German word of the day: Doppel-Wumms

If you're looking for a German expression that packs a punch, look no further than this one.

German word of the day
Photo: Francesco Ungaro / Unsplash + Nicolas Raymond / flickr

Why do I need to know Doppel-Wumms?

Because it’s an expression that’s been splashed all over the German media in recent weeks and is a brilliant illustration of how political slogans and colloquialisms can enter into common parlance.

What does it mean?

To understand the meaning of Doppel-Wumms, it’s worth looking at the meaning of Wumms more generally. The word – which is pronounced like this – is onomatopoeic, which means it sounds like what it signifies.

You can think of Wumms as similar to the English “boom” or “bang”, which describes a loud noise or thud. More figuratively, it can describe a powerful gesture or event that makes a big impact: think of phrases like “going out with a bang” or “giving it some oomph”. To do something “mit Wumms” is to do it energetically and forcefully – with oomph, in other words.

With that in mind, “Doppel-Wumms” can be thought of as something of a double-whammy: it’s a disruptive event or action that is perceived to have double the impact. 

Most recently, it was used by Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) when he announced a whopping €200 billion relief package to support households with the rising cost of living. 

Where does it come from?

Though Wumms is a fairly well-known colloquialism, Doppel-Wumms appears to be have been Scholz’s own invention.

He’s likely to have been riffing on his use of the word Wumms when, as Finance Minister, he announced more than €100 billion of financial support to see the country through the Covid crisis. 

In June 2020, Scholz declared that Germany would come “mit Wumms aus der Krise” (out of the crisis with energy, or oomph). This thrust the word into a fairly new political context: in Scholz’s lexicon, Wumms has become synonymous with a fairly hefty cash injection from the government.

In fact, in Scholzonomics, Wumms can even be seen as a new monetary unit. One Wumms is equivalent to €100 billion, while a Doppel-Wumms equates to €200 billion.

READ ALSO: German word of the day: Abwehrschirm

Use it like this:

Für viele Leute ist der Doppel-Wumms eine Erleichterung in schwierige Zeiten. 

The ‘Double-Whammy’ is a source of relief for many people in difficult times. 

Wird der Doppel-Wumms der Bundesregierung ausreichend sein, um die Energiekrise zu bewältigen? 

Will the government’s ‘Double Whammy’ be enough to solve the energy crisis?

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German phrase of the day: Hau ab!

This spiky German phrase could come in handy when you feel like enjoying your peace and quiet - but be careful not to offend anyone.

German phrase of the day: Hau ab!

Why do I need to know hau ab? 

Because this phrase, which suggests anger or frustration, might help you escape annoying situations, or even worse… annoying people! 

What does it mean? 

If someone comes into the room and starts talking rubbish to you when all you want is some alone time, you might shout (or at least think to yourself): “Hau ab!”

As you can probably gather, hau ab!, which sounds like this, is a rather strong way of urging someone to stop what they’re doing and get out of your way as soon as possible. 

While it might be considered rude (but are there any polite ways to shout to someone to go away?), this German slang term could be translated to “get lost!”, or even “piss off!” in English.

Hau ab is the imperative form of the verb abhauen, which is a colloquial term, meaning to escape or take off quickly. 

The verb hauen alone means to beat or to clobber something, so together with the Latin prefix ab- (meaning off, away from), it would literally translate to beat off in English.

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Other fun and slightly silly English expressions that can help learners grasp the meaning of hau ab are “take a hike!”, “buzz off!” or “hit the road”. 

You might also use hau ab to encourage someone to hurry up. 

Make no mistake, though – this is a slang word and you should only use it when you feel strongly about something or in a colloquial context with your mates. 

Use it like this:

Wenn’s dir nicht gefällt, hau ab!

If you don’t like it, get lost! 

Checkst du nicht, dass ich gerade arbeite? Hau ab! 

Don’t you realise I’m working right now? Beat it!

Hau ab, sie warten! 

Hurry up, they’re waiting!