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10 ways to talk about being drunk in German

Germany is famous for its love of beer and, with Oktoberfest now in full swing, here are some phrases to help you express various levels of inebriation in the German language.

10 ways to talk about being drunk in German
Two men sit in the Isar river in Munich, Bavaria, Germany, in 2015, toasting with beer. Photo: picture alliance / dpa | Andreas Gebert

1. Betrunken sein

The most straightforward way to express alcohol-induced intoxication in German, which will leave no one in any doubt as to your state, is to use the word betrunken meaning “drunk”.


Es ist ihm egal – er ist betrunken!

He doesn’t care – he’s drunk!

2. Saufen

Next up is the most common word for “boozing” in German. Saufen can be used both as a verb and a noun to mean “to get drunk” or “drinking”.


Lass uns einfach weiter saufen!

Let’s just keep drinking!

Ich habe kein Problem mit dem Saufen

I don’t have a drinking problem. 

3. Alkoholisiert sein

This is more of a formal way to talk about being drunk, and is equivalent to the English “to be under the influence of alcohol”. You’ll usually hear authorities and newspaper reports using this phrase to talk about alcohol-related incidents.


Der Fahrer war alkoholisiert

The driver was under the influence of alcohol

Es ist aus Sicherheitsgründen untersagt, vor Spielbeginn alkoholisiert anzukommen.

For safety reasons, it is prohibited to arrive intoxicated before the start of the game.

4. Blau sein

This expression, meaning literally “to be blue” has a pretty disgusting origin story.

In the middle ages, the plant woad was used to create a blue colour for dyes.

Three young men run at the Bierathlon in Hannover in 2013. Photo: picture alliance / dpa | Julian Stratenschulte

As only a small amount of alcohol was needed to speed up the dyeing process, using human urine containing alcohol was supposedly the cheapest way to ferment the dye.

READ ALSO: ‘6 German words I now use in English’

So the dyers drank beer all day and urinated into the vat where the plant was fermenting. Remember that next time you wear your favourite blue t-shirt. 


Er war so blau, dass er seinen Schlüssel nicht in die Tür bekam

He was so drunk that he couldn’t get his key in the door

5. Beschwipst sein

The phrase beschwipst sein is equivalent to the English “to be tipsy” and not yet in the full throws of drunkenness.

READ ALSO: German word of the day: Kneipe

The word was first used in Austria in the 19th century and can be traced back to the verb schwippen, meaning to sway, as it describes a drunk person who finds it increasingly difficult to walk in a straight line.


Ich bin nicht betrunken, nur ein bisschen beschwipst

I’m not drunk – just a little tipsy

6. Zu tief ins Glas schauen

This idiom is most likely a jokey rethink of the idiom tief ins Augen schauen meaning “to look someone too deeply in the eyes” as a way of saying “to fall in love with someone”.

This phrase for drunkenness has been in use in the German language since around 1700 and has even made appearances in many literary works, including those of Goethe.  


Du solltest nicht zu tief ins Glas schauen, sonst musst du dir ein Taxi nehmen

You’d better not get too drunk, or you’ll have to take a taxi

Immer mehr Rentner schauen oft zu tief ins Glas

More and more pensioners get drunk often

 7. voll wie ein Eimer sein

This expression, meaning “to be as full as a bucket” is just one of a multitude of German expressions that include the word voll (“full”) to express drunkenness.

Grapes being carried in buckets to the transport vehicle on a vineyard in Bavaria. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Heiko Becker

There are numerous phrases that start with voll wie (“as drunk as”) and end in something heavy, such as Granate (grenade), Schwein (pig), Kanone (canon), and even voll wie ein tausend Russen (“full as a thousand Russians”). Why not try making up your own variation?

8. Einen im Tee haben

This idiom is believed to have originated in northern Germany, where a drop of rum was often added to tea on cold winter days for a warm comforting feeling and to protect against the cold – especially by sailors. After one or two, of course, you would be drunk, or at least a little tipsy.

Black tea is poured during a tea ceremony at the Bünting Tea Museum. Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Sina Schuldt


Er hatte ganz schön einen im Tee

He’s pretty wasted

9. einen sitzen haben

This phrase is a shortened version of the older einen Affen sitzen haben meaning “to have a monkey sitting” which was used to express a heightened state of inebriation. 

READ ALSO: 7 ways to talk about money like a German

The origin of the phrase is disputed, but most believe it is to do with the fact that fools and jesters would often carry a monkey on their shoulder.


Ich hatte gestern so richtig einen sitzen

I was so drunk yesterday

10. Kater

Although Kater is also the name for a male cat, this is the German term for “hangover” that you will inevitably need to use after consuming too much alcohol.

It’s widely believed that the origin of this word comes from the medical term “Katarrh”, an inflammation of the mucous membrane, which leads to symptoms such as cough, cold, malaise and headache – similar to those of a hangover.

A visitor to Oktoberfest lies heavily drunk on a meadow in 2017. Photo: picture alliance / Tobias Hase/dpa | Tobias Hase


Ich hatte am Sonntag einen schrecklichen Kater

I had such a terrible hangover on Sunday

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‘Remigration’ named Germany’s ugliest word of the year

Every year in January a jury of linguists picks the 'Un-word' of the year, or a discriminatory term which does a disservice to the German language.

'Remigration' named Germany's ugliest word of the year

The selection of this year’s ‘Unwort’ was announced Monday in Marburg by a jury of linguists. And the top sport went to ‘remigration’.

“For right-wing parties and other far-right groups in the Identitarian movement, the word has become a euphemism for the demand for forced expulsion and even mass deportations of people with a migration background,” said the jury, explaining its decision. 

READ ALSO: German word of the day: Unwort

They criticised the use of the word because it has been used in the past year as a “right-wing fighting term, euphemism and an expression that obscures the actual intentions”.

According to the jury, terms and phrases that violate the principles of human dignity or democracy, discriminate against social groups or are euphemistic, obfuscatory or misleading are eligible for the “Un-word of the Year” award. 

For 2022, the “Klimaterroristen”, or “climate terrorists”, was selection, while 2021’s ugliest word was “Corona-Diktator”.

How was the Un-word chosen?

With its selection, the jury, the majority of whom are linguists, are casting attention on a recent controversy. 

Last Wednesday, the media organisation Correctiv published research findings on a meeting in a Potsdam villa in November, which was also attended by individual AfD officials as well as a few members of the centre-right CDU and the arch-conservative Werteunion.

The former head of the far-right Identitarian movement in Austria, Martin Sellner, confirmed to DPA that he had spoken there about “remigration”.

READ ALSO: Germany’s far-right AfD denies plan to expel ‘non-assimilated foreigners’

When right-wing extremists use the term “remigration”, they usually mean that a large number of people of foreign origin should leave the country.

The Identitarian movement subscribes to the “great replacement” conspiracy theory claiming a plot by non-white migrants to replace Europe’s “native” white population, something that the nationalist extremists want to stop.

But linguist and jury spokesperson Constanze Spieß reported in December that “remigration” was among the entries for the “Unwort” shortlist – even before the current controversy.

What were the runner-up words?

The jury placed the term “Sozialklimbim” in second place:  the word degrades a group of people with low incomes and assets and stigmatises those who are affected by poverty or at risk of poverty.

Third place went to the term (“Heizungs-Stasi”) “heating Stasi”. The jury criticised the term, used in reference to German politicians who wanted to implement the costly Building Energy Act, as “populist propaganda against climate protection measures”.

READ ALSO: Far-right AfD at new high as climate issues split Germany

The ugliest word of the year was selected based on suggestions submitted by people around Germany on December 31st, 2023.

There were a total of 2,301 submissions this time, which was significantly more than in the previous year. They contained 710 different terms, of which just under 110 met the jury’s criteria.