Thousands protest in Berlin over price rises

Thousands of people demonstrated in Berlin on Saturday calling for food prices to be controlled and for the rich to face higher taxes as Germany faces a cost of living crisis.

Thousands protest in Berlin over price rises
Demonstrators carry a banner reading "Prices down!" during a demonstration titled "Umverteilen!" (Redistribute!) on November 12, 2022 in Berlin. Photo: Tobias SCHWARZ/AFP

Thousands of people demonstrated in Berlin on Saturday calling for food prices to be controlled and for the rich to face higher taxes as Germany faces a cost of living crisis.

Marching behind banners, one of which was emblazoned with the demand “Redistribute!”, the demonstrators marched through the German capital after a call by left-wing organisations to protest against soaring prices and rents.

Both police and organisers said at least 3,000 people took part in the protest which took place to the backdrop of rising inflation caused in part by the war in Ukraine which has hit energy and food supplies. Other banners said the current economic order “puts profits over people’s needs”.

Inflation in Germany is at its highest level in more than 70 years and reached 10.4 percent in October, according to figures released on Friday.

READ ALSO: Who benefits the most from Germany’s inflation relief package?

The price rises are hitting household budgets as well as industry in the eurozone’s largest economy.

The government, which is forecasting a 0.4 percentage point contraction in GDP next year, has sought mitigate surging energy prices, imposing a partial cap on the price of gas and electricity that will come into force in 2023.

Most of the other mitigating measures, including subsidised rail travel, have already ended.

German economic experts on Wednesday proposed raising taxes on higher earners to help households struggling with soaring energy bills, but the suggestion was immediately shot down by the country’s finance minister.

Member comments

  1. Yes, raise taxes on high earners which already approach 50%. Germany has among the highest taxes in the world and as some face higher prices the high wage earner should cover them. Does anyone really think this is a workable solution? You do know high wage earners will just leave right, then what you will ask the low wage earners to cover ? Yes, go ahead with that plan

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Climate activists disrupt flights at Frankfurt airport

Police on Thursday arrested climate activists who glued themselves to the tarmac at Frankfurt airport, Germany's busiest, compelling it to cancel around 170 flights and causing hours of delays for passengers.

Climate activists disrupt flights at Frankfurt airport

Traffic was halted during the busy summer holiday season for two hours before the first of the airport’s landing runways was able to operate again at 0502 GMT, said a spokesman at the airport.

Passengers were advised to check the status of their flights while the airport ramped up its operations again.

Seven of the activists had managed to reach the runway where they glued themselves onto the tarmac, a police spokesman said. The eighth was still trying to get through the perimeter fence when he was detained.

The police operation to clear activists off the airport’s restricted grounds was ongoing, added the spokesman. All eight were arrested.

READ ALSO: Europe warned it must do more to deal with climate crisis

According to climate activist group “Letzte Generation” (Last Generation) which claimed the civil disobedience action, its members had used pincers to cut openings in the wire fence before making their way “by foot, with bicycles and skateboards to different points around the runways”.

A photo circulated by the group depicted a protester sitting on the tarmac with an orange banner “oil kills”.

The group is pushing for a binding international accord that would lead to an end in oil, gas and coal use by 2030.

Transport Minister Volker Wissing condemned the protests Thursday as “criminal” action and demanded tough penalties against the activists.

“The climate activists are apparently seeking to bring about maximum damage. The legislators must react with maximum severity,” he told German media, calling for prison terms of up to five years in jail for those who storm airports.

“Anyone who violently forces their way into airports, occupies runways and blocks airplanes is endangering human lives,” he said.

Concerted action

Thursday’s protest action came a day after similar operations across several European airports.

Activists from Letzte Generation disrupted traffic at Cologne-Bonn airport for several hours on Wednesday by glueing themselves on the tarmac.

Several climate protesters were also arrested at London’s Heathrow airport.

The protest organisers are part of the A22 Network of groups committed to non-violent climate protests, which said it was planning to disrupt airports in several countries in the coming months.

Last Generation activists

Security staff direct people away from the runway next to a cut wire fence where activists went onto the runway. Photo: Daniel Roland / AFP

Protests were planned in Britain, Austria, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Canada, United States and Norway, UK-based activists from the alliance told AFP earlier in July.

Global aviation is responsible for around 2.5 percent of global carbon emissions, more than the annual carbon footprint of Brazil and France combined.

Last Generation is known for mounting eye-catching protests – from throwing mashed potatoes at paintings in museums to glueing themselves on busy roads.

Their tactics, which have proved deeply divisive, have led to some of their members being convicted.

READ ALSO: Why are Last Generation activists in Germany getting prison sentences?

“Instead of seeking tougher sentences, politicians should seriously take the scale of the disaster that they are themselves fuelling,” said Lisa Johnson, spokeswoman of the group.

“Prison sentences won’t shield us from heatwaves, droughts, floods and dramatically rising sea levels,” she warned.

Letzte Generation has said it would hold protests from September 25th against planned government subsidies for Kassel-Calden airport.