdoba not only the experiences some of the highest temperatures in Andalusia during summer, but also in the whole of Spain. Córdoba always features on national weather forecasts, with the mercury regularly exceeding 40C and often up to 45C. Located in the Guadalquivir River Basin, inland, away from the coast, means it doesn’t benefit from any cool sea breezes. The trick is to head to spots with a higher altitude such as Cabra, close to the Natural Park of the Sierras Subbéticas. 

Photo: Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 4.0)

READ ALSO – Escape the heat: Eight places in Spain where it doesn’t get too hot in summer

Trevélez, Granada

The village of Trevélez is the highest village not only in Andalusia, but also in the whole of Spain – it’s altitude ensuring that it’s much cooler than the rest of the area. Located in the Alpujarras, close to the Sierra Nevada mountain range, it lies at 1,400 metres above sea level. The average temperatures in July and August is 29C and 28C respectively. It also boasts cool mountain streams and lower breezy night time temperatures too. 

Photo: Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Tolox, Málaga

Located along the coast, Málaga is already one of the coolest provinces in the region, thanks to cool air coming in from the Mediterranean, but it can still feel roasting during the height of August. If you’re looking for cooler temperatures inland, then you can’t beat the town of Tolox, north of Marbella, in the mountains close to National Park of Sierra de las Nieves. Heat levels here hover around 29C in August. 

Photo: Jacqueline Macou/Pixabay

Sierra de Grazalema, Cádiz

Cádiz, like Málaga, also benefits from having a coastline, meaning there are several places to escape near the beaches. Again, if you’re looking somewhere inland, it’s best to head into nature, where the trees and plants keep things a little cooler. The Sierra de Grazalema is a large natural park located west of Ronda, where you won’t suffer as much as other places in the province. Its famous white villages in the mountains are other spots to keep away from the heat. 

(Photo by Jorge Guerrero / AFP)

Cazorla, Jaén

Like Segura de la Sierra, also in Jaén, Cazorla is located near the Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas Natural Park. The Sierra de Castril Natural Park is also within striking distance. It’s location means lots of shady trees, higher altitudes, as well as cooling streams and waterfalls. In fact, it’s very near here where you can find the source of the River Guadalquivir, which runs all the way to and through the city of Seville. 

Photo: Christopher Eden/Unsplash

Aracena, Huelva

Huelva also benefits from a cooler coastline, but also has a few places inland in which to hide out from the scorching summer heat. One of them is the municipality of Aracena, in the westernmost area of ​​Sierra Morena. It has mild summer temperatures averaging 26C, thanks to its location surround by oak and chestnut forests. Cave systems here, as well as waterfalls mean there are extra places that will provide a respite from the sun too. 

Photo: Pablo Rodríguez/Pexels

Cazalla de la Sierra, Seville

Similar to Córdoba, the province of Seville is known for having almost insufferable summer heat, also reaching up to 40C or more. While many try to escape the capital for the more refreshing spots on the coast, another option could be to head up into the mountains to keep cool. Cazalla de la Sierra is a small village situated in the Sierra Morena mountain range, offering lots of shady hiking routes close to water sources, from streams to waterfalls. 

Photo: Rafa Rivero/Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 4.0)
